NGO Consultant

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Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Online FC return filing date extended

The last date for filing of FC return online in Form FC-4 has been extended to 15-March-2016 for the financial year 2014-15.


Annual Return filing date extended to 15th March 2016

Vide a notice of 22nd December 2015, FCRA Dept has extended filling date of Annual Return (now under FC4) to 15th March 2016.

This has been done to allow FCRA users to become used to new rules as well as to allow time to stabilise to new online website. At:

Changes in online FC4 Form (Annual Return)
In addition, it is observed that now Investment in Fixed Deposit has been disabled under Utilisation column. So investment in FDs would not be treated as Utilisation. This was pointed by several persons that how one could treat investment in FDs as Utilisation, and was causing a lot of confusion.

This indicates that the form is currently being debugged and possibly the reason for extending the annual return filing date.

Changes to FCRA enables government to receive account details of NGOs instantly

NEW DELHI: Recent changes to the Foreign Contribution Regulation Rules (FCRA) empower the government to get details instantly about the accounts of non-governmental organisations whenever they receive foreign contributions or utilise the money. According to the home ministry: "All FCRA designated bank accounts and utilisation accounts will have to be brought on the online platforms of Public Finance Management Services ( PFMS) of the Ministry of Finance."

This means the bank accounts of any NGO registered under FCRA can be easily inspected by authorities under the home ministry. This will not only allow them track the funds disbursed, but also maintain a vigil, said officials.

As per the new amendments, the guidelines for reporting by banks have been tightened. "The banks shall report to the central government within 48 hours any transaction in respect of receipt of any foreign contribution," a home ministry notification said.

NGOs will be required to publish details of foreign contributions received on a quarterly basis on their websites or a website as specified by the government. This should be done within 15 days of the end of the quarter, and the reports should clearly show details of the donors, amount received and the date of receipt. According to government officials, the simplified online services will not only help reduce corruption but also allow maintaining a database of genuine NGOs.

The new rules make it easier for NGOs to file applications for registration, prior permission and renewal of registration under FCRA online and pay fees through a payment gateway.


Monday, December 21, 2015

FCRA Annual Return in New Form FC-4

The form of annual return has been changed to form FC-4. You must now file this form instead of form FC-6. All the attachments will also be uploaded online.

This does not apply to NGOs who have already filed their form FC-6 for 14-15 online. It also does not apply to those who have mailed their manually filled form by 14-Dec-15.


1. Amendment to FCRA Rules 2015:

2. Link for logging in and Annual Return in FC-4

Fees for Renewal Application in FC-3

FCRA Department has banked renewal fee drafts of 2285 NGOs (see list). These NGOs neede not pay the renewal fees of Rs. 500 online. All other NGOs applying for online renewal must pay this fees online.

What about NGOs who had enclosed the drafts? In most cases, FCRA department has not encashed the drafts. These are now being sent back to you by post. You can deposit them back in your bank account and get a refund.


1. Announcement regarding FCRA renewal

2. List of NGOs who need not pay renewal fees again:

FCRA Renewal Application - Date Extended

FCRA renewal has now moved online. If your FCRA registration is expiring on 30-Apr-16, then you must apply online in new form FC-3. Last date for filing the application is 15-Mar-2016.

This must be done even if you have already applied earlier using paper form FC-5.


1. Announcement for extending deadline

2. Link for logging in and filing FC-3 for renewal

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Registration process of NGOs goes online

The government on Monday put the entire registration process of NGOs for receiving foreign funds online.

Home Minister Rajnath Singh said all services offered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010 are made online, reducing human interface to minimum.

Mr. Singh, who launched the revamped website of the foreigners division of his Ministry, hoped the new initiative will offer applicants the seamless services of FCRA with adequate ease and facilitation.

Simultaneously, the amended rules (Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2015) are also being notified.

All kinds of application forms can now be filled online, documents can be uploaded online and even payment of fee etc. can be made online.

All types of queries and replies to the applicants will be made through emails. Even digitally signed registration certificates, prior permission sanctions will be issued to the applicants through emails.

The main changes are: applications for registration, prior permission and renewal of registration under FCRA, 2010 will be accepted online, all documents with the application will be uploaded online, all intimations will be required under FCRA, 2010, including annual returns accepted online.

Fee for various services will be paid through payment gateway, the condition of applying for renewal one year before the expiry of existing registration certificate for associations implementing multi-year project is removed.

To make the receipt and utilisation of foreign contribution by association transparent, associations are required to place the annual returns and such data quarterly on their website or website as prescribed by the Central Government.

Keywords: FCRA, Home Ministry


Foreign Contributions Regulations Act services for NGOs go online

The government has also reduced the number of application forms from 10 to 6 and removed the condition of applying for renewal of FCRA licence.

Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), which have faced strong scrutiny from the Narendra Modi government, finally have some good news as the ministry of home affairs (MHA) on Monday rolled out the Foreign Contribution Regulation Rules (FCRR), 2015 that will make all the services of FCRA online, reducing human interface to zero.

Home minister Rajnath Singh launched the revamped website that will cater to NGOs seeking FCRA licences.

Under the new rules, applications for registration, prior permission and renewal of registration under Foreign Contributions Regulations Act (FCRA), 2010 will be accepted online and fee for the services will be paid through payment gateway.

The home ministry as first reported by ET on October 3 has also set a three-month deadline for the Intelligence Bureau (IB) to submit its verification report else it will be deemed to be taken. IB can formally request MHA in select cases if its need more time.

The government has also reduced the number of application forms from 10 to 6 and removed the condition of applying for renewal of FCRA licence one year before the expiry of existing registration certificate for associations implementing multi-year project.

According to home ministry officials, this will also bring down corruption and help to maintain the database of NGOs which are engaged in genuine work. NGOs which do not receive any foreign contribution for an entire year will not be required to submit a certificate from chartered accountant with annual return. Earlier, all NGOs whether they received foreign funding or not were required to submit a certificate from the CA.

The new rules do not require giving information regarding Facebook pages, Twitter handle and other personal details of the office bearer of the donor/receiver organisation. As per the new norms, declaration, undertaking in the application for registration, prior permission, renewal in annual returns have been simplified.


Important Notice By MHA For Renewal Of FCRA Registration For NGOs

According to the circular, all applicants seeking renewal, including those who have submitted application in old Form, may apply fresh for grant of renewal of registration

In continuation to the circular announced in August by the Ministry of Home Affairs, wherein online processing of FCRA services was announced compulsory, further expediency in the process is expected to be generated with the latest circular of 14th December, 2015. According to the circular, all applicants seeking renewal, including those who have submitted application in old Form, may apply fresh for grant of renewal of registration under FCRA, 2010, and the requisite pay can be made through payment gateway. Complete online payment for renewal of FCRA registration takes us one step ahead in digitalizing administrative services for a smoother functioning. It must be noted that those who have previously sent in Demand Drafts for payment, need not repay. The circular has the name of those organizations whose payment has already been credited in the Government account. For the rest, the demand draft will be returned by post.

Some of the highlights of the circular are:

· The Entire Process Of Applying For Registration/Renewal And Even Prior Permission Has Been Made Online Which Is Not Only Easy To Apply But Also Enables You To Track The Status Of Your Application

· As Required Documents Can Now Be Scanned And Uploaded Directly To The FCRA Website, NGOs No Longer Have To Make Copies And Post Them To The Ministry

· The FCRA Fee Can Now Be Paid Online Which Further Reduces The Manual Process Of Sending Demand Drafts

· The FCRA Certificate/Prior Permission Will Be Issued Online Using A Digitally Signed Document Which Will Also Help NGOs To Quickly Get Through The Registration Process

· FCRA-Registered NGOs Have To Submit Details Of The Foreign Contributions Once In 3 Months

· List Of Purposes, The Number Of Documents And The Social Media Details Of Donors And NGOs Have Also Been Reduced.

Please visit the website for renewal of FCRA registration to be made afresh online. The last date for filing of renewal application has been extended to 15.03.2016.


FCRA Services for NGOs Go Online

EASING PROCESS Home minister Rajnath Singh launches revamped site that will cater to NGOs seeking FCRA licences, registration

Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), which have faced strong scrutiny from the Narendra Modi government, finally have some good news as the ministry of home affairs (MHA) on Monday rolled out the Foreign Contribution Regulation Rules (FCRR), 2015 that will make all the services of FCRA online, reducing human interface to zero. Home minister Rajnath Singh launched the revamped website that will cater to NGOs seeking FCRA licences.

Under the new rules, applications for registration, prior permission and renewal of registration under Foreign Contributions Regulations Act (FCRA), 2010 will be accepted online and fee for the services will be paid through payment gateway.

The home ministry as first reported by ET on October 3 has also set a three-month deadline for the Intelligence Bureau (IB) to submit its verification report else it will be deemed to be taken. IB can formally request MHA in select cases if its need more time.

The government has also reduced the number of application forms from 10 to 6 and removed the condition of applying for renewal of FCRA licence one year before the expiry of existing registration certificate for associations implementing multi-year project. According to home ministry officials, this will also bring down corruption and help to maintain the database of NGOs which are engaged in genuine work. NGOs which do not receive any foreign contribution for an entire year will not be required to submit a certificate rom chartered accountant with annual return. Earlier, all NGOs whether they received foreign unding or not were required to submit a certificate from the CA.The new rules do not require giv ing information regarding Facebook pages, Twitter handle and other personal details of the office bearer of the donorreceiver organisation. As per the new norms, declaration, undertaking in the application for registration, prior permission, renewal in annual returns have been simplified.


Foreign funding rules to "affect" Indian NGOs working on human rights, policy, governance, electoral reforms

India’s civil society organizations have strongly objected to the new Foreign Contribution Regulation (FRC) Rules notified by the Ministry of Home Affairs, which require the NGOs to give an "affirmation" that they are not used the foreign contribution for activities that are likely to “prejudicially affect” the sovereignty and integrity of the country, the security, strategic, scientific and economic interests of the state and the public interest. 

Circulating a note written by a senior activist for perusal and comments to NGOs receiving foreign contribution, Subhash Mittal, secretary, Socio-Research Reform Foundation, a Delhi-based NGO, comments, says, “Many organizations which work on, says, human rights, legal rights, policy, governance, electoral reforms related issues, may face interpretation issues.”
However, he adds, the “organizations who are working on clear cut issues (say health, water, development, etc.), such interpretation may not pose problem.”

This undertaking is part of the new form FC-4, which must for submitting annual statement of receipt and utilization of foreign contribution, which NGOs receive for their developmental activities.
Pointing out that this is a “new ground” introduced in the rules, the note says, “The earlier form, or even in the draft form circulated earlier, specified which activities NGOs cannot indulge in, such as those that ‘prejudicially affect’ the freedom or fairness of elections to any legislature, friendly relations with foreign State and harmony between religious, racial, social, linguistic, regional groups, castes or communities.”

Comments this note, authored one of the senior-most activists, Venkatesh Nayak of the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI), “So the combined effect of these elements of the new Form FC-4 is that there is little clarity about the specific activities for which FC can be received and used.” 

The activist says, “Enormous discretion is placed in the hands of the government to determine whether or not a foreign funded NGO's activities must be curbed by suspending and eventually taking away its FC registration or prior permission.”

The activist underlines, “The grounds of affirmation are so overbroad that all national and international advocacy and mobilisational activities of NGOs will come under the government's scanner and become potential ground for taking away the FCR registration.”
In another objection, the note says, the new rules require that all plain paper applications for FCR Act processes have been done away with. “This may cause a major problem for NGOs working in remote areas without access to high speed internet connections”, the note says.

There are, for instance, many parts of Jammu and Kashmir, “which cannot access even 2G Internet speed on many days of any month even though some service providers boast about providing 3G speed and services. The same could be true of several other States, which are just about opening up to the Internet.”

Also objecting to all payments under the FCR Act-related services to be made only through electronic payment gateway specified by the Government of India, the note says, “So now NGOs will have to make one of their functionaries to use his/her personal credit/debit card.”
This is particularly strange, as “banks do not issue credit or debit cards in th
e names of NGOs. Or, NGOs will have to make use of net banking for making these payments. So NGOs will have to authorise their functionaries to operate net banking for making these payments”, the note says.

Click HERE to download the new FCR Rules:


New legislation on the cards to regulate NGOs

BENGALURU: Karnataka may soon have a legislation to regulate non-governmental organizations. The Internal Security division (ISD) of state police has recommended a separate legal set-up to regulate and keep a tab on NGOs, some of which get foreign funds.

In a 1,300-page report submitted to the home department and the legislature, ISD has recommended bringing NGOs under the ambit of the state government by asking them to register and get a licence for operating in the state.

Sources, who were privy to the report preparation, said the government has "incomplete" data on nearly 15,000 trusts in the state and around 60,000 NGOs in Karnataka. The NGOs include associations, societies, self-help groups which get funds from donors.

The investigation, which was referred to the ISD by then home minister KJ George in July 2014 after senior Congress MLA KR Ramesh Kumar raised the issue in the assembly, provided details of foreign and domestic funding in the state. As per conservative estites of the ISD, funding is mates of the ISD, funding is around Rs 800 crore as per data compiled by the ministry of home affairs. Barring a few NGOs, including Samaj Parivartana Samudaya which sent a letter to the ISD stating it would reveal funding information to only relevant investigating agencies and not to any state agency, most other trusts and societies have given partial information of their funding for 201112, 2012-13 and 2013-14. The report speaks of only 2,422 NGOs which have been recorded by the MHA as receiving foreign funds on its website, and a few others whose registration was done in Karnataka.

Sources state the ISD, however, has confidentially secured funding details of SPS. The highest foreign donations have been received by Christian missionaries in Mysuru, Chamarajanagar and other parts of southern Karnataka. The ISD report suggests the government must consider setting up a separate directorate for keep a tab on NGOs in the state. Sources state the ISD asked the government to appoint a high-ranking IPS officer for the directorate and give the ISD a prominent role in investigating the NGOs.400 NGOs' records The Internal Security Division, during its investigation into NGOs and their donors' list and operations, sent a list of 400 trusts, societies and associations to the revenue department to update the data. Sources said the information and registration records of these NGOs don't have updated information and the district registrars need to collate the data and keep a watch on their activities.

Times View

The proposed legislation to keep a tab on NGOs sounds good on paper and could help the government crack down on unscrupulous outfits which, in the name of charity, collect money from unsuspecting donors and use it for their personal use. However, there should be enough checks and balances to ensure that the law is not misused by over-zealous officials to harass genuine do-gooders. Funding of these outfits is a contentious issue and the law must be used judiciously to monitor the flow of money from overseas. The law is welcome but it should not hinder good work.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

FCRA Online Renewal Process announced: Last date 15-3-2016

FCRA Dept has finally announced the Renewal Process for FCRA registration. Renewal process as expected would be undertaken online. Thus all persons who have already applied or even those who have not applied would need to apply online through FC3. Last Date of application is 15th March 2016.

FCRA circular :

Fee for Renewal of Rs 500/- would need to be paid online through FCRA Payment Gateway. For persons who have already sent their DD/cheques are likely to receive these back, unless your name is appearing in the list given by FCRA authorities. Association list:

For getting further details of FCRA renewal process, please wait for further announcements on this blog or visit regularly:

FCRA Guide lines

FCRA Sign up for a new account and FC-5

FCRA. -FCRA Login. FCRA User Id. Password. Access Code.

FC-3 FCRA Registration Instructions

FCRA Online-Registration. Go to Ministry of home affairs website by typing in address of web browser,

Instructions at:

FC-4 FCRA Return Instructions

FCRA Online-Annual Returns. Go to Ministry of home affairs website by typing in address of web browser,

Instructions at

New FCRA circular for FCRA renewals

It may kindly be noted that Ministry of Home Affairs, FCRA Wing, Government of India has issued a circular dated 14th December 2015. Through this circular it has been notified that all application for renewal of FCRA Registration has to be made again afresh online at the website The last date for filing of renewal application has been extended to 15.03.2016.
There are other major changes in the various FCRA forms and online filing requirements.
Please find attached a note on the same entitled “Do you know”. 

To view the list of associations, please visit here:

FCRA goes online, but NGOs not happy

Primary concern is how organizations in remote areas or those with little or no access to the Internet will be able to comply

Bengaluru: The home ministry’s move to digitize processes that foreign-funded non-profits undertake, starting from registration to filing returns, under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), 2010, has not been met with much enthusiasm.

FCRA falls under the purview of the home ministry’s foreigners division and, on Monday, home minister Rajnath Singh said all services offered under FCRA have been made online, reducing the human interface to a minimum.

It means all application forms can now be filled online, documents can be uploaded online and even payment of fees can be done online, according to a PTI report.

Not just that, all types of queries and replies to the applicants will be made through emails. Even digitally signed registration certificates and prior permission sanctions will be issued to the applicants through emails. The move seeks to move all paperwork online and does not currently give the option to file hard copies.

The primary concern of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) has been how organizations located in remote areas or those with little or no access to the Internet will be able to comply with this digital move.

“We have about 130 NGOs that we fund and many are located in remote areas like Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, etc., so it would be very difficult for them to comply with moving all reporting online. They should make provisions for physical support too because small organizations don’t have access to technology. It seems like an initiative that divorces NGOs from the officials completely,” said Nisha Agarwal, chief executive of Oxfam India, a non-profit that works to empower the underprivileged and gets the majority of its funding from Oxfam across the world.

Vinuta Gopal, interim co-executive director of Greenpeace India, said this will not remove the concerns about the interpretation of FCRA. “We still continue to have issues with the selective and draconian interpretation of FCRA and this does not change anything. It is a secretarial move.”

The ministry suspended Greenpeace India’s licence for receiving foreign funds in June 2014 and the NGO even came close to shutting down in India.

According to the new rules, to make the receipt and utilization of foreign contribution by any NGO transparent, organizations are required to place the annual returns and such data quarterly on their website or website as prescribed by the central government.

Some of the NGOs do acknowledge that this move will help do away with any ambiguity and improve transparency, but say it will be time consuming and increase costs.

“Because of lack of communication between ministry of finance and MHA (ministry of home affairs), there have been instances of licenses of non-profits being axed purely because of a lag in communication, and those instances can be avoided with this move. But this will take a lot of time and energy and increase costs for us,” said Mathew Jacob, director, programmes, People’s Watch, a human rights organization whose FCRA licence was suspended thrice in 2012.

Also, the other concern NGOs have is that, currently, the move does not give any grace period for NGOs to upload their documents online.

According to Rajesh Tandon, founder-president of Participatory Research in Action, an NGO that focuses on improving governance, the ministry has directed NGOs to file all their quarterly receipts within 15 days after the quarter ends.


Centre provides ease of online but makes going tough for NGOs

Earlier, the NGOs were required to file these details on an annual basis. The NGOs now would be required to place the annual returns and such data quarterly on their website or website as prescribed by the government.

After going on a spree of cancelling FCRA registration of more than 10,000 fake and non-compliant NGOs, the Centre has introduced new set of rules that have made it mandatory for NGOs to upload and file details of foreign contribution received and utilised every quarter.

Earlier, the NGOs were required to file these details on an annual basis. The NGOs now would be required to place the annual returns and such data quarterly on their website or website as prescribed by the government.

Moreover, the NGOs will be required to bring all FCRA designated bank accounts and utilisation accounts on the online platform of public finance management service (PFMS) of Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance.

The reduction in periodicity has been done to make the NGOs more accountable and introduce transparency, sources said.

The amendment to the FCRA rules, 2015 would now require a fresh affirmation from the NGO under Form FC – 4 that foreign contribution is not likely to affect prejudicially the security, strategic, scientific or economic interest of the State.

Sources said this has been added as a consequence to the secret IB report that gave adverse comments on several NGOs that had taken anti-mining and anti-nuclear power plant stand during the UPA-II regime.

The new rules, however, have made access to all FCRA services much easier as everything would be done online now thereby reducing human interface to a minimum that often resulted in corruption.

The revamped FCRA rules offers online filling up of all applications, uploading of documents and even payments of fees through dedicated website -

Not only applications for new registration, renewal of registration and annual returns would be accepted online now, the digitally signed registration certificates, prior permission sanctions, etc. will also be issued to the applicants through emails. Fee for various services will be paid through a dedicated payment gateway.

The condition of applying for renewal one year before the expiry of existing registration certificate for associations implementing multi-year project has been removed in the new rules.

The NGOs who do not receive or utilise foreign contribution in a financial year will not be required to submit certificate from Chartered Accountant and audited statement of accounts with annual return.

Requirement of seeking prior permission for change of name, aims and objects, address of the association, change of bank/ account, change in governing body members, etc. has also been relaxed to only intimation through FCRA online service.

Seeking details of functionaries of the association in annual return has been also been done away with.

Secret IB report
Sources said this has been added as a consequence to the secret IB report that gave adverse comments on several NGOs that had taken anti-mining and anti-nuclear power plant stand during the UPA-II regime. Launching the new FCRA portal, union home ministerRajnath Singh hoped that the new initiative will offer the genuine applicants seamless services of FCRA with adequate ease and facilitation.


Regulate NGOs, Don't Stifle Their Voice

With its new revamped website, the Central government has launched a digital interface that provides genuine NGO applicants seamless services of FCRA with adequate ease and facilitation. This announcement by the Union Home Ministry captures the two sides of the government’s policy towards NGOs — easing of procedures and processes for the genuine ones, while being suspicious of and hostile towards NGOs which are perceived by it as not genuine. The seeking of foreign funds by Non-Governmental Organisations has been a contentious issue. The Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act was enacted during the Emergency and later expanded in the 2010 version of the Act, which explicitly prohibits foreign funds for any activities detrimental to national interest.

The government views service delivery NGOs as necessary and partners in development, while being deeply suspicious of activist/overtly political NGOs which take recourse to policy advocacy, lobbying, mass mobilisation and strident campaigning to usher in change in government policies or play the role of a watchdog. In recent years, successive governments have been trying to rein in NGOs working in areas such as human rights and environment which are seen as a threat to national security and economic development respectively. The present government, which perceives itself as the target of concerted attacks by political NGOs, has been monitoring and initiating action against erring ones.

If registration of over 4,100 NGOs was cancelled in 2012, the figure has gone up to over 10,100 in March, 2015. While the government’s move to streamline and simplify the compliance of FCRA rules has to be welcomed, it should reconsider its approach towards ‘activist-NGOs’. It is well within its rights to demand compliance of rules by NGOs, but it should also allow the latter to play the role of a watchdog. Regulating NGOs is not only acceptable but also desirable, but stifling the voices of NGOs which are critical of it is not.


Main points of home ministry's new FCRA rules for NGOs

Union Home Minister launched revamped website for FCRA Services

The Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh today launched the new revamped website in order to substantially improve upon the existing services for Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules (FCRA) under the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Shri Rajnath Singh hoped that the new initiative will offer the genuine applicants seamless services of FCRA with adequate ease and facilitation.

Simultaneously, the amended rules (Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2015) are also being notified.

The Union Home Minister said that the launch will make all services being offered under FCRA, 2010 online reducing human interface to minimum.

All kinds of application forms can be filled online, documents can be uploaded online and even payment of fee etc.

can be made online.

All types of queries and replies to the applicants will be made through emails.

Even digitally signed Registration Certificates, Prior Permission sanctions, etc.

will be issued to the applicants through emails.

Various details of changes being introduced are given as below:- ? All FCRA services are made online and human interface has been reduced to minimum ? Applications for registration, prior permission and renewal of registration under FCRA, 2010 will be accepted online ? All documents with the application will be uploaded online ? All intimations will be required under FCRA, 2010 including annual returns accepted online ? Fee for various services will be paid through payment gateway ? The condition of applying for renewal one year before the expiry of existing registration certificate for associations implementing multi-year project is removed ? To make the receipt and utilisation of foreign contribution by association transparent, associations are required to place the annual returns and such data quarterly on their website or website as prescribed by the Central Govt.

  • All FCRA designated bank accounts and Utilisation Accounts will have to be brought on the online platform of Public Finance Management Service (PFMS) of Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance.
  •  Certificate of registration/ renewal and grant of prior permission will be sent online and digitally signed.
  • All queries with the applicant will be made through e-mail/ Messaging Services ? Simplification of various forms and application procedure has been done.
  • Number of application/ intimation forms reduced from 10 (ten) to 6 (six) ? Number of documents to be attached with applications has been significantly reduced.
  •  Filing hard copy of annual return has been dispensed with ? The condition of submission of certificate from Chartered Accountant and audited statement of accounts with Annual Return is removed in respect of associations who do not receive or utilise foreign contribution in a financial year? Requirement of seeking prior permission for change of name, aims & objects, address of the association, change of bank/ account, change in Governing Body members, etc. is now relaxed to only intimation through FCRA online service ? List of purposes for which foreign contribution can be utilised rationalised and reduced as per the FCRA, 2010 ? The periodicity for uploading the details of foreign contribution received and utilised by the associations on their website or the FCRA Website will be kept as three months.
  • Information regarding facebook page, twitter handle of the office bearers of the associations is optional.
  • Information regarding facebook page, twitter handle and other personal details of the office bearers of the donor organisation is also optional.
  • Seeking details of functionaries of the association in annual return has been dropped.
  • Declaration and undertaking in the application for registration, prior permission and renewal, and also in annual return has been simplified Earlier, it may be recalled that the ?Tourist Visa on Arrival enabled by Electronic Travel Authorization? (TVoA-ETA) was another initiative by the Ministry of Home Affairs launched on November 27, 2014 to facilitate the travel of foreign nationals to India.

Its name was changed to e-Tourist Visa (e-TV) on April 15, 2015. *** KSD/NK/PK/RS .


Foreign Contributions Regulations Act services for NGOs go online

NEW DELHI: Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), which have faced strong scrutiny from the Narendra Modi government, finally have some good news as the ministry of home affairs (MHA) on Monday rolled out the Foreign Contribution Regulation Rules (FCRR), 2015 that will make all the services of FCRA online, reducing human interface to zero. Home minister Rajnath Singh launched the revamped website that will cater to NGOs seeking FCRA licences.

Under the new rules, applications for registration, prior permission and renewal of registration under Foreign Contributions Regulations Act (FCRA), 2010 will be accepted online and fee for the services will be paid through payment gateway.

The home ministry as first reported by ETon October 3 has also set a three-month deadline for the Intelligence Bureau (IB) to submit its verification report else it will be deemed to be taken. IB can formally request MHA in select cases if its need more time.

The government has also reduced the number of application forms from 10 to 6 and removed the condition of applying for renewal of FCRA licence one year before the expiry of existing registration certificate for associations implementing multi-year project. According to home ministry officials, this will also bring down corruption and help to maintain the database of NGOs which are engaged in genuine work. NGOs which do not receive any foreign contribution for an entire year will not be required to submit a certificate from chartered accountant with annual return. Earlier, all NGOs whether they received foreign funding or not were required to submit a certificate from the CA.

The new rules do not require giving information regarding Facebook pages, Twitter handle and other personal details of the office bearer of the donor/receiver organisation. As per the new norms, declaration, undertaking in the application for registration, prior permission, renewal in annual returns have been simplified.


New Norms Turn Screws on NGOs Getting Foreign Funds

NEW DELHI: NGOs receiving foreign funds will now have to give an annual undertaking that acceptance of contributions from abroad is not likely to affect prejudicially the “security, strategic, scientific or economic interest of the State.”

The Union Home Ministry has added a new clause of ‘Economic interest of the State’ in form FC-4, which NGOs need to submit every year. This is part of the new foreign contribution norms unveiled by the Home Ministry on Monday.

The stringent provisions for NGOs seeking foreign funding also make it mandatory for them to upload details of foreign contributions every three months. The changes in the existing norms are intended to ensure transparency by NGOs. Submission of details related to receipt and utilisation of foreign contributions every three months is one of the major changes initiated by the Home Ministry.

An Intelligence Bureau report last year on foreign funding of NGOs had termed certain NGOs a threat to national economic security. Subsequently, the Centre had suspended FCRA of Greenpeace arguing that it had violated Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) norms by engaging in political activities to influence and lobby for the formulation of policies of its liking.

“List of purposes for which foreign contribution can be utilised rationalised and reduced as per the FCRA, 2010.... Seeking details of functionaries of the association in annual return has been dropped,” a Home Ministry spokesperson said.

The condition of submission of certificate from a Chartered Accountant and audited statement of accounts with Annual Return has been removed in respect of NGOs that do not receive or utilise foreign contribution in a financial year. Condition of applying for renewal a year before expiry of existing registration certificate for NGOs implementing multi-year project has also been removed.

Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Monday launched a new FCRA website to make services online reducing human interface to a minimum. Now, all FCRA-designated bank accounts and Utilisation Accounts will have to be brought on to the online platform of Public Finance Management Service of Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance.

Requirement of seeking prior permission for change of name, aims and objects, address of the association, change of bank or account, change in governing body members, etc is now relaxed to only intimation through FCRA online service.


Union Home Minister launched revamped website for FCRA Services

Union Home Minister launched revamped website for FCRA Services

The Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh today launched the new revamped website in order to substantially improve upon the existing services for Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules (FCRA) under the Ministry of Home Affairs. Shri Rajnath Singh hoped that the new initiative will offer the genuine applicants seamless services of FCRA with adequate ease and facilitation. Simultaneously, the amended rules (Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2015) are also being notified.

The Union Home Minister said that the launch will make all services being offered under FCRA, 2010 online reducing human interface to minimum. All kinds of application forms can be filled online, documents can be uploaded online and even payment of fee etc. can be made online. All types of queries and replies to the applicants will be made through emails. Even digitally signed Registration Certificates, Prior Permission sanctions, etc. will be issued to the applicants through emails.

Various details of changes being introduced are given as below:-

• All FCRA services are made online and human interface has been reduced to minimum

• Applications for registration, prior permission and renewal of registration under FCRA, 2010 will be accepted online

• All documents with the application will be uploaded online

• All intimations will be required under FCRA, 2010 including annual returns accepted online

• Fee for various services will be paid through payment gateway

• The condition of applying for renewal one year before the expiry of existing registration certificate for associations implementing multi-year project is removed


Rajnath Singh launched revamped website for FCRA

The Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh today launched the new revamped website in order to substantially improve upon the existing services for Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules (FCRA) under the Ministry of Home Affairs. Shri Rajnath Singh hoped that the new initiative will offer the genuine applicants seamless services of FCRA with adequate ease and facilitation. Simultaneously, the amended rules (Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2015) are also being notified.

The Union Home Minister said that the launch will make all services being offered under FCRA, 2010 online reducing human interface to minimum. All kinds of application forms can be filled online, documents can be uploaded online and even payment of fee etc. can be made online. All types of queries and replies to the applicants will be made through emails. Even digitally signed Registration Certificates, Prior Permission sanctions, etc. will be issued to the applicants through emails.

Various details of changes being introduced are given as below:-

• All FCRA services are made online and human interface has been reduced to minimum

• Applications for registration, prior permission and renewal of registration under FCRA, 2010 will be accepted online

• All documents with the application will be uploaded online

• All intimations will be required under FCRA, 2010 including annual returns accepted online

• Fee for various services will be paid through payment gateway

• The condition of applying for renewal one year before the expiry of existing registration certificate for associations implementing multi-year project is removed

• To make the receipt and utilisation of foreign contribution by association transparent, associations are required to place the annual returns and such data quarterly on their website or website as prescribed by the Central Govt.

• All FCRA designated bank accounts and Utilisation Accounts will have to be brought on the online platform of Public Finance Management Service (PFMS) of Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance.

• Certificate of registration/ renewal and grant of prior permission will be sent online and digitally signed.

• All queries with the applicant will be made through e-mail/ Messaging Services

• Simplification of various forms and application procedure has been done.

• Number of application/ intimation forms reduced from 10 (ten) to 6 (six)

• Number of documents to be attached with applications has been significantly reduced.

• Filing hard copy of annual return has been dispensed with

• The condition of submission of certificate from Chartered Accountant and audited statement of accounts with Annual Return is removed in respect of associations who do not receive or utilise foreign contribution in a financial year • Requirement of seeking prior permission for change of name, aims & objects, address of the association, change of bank/ account, change in Governing Body members, etc. is now relaxed to only intimation through FCRA online service

• List of purposes for which foreign contribution can be utilised rationalised and reduced as per the FCRA, 2010

• The periodicity for uploading the details of foreign contribution received and utilised by the associations on their website or the FCRA Website will be kept as three months.

• Information regarding facebook page, twitter handle of the office bearers of the associations is optional.

• Information regarding facebook page, twitter handle and other personal details of the office bearers of the donor organisation is also optional.

• Seeking details of functionaries of the association in annual return has been dropped.

• Declaration and undertaking in the application for registration, prior permission and renewal, and also in annual return has been simplified

Earlier, it may be recalled that the ‘Tourist Visa on Arrival enabled by Electronic Travel Authorization’ (TVoA-ETA) was another initiative by the Ministry of Home Affairs launched on November 27, 2014 to facilitate the travel of foreign nationals to India. Its name was changed to e-Tourist Visa (e-TV) on April 15, 2015.

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Govt does away with paperwork in registration of NGOs

In a key digitisation initiative, Government today put the entire registration process of NGOs for receiving foreign funds online.

Home Minister Rajnath Singh said all services offered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010 are made online, reducing human interface to minimum.

Singh, who launched the revamped website of the foreigners division of his Ministry, hoped the new initiative will offer applicants the seamless services of FCRA with adequate ease and facilitation.

Simultaneously, the amended rules (Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2015) are also being notified.

All kinds of application forms can now be filled online, documents can be uploaded online and even payment of fee etc. can be made online.

All types of queries and replies to the applicants will be made through emails. Even digitally signed registration certificates, prior permission sanctions will be issued to the applicants through emails.

The main changes are: applications for registration, prior permission and renewal of registration under FCRA, 2010 will be accepted online, all documents with the application will be uploaded online, all intimations will be required under FCRA, 2010 including annual returns accepted online.

Fee for various services will be paid through payment gateway, the condition of applying for renewal one year before the expiry of existing registration certificate for associations implementing multi-year project is removed.

To make the receipt and utilisation of foreign contribution by association transparent, associations are required to place the annual returns and such data quarterly on their website or website as prescribed by the central government.

Information regarding Facebook page, Twitter handle of the office bearers of the associations is optional.

Information regarding Facebook page, Twitter handle and other personal details of the office bearers of the donor organisation is also optional.

All FCRA-designated bank accounts and utilisation accounts will have to be brought on the online platform of Public Finance Management Service (PFMS) of Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance.

Certificate of registration or renewal and grant of prior permission will be sent online and digitally signed, all queries with the applicant will be made through e-mail, messaging services, simplification of various forms and application procedure has been done.

Number of application/ intimation forms reduced from 10 (ten) to 6 (six), number of documents to be attached with applications has been significantly reduced, filing hard copy of annual return has been dispensed with.

The condition of submission of certificate from Chartered Accountant and audited statement of accounts with Annual Return is removed in respect of associations who do not receive or utilise foreign contribution in a financial year.

Requirement of seeking prior permission for change of name, aims and objects, address of the association, change of bank or account, change in Governing Body members, etc. Is now relaxed to only intimation through FCRA online service.

List of purposes for which foreign contribution can be utilised rationalised and reduced as per the FCRA, 2010. The periodicity for uploading the details of foreign contribution received and utilised by the associations on their website or the FCRA website will be kept as three months.

Seeking details of functionaries of the association in annual return has been dropped.

Declaration and undertaking in the application for registration, prior permission and renewal, and also in annual return has been simplified.

It may be recalled that the 'Tourist Visa on Arrival enabled by Electronic Travel Authorisation' (TVoA-ETA) was another initiative by the Ministry of Home Affairs launched on November 27, 2014 to facilitate the travel of foreign nationals to India.

Its name was changed to e-Tourist Visa (e-TV) on April 15, 2015.


In bid for transparency, government makes FCRA services online

NEw Delhi: Seeking to promote transparency in dealings with foreign-funded NGOs, the Modi government on Monday notified the amended Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2015, that require all FCRA services and transactions to be made online.

All applications for registration, grant of prior permission and renewal of registration under FCRA, 2010, will now be accepted online, with fee for various FCRA services to be deposited through a payment gateway.

On its part, the FCRA division of the home ministry will issue digitally signed registration certificates, prior permission sanctions etc to applicants through emails.

As per the amended FCRA rules, all NGOs registered or granted prior permission under FCRA are now required to upload details of foreign contributions received and utilized by them every three months on their website or the FCRA website, TOI had reported this proposed reform on July 27, 2015. The original FCRR draft had kept this periodicity at seven days, which was objected to by many NGOs.

The new FCRA rules ensure that the human interface with foreign-funded NGOs is minimized, with all queries and replies to applicants to be made through emails. The number of application/intimation forms has been cut from 10 to six, and the number of documents to be attached with applications also significantly reduced. The list of purposes for which foreign contribution can be utilized has been rationalized.

NGOs now need to file their annual returns online, with the hard copy version dispensed with. The annual returns must be placed quarterly on the NGO's website or the FCRA website maintained by the home ministry.

Launching the revamped website for FCRA services on Monday, home minister Rajnath Singh said it would minimize human interface by making all FCRA services online. Home ministry had earlier this year embarked on the exercise to make FCRA services online to save NGOs the trouble of running around to avail various services and rule out any scope for corruption on part of the FCRA staff to expedite service delivery.

"The new rules are part of the government's endeavour to facilitate genuine NGOs while reining in defaulting ones that form less than 1% of the NGO tribe," said a government officer.

All FCRA designated bank accounts and utilization accounts will now have to be brought on the online platform of public finance management service (PFMS) of controller general of accounts, ministry of finance.


Main points of home ministry's new FCRA rules for NGOs

NEW DELHI: The ministry of home affairs has come out with a new set of Foreign Contributions Regulations Act (FCRA) for NGOs in the country. Here are the main points.

* All NGOs need to upload details of foreign contributions received by them once in three months.

* The New FCRA rules have done away with the need for NGOs to take prior permission for change of name, address, aims and objects, bank account, governing body members.

* Intimation will now suffice.

* NGO that receive foreign funding do not need to declare information on the office bearers' accounts in Twitter, Facebook.

* NGOs also do not need to provide social media account details of their donors.

* All FCRA services for NGOs and transactions to be online from Monday. FCRA webpage to be run by the ministry of home affairs.

* New FCRA rules dispense with filing of hard copy of annual returns by NGOs. Returns must now be filed online only.


FCRA rules should be eased: Relief workers

Relief agencies reckon that the Centre needs to relax FCRA regulations to ease the flow of funds from overseas as the state government will find it difficult to mobilize the resources despite donations from corporate and celebrities. The relief works are in full flow in Chennai and cuddalore and many NGIO are gathering from various countries and from celebrities. A letter was written to home minister Rajnath Singh and urged him to waive the FCRA prior approval for receipt of foreign funds received for relief and rehabilitation work by various NGOs and agencies for a limited period as done after the 2004 Tsunami that struck Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Puducherry.


Ease FCRA rules to assist rehab, say relief workers

CHENNAI: With massive rehabilitation measures required once relief operations get done in Chennai, Cuddalore and other affected areas in Tamil Nadu, relief agencies reckon that the Centre needs to relax FCRA regulations to ease the flow of funds from overseas as the state government will find it difficult to mobilise the resources despite donations from corporates and celebrities. At the same time, they feel foreign funding should not be misused and checks can be put in place.

In a letter to Union home minister Rajnath Singh, entrepreneur Anugrah Matthias Tete who has initiated an online petition on the issue, urged him to waive the FCRA prior approval for receipt of foreign funds received for relief and rehabilitation work by various NGOs and agencies for a limited period as done after the 2004 Tsunami that struck Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Puducherry.

Additional Secretary (Foreigners) in the MHA, B K Prasad told TOI that applications from prospective recipients can be registered quickly and put on fast track subject to expeditious vetting by official agencies, if they seek approval specifically for funding rehabilitation projects and make closure as soon as the rehabilitation is completed. Such NGOs should file their return within a year. Alternately, concerned NGOs can come together and route their applications through a single agency.


New Norms Turn Screws on NGOs Getting Foreign Funds

NEW DELHI: NGOs receiving foreign funds will now have to give an annual undertaking that acceptance of contributions from abroad is not likely to affect prejudicially the “security, strategic, scientific or economic interest of the State.”

The Union Home Ministry has added a new clause of ‘Economic interest of the State’ in form FC-4, which NGOs need to submit every year. This is part of the new foreign contribution norms unveiled by the Home Ministry on Monday.

The stringent provisions for NGOs seeking foreign funding also make it mandatory for them to upload details of foreign contributions every three months. The changes in the existing norms are intended to ensure transparency by NGOs. Submission of details related to receipt and utilisation of foreign contributions every three months is one of the major changes initiated by the Home Ministry.

An Intelligence Bureau report last year on foreign funding of NGOs had termed certain NGOs a threat to national economic security. Subsequently, the Centre had suspended FCRA of Greenpeace arguing that it had violated Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) norms by engaging in political activities to influence and lobby for the formulation of policies of its liking.

“List of purposes for which foreign contribution can be utilised rationalised and reduced as per the FCRA, 2010.... Seeking details of functionaries of the association in annual return has been dropped,” a Home Ministry spokesperson said.

The condition of submission of certificate from a Chartered Accountant and audited statement of accounts with Annual Return has been removed in respect of NGOs that do not receive or utilise foreign contribution in a financial year. Condition of applying for renewal a year before expiry of existing registration certificate for NGOs implementing multi-year project has also been removed.

Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Monday launched a new FCRA website to make services online reducing human interface to a minimum. Now, all FCRA-designated bank accounts and Utilisation Accounts will have to be brought on to the online platform of Public Finance Management Service of Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance.

Requirement of seeking prior permission for change of name, aims and objects, address of the association, change of bank or account, change in governing body members, etc is now relaxed to only intimation through FCRA online service.


Now, NGOs can register for foreign funds online

Filing of application forms for FCRA registration, uploading documents such as annual returns can all be completed online.

THE ENTIRE registration process under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010 for NGOs to receive foreign funding was placed online by the government on Monday, even as Home Minister Rajnath Singh launched the revamped website of the ministry’s foreigners division.

All procedures to be followed under the FCRA, 2010 have been placed online in a bid to reduce human interaction. Meanwhile, amended rules — Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2015 — are also being notified.

Filing of application forms for FCRA registration, uploading documents such as annual returns can all be completed online. Queries by applicants and replies from the ministry can be sent via email. Applicants will even be issued digitally signed registration certificates, and prior permission sanctions for receiving foreign funds through emails.


Revamped foreign funding rules ask NGOs to vow not to hurt India

The Union government notified on Monday new foreign funding rules asking non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to affirm every year that the money they receive from abroad is not likely to “prejudicially” affect the security, strategic, scientific or economic interest of the country.

The tweaks to the Foreign Contribution Regulation Rules comes after the Intelligence Bureau last year claimed that some foreign-funded NGOs were harming the economic interests of the country.

Additionally, the government also brought the entire process of registration of NGOs for receiving foreign funding online.

“Earlier there was simple declaration that NGOs will adhere to all provision of the act governing foreign contribution at the time of registration of any NGO. But now it will be an annual affirmation at the time of filing return and the terms used in it are very vague and broad,” said Venkatesh Nayak, coordinator of Access to Information programme, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI).

Amended rules say NGOs will have to affirm that any acceptance of foreign funding is not likely to affect prejudicially the sovereignty and integrity of India, public interest, freedom or fairness of elections, friendly relations with a foreign state, harmony between religious, social or linguistic groups.

Except for the clause with regard to affecting the security, strategic, scientific or economic interests of the country, rest of the clauses have been part of the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) that governs foreign funding. “If any NGOs violated them, their registration could have been taken back. But now it is going to be annual undertaking with the submission of return of utilisation of foreign funds. We will review them to see whether they require to be challenged in court,” said Nayak.

The centre also launched the revamped website of the FCRA wing of the foreigners division of its ministry, during which home minister Rajnath Singh said he hoped the new initiative will offer applicants the seamless services of FCRA with adequate ease and facilitation.

Under the new online system, all kinds of application forms such as those for registration, renewal, annual returns can now be filled online and documents can be uploaded. The site will also accept web payments of requisite fees.

NGOs additionally will have to put information with regard to foreign funding received and utilised on their website every three months. The ministry will also answer all queries of NGOs through emails.


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Delhi HC quashes FCRA proceedings against Former Punjab MLA- holds contribution made by NRIs through proper banking channels not ‘foreign contribution’ [Read Judgment]

The contribution made by a citizen of India living in another country (Non-resident Indian), from his personal savings, through the normal banking channels, is not treated as foreign contribution, the Court said quashing FCRA proceedings against the former MLA. The Delhi High Court has quashed FCRA proceedings against Former Punjab MLA, Arvind Khanna for receiving an amount of Rs.9, 04, 84,770/-from his father through eight foreign entities, without obtaining prior permission from the Central Government while he was serving as a Legislator. Justice Suresh Kait held that contribution made by an NRI, from his personal savings, through normal banking channels is not treated as foreign contribution. Background While he was serving as Legislator in Punjab assembly, Arvind Khanna received an amount of Rs.9, 04, 84,770/- from his father, through eight foreign entities, one of which is known as New Heaven Nominees’ and the other seven entities are managed by an entity known as ‘CI Law Trust’. The Ministry of Home Affairs sanctioned investigation in terms of Section 28 FCRA, 1976 alleging that the legislator received funds without obtaining prior permission of the Central Government. Accordingly, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), registered the FIR mentioned above for violation of Section 23 (1) read with Section 4 (1) FCRA, 1976, against him for receiving the contribution from foreign entities without prior permission of the Central Government while he was an MLA. The former MLA, then moved a petition under Section 482 of CrPC before the High Court praying quashing of the FIR and Proceedings under FCRA. The contention of Arvind Khanna were mainly the following Amount received by him from his father, who is an Indian passport holder is a gift. The foreign entities through whom such funds were sent were holding the same on behalf of his father. Section 4 FCRA, 2010, now removes the requirement of prior permission from the Central Government. Hence he is completely exempted from any charge under Section 3 FCRA, 2010, as no prior permission is required. Section 41 FCRA, 2010, now made such offences as compoundable. FCRA, 1976 provisions Section 4(1) : No foreign contribution shall be accepted by any- (a) candidate for election, (b) correspondent, columnist, cartoonist, editor, owner, printer or publisher of a registered newspaper, (c) 3 [Judge, government servant] or employee of any corporation, (d) member of any Legislature, (e) political party or office-bearer thereof. Section 8(e): Nothing contained in section 4 shall apply to the acceptancefrom his relative when such foreign contribution has been received with the previous permission of the Central Government:(Whereas the FCRA, 2010 (Section 4(e)) does not require Central Government permission) Section 23: Punishment for the contravention of any provision of the Act (1) Whoever accepts, or assists any person, political party or organisation in accepting any foreign contribution or any currency from a foreign source, in contravention of any provision of this Act or any rule made thereunder, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years, or with fine, or with both. Contribution made by ‘Indian’ father, not a foreign contribution The court held that contribution made by a citizen of India living in another country (NonResident Indian), from his personal savings, through the normal banking channels, is not treated as foreign contribution. However, the court said that, while accepting any donation from such NRI, it is advisable to obtain his passport details to ascertain that he/she is an Indian Passport holder. Admittedly, father of the petitioner is an Indian Passport holder and transaction is through banking channel, the court observed. The court further observed that Section 4(e) completely excludes from the operation of FCRA, 2010, if any foreign contribution received from a relative. Nature of foreign sources not specifically stated In order to make out violation of Section 4 FCRA, 1976, the charge sheet must state as to from which of the foreign sources as set out in Section 2 (1) (c) FCRA, 1976, or like foreign source, the petitioner received such foreign contribution, the court said while observing that the charge sheet only states that the accused received funds from overseas firms/companies/trusts which are not registered/incorporated anywhere in India, without specifically finding the nature of foreign sources in order to bring them within the ambit of definition ‘foreign sources’, as prescribed in Section 2 (1) (e) FCRA, 1976. Accused entitled to benefit of subsequent amendment The court also observed that The FCRA, 2010 came into force w.e.f. 01.05.2011 and this Actexpands the categories of transactions exempted from the Act and further makes all offences compoundable. The court said it is settled proposition of law that where after commission of offence, there has been an amendment in the law which modifies the severity of the law or reduces the rigors of the law, then the accused is entitled to the benefit of such subsequent beneficial amendment in the law.

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