NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Australian High Commission in India- Direct Aid Program (DAP)

Applications for 2012-13 are now open. Applications received after 30 September 2012 will not be considered.  
Under the Direct Aid Program (DAP) the Australian High Commission supports small-scale sustainable development projects in India and Bhutan with grants of up to 10 lakh rupees.
The focus of DAP is on activities that alleviate poverty and contribute to developmental outcomes. There is a particular focus on addressing the needs of women, children, and other disadvantaged groups.
Since 2001, DAP has funded 125 projects in India and three in Bhutan, distributing total funding of more than one million Australian dollars (approximately 3.5 crore rupees).
Examples of projects funded by DAP in the past include the purchase of Braille machines, installation of sanitation and water management facilities, education classes and health care services.
The application period is open till 30 September 2012.
Applications should be submitted only during the application period. It must be in hard copy only to:
DAP Coordinator
Australian High Commission
1/50G Shantipath
New Delhi 110 021
Fax: (011) 2688 7366
All subsequent correspondence relating to DAP matters, including as to the status of projects, should be through this email address:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


This is to inform you that, Lead India Foundation Networking Manager Mr. Manoj Kumar Pattanaik along with Country Direct Mr. Amit Oza, will be visiting to Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Odisha to build up a strong network across the country of Lead India foundation.
It is for your inform that, both of them will be present from 24 to 26th in Bhubaneswar, and at Berhampur, Odisha. If your organization wants to meet them, you can come directly to the hotel they are staying by taking the appointment on 079 23230020/09228002900, or dropping a mail to

If you are unable to come, you can invite them to your place for further discussion and they will be highly happy to visit your place.

For more information please contact:
168, Nr. Dr. Gunjan Jain Clinic,
Opp. Nigam Petrol Pump, Sec-21,
Gandhinagar-382021, Gujarat, India.

Networking, Nestling Nurturing NGOS

Training on “Project Proposal Development and Project Management through Logical Framework Approach”: 17 - 20 October 2012

Management Development Training Center, the training and consultancy wing of the child right organizing a 4 day residential training program on Project Design and management at Bhubaneswar, Odisha.

To know more about it kindly contact:

Mr.Tapan Padhi, Center Director
*Management & Development Training Center – MDTC*
*** (Training & Consultancy Wing of childright) ***

VIM - 435, West portion of Ground Floor, Sailasribihar
Bhubaneswar – 751021, Odisha, India
Cell – 09437635267

For conformation please send your mails to

The International White cane Day on 17/10/2012

Milton Charitable Foundation For The Visually Handicapped
Ashok Nagar 5th Line Main Road , Berhampur , Ganjam ,
Odisha , Pin-760004
The MCFVH is going to celebrate the International White cane Day on 17/10/2012 . So the organization invites all the visually impaired persons of Odisha to be gathered in a large number on the said date in the organization premises at 10.00 A.M. But all the participants are required to register their name before 10th October 2012 through phone or E-mail to conform their participation .                                                                                                                                                                        
Phone : 0680-2280433

inviting application from the visually impaired students of Odisha for availing equipment assistance

Milton Charitable Foundation for the Visually Handicapped
Ashok Nagar 5th Line Main Road, Berhampur, Ganjam ,
Odisha,  pin -760004.
The MCFVH is inviting application from the visually impaired students of Odisha for availing equipment assistance .All the college students to have enrolled for intermediate
or higher in any college of the state may apply with in 5th October at 5.00 P.M.
For availing the application form and detail information please contact the MCFVH, Berhampur through E-mail or phone.
Contact No: 0680-2280433

Friday, September 14, 2012

workshop on “Communicating Finance between Non-Finance & Finance People”

There a few seats left and we would like to remind you to book your seats for your organization soon.

This workshop on “Communicating Finance between Non-Finance & Finance People” will be facilitated by Mr. John Cammack a reputed International Trainer on 27th & 28th September, 2012 at India Habitat Centre. We are herewith sharing with you again the brochure of the workshop. You can also get the complete information from our website as well. Please log on to for more details.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Training on “Project Proposal Development and Project Management through Logical Framework Approach”

Management Development Training Center, the training and consultancy
wing of childright conducts periodic training programs to build
capacity for the development workers and managers as professional
human resource to the development sector. This year they are planning to
organise a 4 day residential training program on Project Design and
Management from 09-12 October 2012 at Bhubaneswar, Odisha.

For More Information Please Contact:

Mr. Tapan Padhi,
VIM - 435, West Portion of Ground Floor, Sailasribihar
Bhubaneswar, Odisha - 751 021
Phone: +91 94376 35267
E mail :