NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Inviting Applications for Organizational Capacity Enhancement Program

Dear Colleagues,

Greetings from FMSF!

Financial Management Service Foundation (FMSF) in association with Oracle India is pleased to announce the Capacity Building Program for NGO's entitled "Scalable & Replicable Model of Accountability".  For further details on FMSF, please visit our website

This program provides a unique opportunity for the NGO's to develop their Governance and Financial Management system. It is a one year program, wherein every organization selected will undergo two workshops focusing at "Strategic Management level" and"Operational Management level" in the areas of Governance, Financial Management and Legal Compliances. This will be followed by mentoring and guiding support which will span over a 6 months period. At the end, every organization who will successfully complete the program will be accredited by FMSF and Oracle India for a period of one year.

This program is being conducted with the generous support of Oracle India and therefore the participating NGO's do not have to make any financial contribution/fees for enrolling in the program.

Learning Objectives:

The programme aims to create centers of excellence by infusing concepts, tools and techniques that will lead to development of robust systems and processes and take the organization towards higher echelon of accountability standards. The other immediate benefits envisaged are:

·  Compliant to legal regulations

·  Professionalization of financial management practices

·  Higher visibility in the sector

·  Attract potential foreign and national funding

·  One year Accreditation by FMSF and Oracle India.

Eligibility Criteria:

This program is targeted towards small and medium scale voluntary organizations who have limited access to funding, technology and professional expertise. The bifurcation of small and medium scale organizations will be done on the basis of annual turnover .i.e.:

·  Small organization- 50 lakhs to 1 crore rupees

·  Medium organization -1 crore to 5 crore rupees

The applying organizations should have:

·  Incorporation certificate

·  12A registration certificate

·  Valid FCRA registration certificate (if any)

·  Organization operational since last 5 years etc.

Program Outreach:

In the pilot phase, 30 NGO's each in small and medium category will be selected from the following states:

·  New Delhi

·  Rajasthan

·  Uttar Pradesh

·  Uttarakhand

Selection Process:

NGO's who come from the above mentioned states which fulfill the above mentioned eligibility criteria are requested to fill in the "Online Application" in the link given below:

·     The last date of registration is 30th June 2017.

The shortlisted organizations will be sent a confirmation mail of their selection by first week of July 2017. Further, process will be communicated accordingly to selected organizations.Incase of any further clarification or information required, please write to Ms. Akrita Bharos, Capacity Building Coordinator at

with regards

Dr. Sanjay Patra
Executive Director