NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Funding Announcement

Organization: John D & Catherine T MacArthur Foundation
Deadline: See Website
Interest Area(s): Children & Young People, Community, Conservation, Environment,
Health and Human Rights

The Foundation's population and reproductive health grant making seeks to reduce maternal death and illness and to advance the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people, with a special focus on Mexico, Nigeria and India, where the Foundation has offices. The Foundation's goals in the area of international peace and security grant making are to prevent nuclear terrorism and strengthen stability in the Asia-Pacific region. MacArthur's conservation grant making aims to preserve ecosystems and species and to promote development that respects the environment. The geographical focus of this initiative is on three regions: the Great Lakes of East Central Africa, the Greater Mekong and its headwaters, and the watersheds of the Andes. The MacArthur Foundation considers funding only those applications that closely match the topical, geographic, and funding criteria for a specific grant making strategy. You should closely study their website before submitting an application.

Read More:
Link to Website :

Funding announcement

Organization: NetHope
Deadline: 2nd Jun 2014
Interest Area(s): Community, Education, Environment, Health, Human Rights,
NGO Capacity Bldg and Social & Human Services

NetHope and Visa are pleased to announce a second series of Visa Innovation Grants for development and non-profit organizations seeking to adopt or expand the use of electronic payments in their programs and operations. In 2013, NetHope and Visa launched the Visa Innovation Grants and awarded five grants to non-profit humanitarian and development organizations to support their innovation, implementation and adoption of electronic transfers and payments within their programs and organizations. In this second round of Visa Innovation Grants, Visa and NetHope will continue to seek to encourage and support the innovative use of electronic payments by development and non-profit organizations with a particular interest in proposals from certain geographical areas and sectors that demonstrate the ability to scale use of electronic payments. Specifically, they strongly encourage submission of proposals for projects in Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Mexico and East Africa. In addition, projects applying innovative use of e-payments in the sectors of Agriculture, Health, Education, Emergency Relief, Community-based Savings/Lending and Microfinance are encouraged.

Read More:

Link to Website:

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Call for Applications

Coordinator – Accounts (CA-O)

Indo-Global Social Service Society
Location: Ganjam, Odisha
Joining: Immediate Requirement
Number of vacancies: 1

Indo-Global Social Service Society, established in 1961, is a National Development Organization having presence in many states of India and works on the theme of “Empowerment” in the following core areas: Sustainable Livelihood, Youth development, Urban Poverty, Gender, Developing a cadre of leaders and Disaster Risk Reduction.

IGSSS invites applications for the full time position of Coordinator-Accounts for our Field Office in Ganjam, Odisha.

Job Details

Ensuring smooth accounting system in the field offices as well as project office.

Sourcing vendors and ensuring implementation of purchase policy.

Timely submission of fund request and financial report to Regional office.

Undertake field visits to project villages and field offices for ensuring standard accounting systems in place.

Core competencies required

The incumbents should have very good knowledge in accounts and procurement.

Knowledge about various financial statutory requirements.

Computer knowledge especially in Tally and Excel.

Qualification & Experience Required

B.Com with 3-4 years working experience in an NGO.

Women Candidates are encouraged to apply.

The above position is on fixed term contract.

Applicants may e mail their CV with a photograph along with a cover letter stating the current CTO (Cost To the Organization) and expected CTO to and mentioning the job code in the subject line.

Please note that phone calls with regard to the applications will not be entertained.

Only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted.

For more information’s please visit:

Call for Applications

Project Coordinator-Ganjam and Puri (PC-O)

Indo-Global Social Service Society

Location: Ganjam and Puri, Odisha

Joining: Immediate requirement

Number of vacancies: 1

Indo-Global Social Service Society, established in 1961, is a National Development Organization having presence in many states of India and works on the theme of “Empowerment” in the following core areas: Sustainable Livelihood, Youth development, Urban Poverty, Gender, Developing a cadre of leaders and Disaster Risk Reduction.

IGSSS invites applications for the full time position of Project Coordinator for our Field Office in Ganjam and Puri, Odisha.

Key Responsibilities:

Project management

Develop detailed implementation plan and strategy for project.

Coordination and implementation of planned activities.

Result tracking as per LFA and develop monthly activities plan for the project.

Budget analysis and fund flow tracking of the project.

Networking and advocacy

Networking and advocacy with other NGOs, local networks, PRI, government departments, etc. in the target area.

Represent IGSSS in district and block level and as deputed by organization.

Reporting and documentation

Drafting and compilation of progress report.

Documentation of case stories from the field.
Drafting of annual and completion report.

Send internal monthly fund request through line manager.

Monitoring and supervising of field staffs.

Core competencies required

Awareness of development issues, particularly in the area of Disaster Risk Reduction.
Experience in project management cycle.

Must possess leadership skills.

Candidates must have good documentation skill in English.

Candidates with the ability to understand and speak Assamese will be preferred.

Willingness to travel is a must.
Qualifications and experience

Post graduate in the field of Development preferably in Social Sciences.

3-4 years of experience in Project Management.

Women Candidates are encouraged to apply.

The above position is on fixed term contract.

Applicants may e mail their CV with a photograph along with a cover letter stating the current CTO (Cost To the Organization) and expected CTO to and mentioning the job code in the subject line.

Please note that phone calls with regard to the applications will not be entertained.

Only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted.

For more information’s please visit:

Call for Applications

Community Mobilizer,Ganjam and Puri (CM-O)

No. of positions: 2
Joining: Immediate requirement
Place of posting: 1 in Ganjam and 1 in Puri

Indo-Global Social Service Society, established in 1961, is a National Development Organization having presence in many states of India and works on the theme of “Empowerment” in the following core areas: Sustainable Livelihood, Youth development, Urban Poverty, Gender, Developing a cadre of leaders and Disaster Risk Reduction.

Job Responsibility:
Execution and monitoring of field level activities.

Mobilizing, Organizing and coordinating of target village community.

Field based data collection and compilation.

Field assessment and recommendation for selection of beneficiaries.

Network and liaison with govt. department, other agencies, village authorities, local leaders, etc.

Any other task assigned by the Supervisor.

Qualifications and experience:

Class 10th pass with basic experience of working in the NGO sector.

Women Candidates are encouraged to apply.

The above position is on fixed term contract.

Applicants may e mail their CV stating the current CTO (Cost To the Organization) and expected CTO to and

Please note that only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted.

For more information’s please visit:

Monday, May 26, 2014

Mysterious' NGOs Under MHA Radar

By Yatish Yadav

Published: 25th May 2014 06:00 AM

Last Updated: 25th May 2014 08:29 AM

NEW DELHI: The good times may be over for non-governmental organisations (NGOs) operating in ‘mysterious’ sectors like participatory democracy, advocacy, action research, innovative communication, inclusiveness etc.

Sources said Foreigners Division under the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), is tightening the noose around such NGOs and a wide ranging reform is on the top of its agenda.

“Activities of NGOs organising workshops on the regulatory frameworks, developing communication strategies, people participations, policy analysis etc are being screened. These activities remain in the domain of speculation unlike welfare work visible on the ground,” sources said, adding that some NGOs also came under the scanner for their direct and indirect involvement in the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections.

There are over 20 lakh NGOs registered under the Societies Registration Act. Of these, 43,527 NGOs are registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) to receive foreign grants.

A latest intelligence report accessed by Express states that “foreign funding is used to influence public opinion, raising hype over labour and human rights issues and promoting alienation in J&K and North-eastern states.”

“Some NGOs involved in conversion activities are actually getting money for distributing fellowships. They are actively promoting caste and religious divide,” claims the intelligence input.

In 2011-12 (latest MHA figure), Rs 539 crore was received as foreign funding by the NGOs for research work and over Rs 2,000 crore was wired in the country for the fields which are not even mentioned under 55 categories of social and cultural welfare work listed to get the FCRA licence.

An MHA annual report says that the highest amount of foreign contribution (Rs 2,253.61 crore) was received and utilised for “activities other than those mentioned in the category list.” Rs 148.96 crore was received for seminars, workshops and meetings while Rs 122 crore was moved for maintenance of religious preachers.

According to an official, the government is looking at amendments in the existing laws to ensure that suspicious funding patterns are checked.

In fact, the MHA in 2012 had moved a proposal to keep a check on the subsidiary avatars of foreign NGOs suspected to be involved in money-laundering.

“The proposal got stuck due to lackadaisical attitude of two other ministries – finance and corporate affairs – involved in the process. We did not get any response even after more than a year. We had clearly told them that subsidiary route would be the easiest way for the NGOs to pump in money to be used by foreign intelligence agencies or terrorist organisations and it should have been taken a little more seriously,” an official said.

Sources said with a hawkish Prime Minister, the functioning of these NGOs and the FCRA will be further reviewed.

Over 21,000 NGOs registered under the FCRA openly flouted the norms and did not file their annual returns for 2011-12.

The ministry had earlier observed that the NGO sector in India was vulnerable to the risks of money laundering and terror financing, and details of accounts with returns were important to ensure that foreign funding was not misused or diverted for any activity which could be detrimental to the national interest.

India is also facing threat from suspicious Chinese NGOs operating in Nepal bordering Indian villages.

According to a latest intelligence input, the central agencies are closely monitoring 28 such Chinese non governmental organisations that have recently come up in the neighbouring country and are suspected to be targeting Indian interests.

“If Chinese have managed a foothold in the area, presence of Pakistan’s ISI cannot be ruled out,” cautioned a senior officer.


Update us

Though we try and keep a record of all the latest updates of your interest but at times may skip some important ones. If you know any opportunities of funds, awards, Training and event information’s for Indian NGOs which are not listed on our website, please share.

You can fill in the form below and we will acknowledge your feedback:

Information you wish to share:

Your Name:

Your phone no:

Your e-mail:

Kindly send the information’s to

Thanking you

The Brooke India Small Initiatives Fund Project 2014-15

The Brooke India invites Expression of Interest for Small Initiatives Fund Project
Credible Indian Non-Government Organizations having FCRA registration are invited to apply for implementation of Small Initiatives Fund (SIF) Project. Duly completed applications should be sent to by 31 May 2014.
Introduction: The Brooke India aims to relieve immediate pain and suffering and improve substantially the health and welfare of working horses, donkeys and mules in areas where there is proven need, and to work with the communities who depend on those animals, so that they can properly care for them and sustain the improvements the Brooke India brings about.

The purpose of the Small Initiatives Fund is to have small scale interventions in areas where the equine numbers and densities are unlikely to justify a full unit or a long term intervention but where pockets of significant need exist and can be helped. SIF provides a means by which the Brooke India can offer a limited level of financial support to organizations which are working to improve the welfare of the working equines in the most needy parts of the country or have opportunity to test innovative approach, but lack of scale due to low density or equine numbers required for full-fledged intervention; hence do not qualify to receive a more substantial level of intervention from the Brooke India. Developing a category of such partnerships through a small initiatives fund helps the Brooke India to improve working equine welfare beyond its direct operations and partnerships, without placing significant demands on the capacity of the Brooke India. There may be the possibility of developing some of the partnerships in to more substantial projects in the longer term.

Purpose: The aim of the Small initiatives fund is to support small, practical initiatives that (i) assist in the improvement of the welfare of the working horses, donkeys and mules in areas where there is proven need, (ii) work with the communities who depend on those working animals and (iii) support learning by generating lessons learned based on the experiences within these initiatives.
Criteria: Who is eligible to apply for funds?
Small Initiatives Fund - Criteria
Activities: Others
The Brooke India Small Initiatives Fund Project
The criteria for proposals are:
• The applicant must be a legally registered organization with clear financial processes.
Individuals are not eligible to apply. No payment of approved funds for an organization will be made to the accounts of individuals.
• There should be a clear need for project’s outputs for potential beneficiaries, i.e. clear
justification for the proposed project.
• Project’s outcomes must be tangible and support practical solution(s) for working equine
welfare development challenges.
• The proposed activities should be linked to existing development activities where possible and not stand totally in isolation of the other work of the organization. The applicant will sign a contract agreement with the Brooke India and comply with all reporting and monitoring requirements.
The application form is included as Annexure – 1. In addition to this, applicants will also receive the following documents:
• The Brooke aims and objectives
• The Brooke Ethical Framework
• The Brooke Animal Welfare Policy
What types of projects will not be eligible for funding?
• Proposals which are not in line with the above three documents – Brooke aims, objectives and animal welfare standards.
• Organizations who have received funding once under SIF for a project in particular area,
however if they have something really innovative it may considered by the Brooke India SIF
• Applications for grants to purchase larger capital items (for e.g. motor vehicles etc.) will not be accepted. Smaller capital items may be considered but the Brooke India may request evidence from an applicant to verify that the application does not replace the funding for an existing project.

Please visit the link for the project at:

Applications guidelines at:

The Odisha Lokayukta Bill 2014

Join the 2014 Summit on Social Media and Online Giving in Delhi

Dear friends of SAFRG,

We’re excited to invite you to the 2014 Summit on Social Media & Online Giving, presented by GlobalGiving and Social Media for Nonprofits.

GlobalGiving is a unique online fundraising platform that connects non-profit organizations with a vast network of individual donors and corporate partners around the world. Join us for GlobalGiving’s first two-day, in-person event designed to equip organizations with knowledge, skills and resources to engage supporters and raise funds online.

Through panel discussions and hands-on workshops, the 2014 Summit on Social Media & Online Giving will bring together fundraising practitioners from India and South Asia to learn how nonprofit organizations are using online tools and social media to tackle their funding needs and further their causes online.

For a limited time, we are reserving discounted registrations for our friends and allies at SAFRG. Use coupon code SAFRG and receive a 33% discount on your registration!

Visit for more details and registration.

Date and Duration of the programme: 1st and 2nd July from 9am to 5pm each day



Habitat World, at IHC,

Lodhi Road

New Delhi-110003

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Project Inspire 2014

Singapore Committee for UN Women are looking to partner with universities, schools and various organisations in line with our goal of promoting gender equality through economic empowerment. One of our main focuses this year is Project Inspire: 5 Minutes to Change the World. :

Singapore Committee for UN Women and MasterCard have co-organized Project Inspire, where we invite change-makers around the world between 18 to 35 years old, to submit impactful ideas to empower disadvantaged women and girls in Asia/Pacific, Middle East or Africa with business and livelihood skills. The prize is a US$25,000 grant for the winning idea.

I have attached a fact sheet to this email with more details and highlights of the competition since its launch in 2011.

If you have an idea that could change the world for women and/or girls, we want to hear from you! All you have to do is apply online here.

With only 6 weeks left until we close submissions, we would also greatly appreciate it if you are able to share this with your network. The submission deadline is the 30th of June.

Please feel free to contact me with any queries.

Thank you in advance,


Project Inspire Team Leader

Singapore Committee for UN Women




Twitter: @Proj_Inspire

Google +: +Projinspire

From TDS to Service Tax

Some NGOs conduct research studies, help in group formation or provide various other development support to Government Departments or donor agencies. CSR work is also an emerging category.

The payment is mostly treated as grant or donation by the NGO. However, in some cases, the donor agency or Government deducts tax at source. This might be done u/s 194C (1%) or 194J (10%). Though NGOs don’t like this, they often have to accept it. In any case, they can later claim a refund of the tax amount.

But now there is a new problem. The Income Tax Department is providing a list of such cases to Service Tax officers. They scrutinise the TDS amount u/s 194J. If it is high (say Rs. 1 lakh), then they check whether the NGO is registered under service tax. If not, they will pay a visit and issue a demand note.

So if you are one of these NGOs, be prepared for a visit from the Service Tax Department!


1. Sec. 194(J) of Income Tax Act, 1961


Thursday, May 15, 2014



Do Good

AccountAid Workshop 2014: CSR & Grant- Making

Accountaid Workshop on

Legal and Financial Risk Management

in CSR and Grant-making (2014)

We are pleased to announce the details of AccountAid’s annual workshop on Legal and Financial Risk Management (FRM) in CSR and Grant-making. Similar workshops have been held a number of times since 1999. This year’s workshop is being organized at Delhi in collaboration with CRY – Child Rights & You.

Design & contents: The workshop is meant to help grant-makers and CSR managers understand how to collaborate effectively and safely with NGOs. It is designed as a series of interactive presentations, followed by group discussion and exercises. The key facilitator will be Sh. Sanjay Agarwal, FCA.


· CSR and NGO Collaboration

· FCRA in CSR and grant-making

· Service Tax & Income Tax implications

· Grant Budgeting and Reporting

· Financial Monitoring

Participants: People working full-time in grant-making agencies, Foundations or Corporate CSR Departments are likely to find this workshop useful.

Dates: The workshop is scheduled for 20-22 August 2014 in Delhi. The workshop timings are 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. each day.

Venue: In Chhattarpur, New Delhi (details to be advised on registration)



Normal Price

Early Bird Price




Residential – twin-sharing



Residential – single occupancy



The above amount includes fees, course-material, lunch and service tax. Non-residential participants need to make their own arrangements for travel and stay and bear the related expenses.

For residential participants, all meals and stay at the venue is also included in the course fees.

Registration: Participation is limited to about 30 persons for better interaction. Registration is offered on first come, first served basis and will close by 10th August 2014.

Early bird price is valid only if the registration amount is received by 30th June 2014.

Please send the following details of the participants, along with the payment on your organization’s letterhead or using your official email-id:



Organisation’s name:

Postal Address:


Office landline no.:

Mobile no:

Payment: By account payee cheque or draft favoring ‘AccountAid India, New Delhi’. NEFT details are available on request.

Cancellation & refunds:

Date of cancellation

Amount of refund

Upto 10th August ‘14


10th Aug – 15th Aug’14


16th Aug ’14 or later


All refunds are made by account payee cheque / draft / NEFT.

Contact Numbers: In case you need any information, you may contact Soumya at or on the office numbers given below.

AccountAid India

55-B, Pkt. C, Siddharth Extension, New Delhi – 110 014

Tel: 011-2634 3128 Tel/Fax: 2634 3852



AccountAid Capsule 380: Delving Deeply into Donations

Over the last few years, the Income Tax Department has tightened control over donations. Tax on anonymous donations (sec. 115BBC) is one example. Ensuring compliance with modified definition of charitable purpose is another reason.

The Assessing Officers have now started asking NGOs to provide full details of all the larger donations. This may include related correspondence, remittance details, PAN, purpose of the donation, etc. Documents generated by the NGO itself are not good enough – the Department wants to see what the donor has said.

The idea is to find out whether any of these donations are anonymous in reality. This exercise also helps the AO figure out whether any of the receipts are really service payments / fees, which have been disguised as donation or grant to avoid problems under sec. 2(15).



Wednesday, May 14, 2014


The Vitamin Angels invites local NGOs to become International Field Partners for Vitamin A Supplement and Multivitamins

Deadline: 1 December 2015

The Vitamin Angels is inviting locally registered non-governmental organizations in the developing countries, working with children under the age of 5 (five) and mothers, to become its international partner for the supplement of Vitamin A and multivitamins.

Vitamin Angels that works with over 325 local NGOs and development organizations helps at-risk populations in need- specifically pregnant women, new mothers, and children under five- gain access to lifesaving and life changing vitamins and minerals.

Through this partnership program, the Vitamin Angels’ targets to distribute vitamin A and multivitamins to 40 million at-risk children and mothers in over 40 countries.

Applications can be made for

1. 100,000 IU vitamin A for infants 6-11 months

2. 200,000 IU vitamin A for children 12-59 months

3. Albendazole (limited availability; donated with vitamin A only)

4. Multivitamins for children 6-59 months

5. Multivitamins for pregnant and lactating women

Eligibility Criteria

§ Applicants must be locally registered non-profit organizations (non-governmental organization, clinic etc) providing permanent in-country facility with local professional staff.

§ Applicants must be able to serve a minimum of 1,000 children under 5 and/or 100 women with micronutrients.

§ Applicants must be able to legally transport all donated product into the project country and clear customs appropriately without assistance from VA. NGOs that do not have a US based presence must be able to accept delivery of an international shipment and clear customs appropriately without assistance from VA.

§ Applicants must have the capacity to and plan to provide micronutrients to the same project areas for at least 3 years.

§ Applicants must commit to agree to the terms and conditions listed in the grantee application.

§ The targeted beneficiaries must be situated within selected countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America / Caribbean that have been identified by the WHO or UNICEF as vitamin A deficient priority countries (i.e. experience moderate to severe VAD).

§ Target beneficiaries must be between 6-59 months of age, and/or pregnant or lactating women.

§ Target beneficiaries must be underserved with respect to access to essential micro-nutrients, generally meaning they meet one of the following criteria-

1. Reside in a rural area without any immediate access to facility-based health care services.

2. Reside in a rural area but may obtain routine health services through outreach or community-based services.

3. Reside in an urban area without access to facility-based health care services.

4. Reside in an urban area, have access to facility-based health care services, but the health service system does not have immediate access to essential micro-nutrients.

For more information, please visit Become Field Partner:

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Young Social Innovators Conclave

Call for Applications - NED Grants

Each year the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) makes direct grants to hundreds of nongovernmental organizations worldwide working to advance democratic goals and strengthen democratic institutions.

In 2012, NED funded about 1236 projects in 92 countries around the world. Grant amounts vary depending on the size and scope of the projects, but the average grant lasts 12 months and is around $50,000.

Who NED Funds

NED funds only nongovernmental organizations, which may include civic organizations, associations, independent media, and other similar organizations.

NED encourages applications from organizations working in diverse environments including newly established democracies, semi-authoritarian countries, highly repressive societies and countries undergoing democratic transitions.

NED does not make grants to individuals, governmental bodies, or state-supported institutions such as public universities.

For more information’s please visit:

Apply for UN Economic and Social Council Consultative

The NGO Branch of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs invites all NGOs to apply for Economic and Social council consultative (ECOSOC) status that enables organizations to have an opportunity to take part in UN deliberations.

This unique opportunity enables NGOs to exchange knowledge and get access to the ongoing work of ECOSOC, to its many subsidiary bodies, to the various human rights mechanisms of the United Nations, ad-hoc processes on small arms, as well as special events organized by the President of the General Assembly.

Applications are received throughout the year but the ones received before 1 June 2014 will be considered in 2015.

How to Apply for Consultative Status please visit:

FCRA Power Point Presentation

Ministry of Home Affairs has been conducting one day Outreach Seminars in various States to sensitize the stakeholders to the provisions of Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 (FCRA) and Foreign Contribution (Regulations) Rules, 2011 (FCRR).

The representatives from various associations have been requesting to make available copy of the Power Point Presentation made during the Outreach Seminars.

To receive this Power Point Presentation on FCRA please visit the link:

For other FCRA related information’s please visit: or


Monday, May 12, 2014

Grants of Paul Hamlyn Foundation

The Peter F. Drucker Award of $100,000 for Non-profit Innovation

India declared Polio-free by the WHO

Project Proposal invited under "Nai Roshni" for 2014-15

Government of India, Ministry of Minority Affairs
Project Proposal invited under "Nai Roshni" for 2014-15
The Scheme of Leadership Development of Minority Women

Important Instructions:
1. Application form should be completely filled and duly signed by President/Secretary of the organization.
2. The Index and page numbering should be properly done by the organization. Without Indexing and Page numbering the proposal will not be examined.
3. Information for Mandatory criteria should be given clearly and specifically. The weightage for each mandatory criteria is available on Ministry's website  
4. It is mandatory to give complete information in the format. Incomplete forms will be rejected without notice. No supplementary document will be entertained after the submission of proposal.
5. The organizations shall submit their Application forms to respective District Collectors/District Magistrates/Deputy Commissioners through their District Minority Welfare Officer/Social Welfare Officer etc.
6. District Collectors/District Magistrates/Deputy Commissioners after verifying the credentials of organization, shall sent it directly to:

The Director (RM&L)
Ministry of Minority Affairs
11th Floor, Paryavaran Bhawan
CGO Complex, Lodi Road
New Delhi-110003.

7. States/UTs may design their own procedures for verification of credentials of organizations and their monitoring.
8. The last date of submission of completed Application Forms to reach to Government of India from District collectors/ District Magistrates is 16th May, 2014.
For further details NGOs can visit the ministry’s website or they can approach Director, CAVE for any assistance in finalizing proposals.

Skill Development Training in Retailer ship Pursuant to the launch of National Skill Certification and Monetary Reward Scheme of the Central Government

Skill Development Training in Retailer ship Pursuant to the launch of National Skill Certification and
Monetary Reward Scheme of the Central Government some sectors have been identified for training of interested youths, which include:
1. Agriculture
2. Automotive Goods
3. Business Correspondents and Facilitators
4. Capital Goods, Construction
5. Electronics, Gem and Jewelry
6. Healthcare
7. Plumbing
8. Information Technology
9. Leather Goods
10. Media and Entertainment
11. Retailing
12. Rubber
13. Security Knowledge
14. Telecommunication

The National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) has targeted to develop employable skills among 15 crore youth by 2022. Therefore, provisions will be made in the five year plans and annual budgets of the government for achieving the target.
As the government is bearing all the expenses of the training, organizations having set ups for training in any of the above trades can participate in this national goal.
Generally speaking, on each youth the NSDC will pay Rs 6000. Out of this amount Rs 2000 will go to the trainee youth and the rest to the NGO / School / Training Centre for meeting out the expenses. The payment will be made directly in the respective bank accounts of the trainee and training providers on each successful participant. And, Certificates will be generated online.
NGO, Schools and Training Centres working in different parts of the country can join the scheme by providing training facilities to high school passed youths in any one or more of the identified trades.
Minimum trainees per batch will be 30.

Interested organizations can avail consultancy of Centre for Advancement of Voluntary Efforts for formalities, documentation and initiation.


We are inviting applications from young innovators across India working on a range of focus areas for the Young Social Innovators Conclave!
For more information and to apply, visit:
Last date: 31st May, 2014

Moresha Benjamin

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


India USAID-New Delhi — Agency for International Development

Source at:

The United States Agency for International Development Mission India (USAID/India) is inviting Concept Papers from local organizations registered in India to apply for Health Systems Strengthening, Quality Improvement, and RMNCH+A Scale-Up projects.

Organizations are invited to identify and suggest ways to catalyze, facilitate, and support interventions, development solutions, innovations, and partnerships to support improvements in the health of vulnerable populations in India. Selected concept papers will be invited to submit full proposals.

The major objective of the call is to improve specific critical elements of the health system to increase access to and quality of priority reproductive, maternal, new-born and child health (RMNCH) services at scale to respond to – the Government of India’s Call for Action Child Survival and Development to accelerate child survival and development; and USAID’s global goals to end preventable maternal and child deaths. Targeted population includes the vulnerable, marginalized, and underserved populations spread across rural areas, urban slums, and tribal pockets.

Program Areas –

1. Human Resources for Health – up to $12 million for a period of 4 years.

2. Health Care Financing – up to $8 million for a period of 4 years.

3. Engaging the Private Sector in Reproductive, Maternal, New-born, Child, and Reproductive Health (RMNCH+A) Care – up to $5 million for a period of 4 years.

4. Quality Data for Decision Making – up to $9 million for a period of 4 years.

5. Scaling Up Interventions in Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child, and Adolescent Health – in between $10 million to $25 million for a period of 4 years. Geographic priorities include – National level and specifically at least 30 priority districts in selected states.

6. Increased quality of RMNCH+A and tuberculosis services – up to $15 million for a period of 4 years.

Eligibility Criteria –

o Organizations registered in India, including non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, faith-based groups, labor unions, universities or institutes, para-statal organizations, consulting firms, research institutions, or for-profit organizations are eligible to submit the concept paper.

o Applicant must be organized under the law, with its principal place of activity/business in India and be majority owned by Indian citizens or lawful permanent residents of India, or be managed by a governing body majority owned by Indian citizens or lawful permanent residents of India.

o Applicant must not be controlled by a foreign entity or by an individual or individuals who are not citizens or permanent residents of India.

o Applicant must have at least 3 years of experience implementing similar types of programs.

o Applicant must demonstrate the institutional/management capacity to manage donor funds.

o Applicant must have in place monitoring and evaluation systems.

o Applicant must demonstrate linkages to local networks.

o An international sub-partner may be proposed for technical assistance for a minimal period of time.

Deadline: 26 June 2014

For more information, please visit and search for funding opportunity number APS-386-13-000006. Click Full Announcement and download relevant documents.



For further questions please contact :

Vandana Shali Vats, Acquisition & Assistance Specialist, USAID/India C/o American Embassy, Shantipath, Chanakya Puri, India. E-mail should be sent to e-mail address: with a copy to , Phone +91 11 24198568

Monday, May 5, 2014

Call for Applications for Projects to Improve the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Young People in Asia, Africa, and/or the Caribbean April 2014

Advocates for Youth (Advocates) is pleased to announce an exciting opportunity for youth-serving and/or youth-led organizations based in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean to partner with Advocates for Youth to implement programs that seek to improve young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights. Advocates for Youth is an international non-profit organization based in Washington, DC, dedicated to advancing programs and policies that support young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights. Advocates hosts an International Youth Activist Network (iYAN) through which it provides information, training, and technical assistance to youth-serving organizations and youth activists working to improve young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights in low- and middle-income countries. 
Young people ages 10-24 account for 25 percent of the world’s population: a total of 1.8 billion, most of who are living in low- and middle-income countries. Many face challenges to their well-being and sexual and reproductive health and rights, such as unintended pregnancy; unsafe abortion; sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV; gender-based violence; harmful traditional practices like child marriage and female genital cutting/mutilation; and stigma, discrimination and violence due to sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. Yet Advocates knows that there are countless promising programs, dedicated youth-serving organizations, and determined young leaders working in communities to make a difference for young people. Through this call for applications, Advocates is seeking to partner with three in-country organizations interested in implementing sexual and reproductive health programming with and for young people and in acquiring new skills, tools and resources from Advocates for Youth.
Advocates’ work is grounded in a philosophy that it calls the 3 R’s of Rights. Respect. Responsibility. ® whereby young people have the right to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and services; young people deserve to be treated with respect; and society has a responsibility to ensure an environment in which young people can make healthy decisions about their sexual and reproductive health. Advocates welcomes applicants that share this philosophy and that come with a diversity of expertise and technical needs and interests. For example, applicants could include: organizations that may already be working to advance youth sexual and reproductive health and rights issues but that are seeking to strengthen these efforts, adopt new strategies, or integrate new youth constituencies, such as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) youth; organizations that are already working on sexual and reproductive health issues more generally but are seeking to meaningfully engage young people and specifically address their sexual and reproductive health needs; or organizations that are working in related areas such as maternal health, community development, gender-based violence, youth development, or youth employment that are interested in integrating youth sexual and reproductive  health and rights programming into their existing efforts; among others.
Selected organizations will receive a twelve -month seed grant in the amount of US$10-14,000 to support project implementation in addition to capacity building and technical assistance from Advocates for Youth. The deadline for applications is midnight GMT on Thursday, May 22, 2014
 For More Information please visit:

Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Training Workshop for NGOs’ in Kolkata: Fundraising through Crowdfunding and CSR Partnerships

Dear Sir/Madam,

NGOs need to identify new streams of funding for their projects and ensuring financial sustainability‘Crowdfunding’ and ‘CSR partnership’ are the two new avenues of fundraising for NGOs as well as social businesses.

Crowdfunding for NGOs
Crowdfunding’ is almost an unexplored terrain in fundraising landscape of India. ‘Crowdfunding’, a method of raising capital/fund in small amounts from a large group of people using the Internet and social media, is becoming a common financing method for social entrepreneurs, activists, open-source software projects, artists and charities. A few of the big ‘for cause’ campaigns globally have been funded by raising money through crowdfunding. The last three to four years have seen a huge jump in number of crowdfunding platforms and funds mobilized through crowdfunding. The large-scale adoption of information and communication technology, coupled with the broad acceptance of social networks, has given rise to web-enabled crowdfunding.

A study suggests that USD5.1 Billion was raised through crowdfunding in 2013 and 50% of this was for charitable purpose. The crowdfunding market is in its infancy, especially in developing countries, but the potential market is significant. It is estimated that there are up to 344 million households in the developing world able to make small crowdfund investments in community businesses (The World Bank report) and donations.

Crowdfunding takes advantage of crowd-based decision-making and innovation, and applies it to the funding of projects or businesses. Using social networks, social profiles, and the viral nature of web-based communication, individuals and companies have raised billions of dollars in debt, equity and donations for projects over the last few years.

For most of the Indian NGOs haven’t yet explored the value of ‘crowdfunding’ as a mean for their revenue mix. Launch of a few India-based crowdfunding platforms have created a buzz for using this new medium for ‘supporting a cause’ through crowdfunding. People connected or unconnected with the campaign/cause invest simply because they believe in the cause. Donors have a social or personal motivation for putting their money in and expect nothing back, except perhaps to feel good about helping the project.

Even for social businesses, people do support the idea of a business that helps in providing solutions to the public problems. In fact, social businesses are the one of the biggest beneficiaries of the fund raised through crowdfunding platforms.

CSR Funding
With the changing fund-raising scenario and potentials to enter into new partnership types, it is essential that NGOs do understand what they need to do to get funding through CSR partnerships with companies. The NGOs need to understand the ‘Business case’ in CSR partnerships and contribute to mitigating the business-risks of the companies, in addition to helping them in building brand-equity. Philanthropic foundations also have different expectations from NGOs and new M&E approaches are highly focused on quality of output rather than believing in just numbers.

The recently approved the Companies Act 2013 mandates that companies of a certain size do spend 2% of their net profit on CSR projects. The Acts says that activities need to be implemented in project mode in partnership with NGOs/Firms/Agencies/Govt. Bodies. This opens new opportunities for NGOs to leverage their expertise and presence in remote areas to partner with companies for CSR projects. It is estimated that annually there will be INR 22000 crore inflow in development sector in India through CSR spending by 10000-12000 companies. Further, companies that are not registered in India are also spending huge money on CSR projects to create social equity and promote sustainable development.

The NGOBOX Training Workshop on ‘Crowdfunding’ and ‘CSR partnership’
NGOBOX, the biggest development sector platform has developed an expertise on ‘fundraising’ for NGOs and social businesses. Our interaction with companies, CSR managers, NGO leaders, social entrepreneurs and fundraising experts have given us immense experiences and learning to package these all in a training module for the benefit of small and grass-root level NGOs.

We are organizing ‘Fundraising through Crowdfunding and CSR Partnerships: A Training Workshop for NGOs’ on 12 June 2014 in Kolkata.

The workshop covers:
· Fundraising scenario in India
· New Fundraising options for NGOs
· CSR Partnerships for NGOs
· Fundraising through CSR
· CSR provisions under the Companies Act 2013
· Whom to approach and how to approach
· Writing concept notes
· Dos and Don’ts in CSR partnerships
· Crowdfunding for NGOs and Social Businesses
· What is Crowdfunding and how NGOs can raise funds
· How to use/select crowdfunding platforms
· What are the requirements/eligibility
· How to design a campaign/cause
· How to engage with online community

Who should participate?
· Senior management of NGOs (CEOs, COOs, CFOs)
· Fund-raising managers/executives
· Project /Programme Managers
· Communication Managers
· Researchers and students

Date & Venue:
Tuesday, 12 June 2014, Time: 09.45-16.30 Hrs
Venue: Hotel Astor, 15 Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata 700071

Download full brochure here :

For registration click here:

Register before 15th May and get Early Bird Offer.

For more information or to organize an in-house training workshop for your organization, contact:

Ms Ela Gupta
Mobile: +91-9990256669
Or call at: +91- 9560352170

Where do the extreme poor live

World bank

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Welcome to our world

World's Dedliest Animals


Plant a TREE

Do more for the WORLD

Difference between BOSS VS LEADER

Girls Education



The Proper Way of Doing PHILANTHROPY

Work in Harmony

Enough Resources

Think Forward


Make the Jump

Top 5 Reasons to Choose ORGANIC


The Nippon Foundation is an independent, non-profit, grant-making organization founded in 1962. It was established by legislation for the purpose of carrying out philanthropic activities using revenue from motorboat racing.
The Foundation is providing aid to projects that fall under one of the following four major categories: 1) public welfare in Japan; 2) voluntary programs in Japan; 3) maritime and ship-related projects; and 4) overseas cooperative assistance.
Under the category of overseas cooperative assistance, we especially respect cross-border, transnational activities; local and regional undertakings that may fall outside the reach of the public sector or other donor agencies; and initiatives to tackle pressing issues and long-range or persistent problems that require prompt and systemized care. Grants are given to programs planned and conducted by overseas non-profit organizations in such areas as basic human needs, human resources development, and promotion of international cooperation.

For new project information please visit:

First Aid for Heat Stroke


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