NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Thomson Reuters Foundation’s support for NGOs around the world

The Thomson Reuters Foundation provides support for issues related to women’s rights, anti-corruption and governance, climate change, social innovation and media development. However, its support is unique as it believes in taking up “action for impact.”
The Foundation does not provide grants but uses its unique set of skills to run programmes that trigger change and empower people: free legal assistance, media development and in-depth coverage of the world’s under-reported stories. It stands for human rights, women’s empowerment, better governance, greater transparency, and for the rule of law.
Under women’s rights, it helps women know and defend their rights. Through news and information, it aims to increase awareness on women’s issues. It also organizes the ‘Trust Women Conference’ with the aim of putting the rule of law behind women’s rights. The 2013 Trust Women Conference will be held in London from 3-4 December 2013. “A limited number of conference scholarships will soon be available for exceptional individuals at the forefront of women’s rights (to participate in this conference). Priority will be given to candidates from developing countries.”
Another important aspect of the Foundation’s support is the TrustLaw Connect. The TrustLas Connect is pro bono service that connects NGOs and social enterprises with the best law firms around the world with a mission to spread the practice of pro bono worldwide to drive social change. It also provides support for hundreds of social enterprises with innovative approaches to solving social and environmental challenges.
In order to apply for the TrustLaw Connect, NGOs can go through an online eligibility quiz. If they pass the test, they can apply for this support.

To know more about the Thomson Reuters’ TrustLaw Connect program, visit this link:

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Call for Applications: JWF Foundation, Grant Program for Innovative and Creative Peace Projects (worldwide)

Acknowledging the critical importance of supporting peace building and conflict resolution initiatives, JWF is soliciting creative and innovative projects that aim to prevent and constructively respond conflicts around the world.

Funding Your Projects!
Peace Projects will provide funds for projects up to US$50,000.

Who can Apply?
Non-profit organizations and individuals (including but not limited to academicians, activists, artists, community organizers, educators, filmmakers, journalists, scholars, social workers, and students) from all nationalities are eligible to apply.

Which Projects are Eligible?
Peace Projects will award projects from a broad range of disciplines, skills and approaches promoting peaceful coexistence and peace building. Some of the possible themes include:

Inter-communal and inter-state dialogue/cooperation

Peace education

Pluralism and multiculturalism

Youth, conflict and peace building

Early warning and conflict prevention

Mediation and negotiation

Post-conflict reconciliation

Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration

Good governance, rule of law and transitional justice

Poverty reduction, development and peace building

Gender equality and empowerment.

Exhibition of Completed Projects
Posters of completed projects will be exhibited. 

Best Implementation Award
Most successfully implemented projects will receive additional rewards up to US$30,000.

Please refer to the Request for Proposals document for details. The deadline for project proposals is September 30, 2013!Please visit more details.

Grant Opportunity for NGOs

Last Date: 31st October 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

2nd Monitoring & Evaluation Clinic at Lucknow on 4th October 2013

Dear Madam/Sir,

Greetings from Sambodhi!

Sambodhi Research & Communications is pleased to announce a one day Second Monitoring & Evaluation Clinic to be held at Lucknow on 4th October 2013. 
The programme is designed to augment knowledge and skills of strategic and operational functionaries in development organizations associated with programme implementation, monitoring and evaluation function, commissioning monitoring and evaluation studies and related project management functions. The programme aims to provide conceptual understanding of M&E and de-jargonize the subject for professionals working at the cutting edge of development. The training will not only familiarize participants with the 'nuts & bolts' of M&E but also develop requisite skills to incorporate M&E in project design and delivery. Apart from this, the programme will also focus on sharing latest techniques used for monitoring and evaluation.

The programme is an integral part of Sambodhi’s efforts to develop and disseminate knowledge on technical monitoring and evaluation across the region and develop regional knowledge hubs in this domain. 

Registration fee for the clinic: INR 2000

The last date of registration: September 27, 2013.

We shall be happy to answer any query with regard to this programme.

The detailed programme flyer and registration form can be obtained by writing to

With best regards,
Nandita Sebastian
Sambodhi Research & Communications
O-2, II Floor, Lajpat Nagar-II
New Delhi-110024
Tel.: +91 11 47593300-99 (Extn. 343)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

VGIF Grant Cycle 2014: Small Grants for Grassroots Projects

Deadline: 31 August 2013
VGIF (Virginia Gilder sleeve International Fund) provides small grants for grassroots projects that empower women and girls in developing countries.
VGIF is named in honour of Virginia Gilder sleeve, a noted leader in women’s education and Dean of Barnard College. Gilder sleeve was a co-founder and twice President of the International Federation of University Women. She was the only woman appointed by President Franklin Roosevelt to the US Delegation that established the United Nations and the first woman in the United States to sign a United States treaty.
VGIF supports women’s organizations based outside of the United States by providing small grants for an array of community needs up to $7,500 USD.
What VGIF supports:
§  Economic empowerment of women
§  Community development
§  Health and nutritional support
§  Literacy and leadership training
§  Educational seminars and workshops
§  Promoting education in the sciences for girls
§  Women’s human rights
§  Organizations that are governed and directed by women.
VGIF does not consider requests for the following:
§  Individual scholarships and tuition
§  Political organizations
§  Religious groups unless the proposed project contributes to the general good of the community
§  The construction of permanent buildings or the purchase of land
§  Salaries for board members and permanent staff but may include stipends/honoraria for external resource people/trainers.
For more information, visit this link.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Walk-in-Interview for the post of Accountant and support staff on 27.08.13 at ISS

Institute of Social Sciences (ISS), 
Bhubaneswar needs:

(i)                  Accountant (1) &
(ii)                (ii) Support Staff (1) for Bhubaneswar Office. 

Education Qualification –
Master/Bachelor Degree in Commerce & Experience in Tally, TDS, Account related works, office administration & others for Sl. No. 1 & +2/10th pass for Sl. No. (ii). Appear with complete bio-data on 27thAugust, 2013 at 9 AM in the

Institute of Social Sciences,
Plot No – 26,
Surya Nagar, Bhubaneswar – 751003,
Tel – 0674-2397792, 8763819036,

             E.mail id

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Teach Peace

Google Funding Opportunity for Indian NGOs

August 21, 2013 

Deadline: 5 September 2013
Google has launched its first funding opportunity for NGOs in India to apply for grants of Rs. 3 crore. The Google Impact Challenge | India an effort to support innovators who are exploring new ways to solve the world’s most pressing problems. If you are an Indian NGO, you can submit a project on the use of technology and innovative approaches to tackle problems in India and around the world.
Google is looking for projects that use technology to address a specific social issue on a grand scale. Technology can come in many forms, from improving the lives of people through digital literacy training's, improving education through data analysis, or monitoring clean water wells with hardware sensors.
To be eligible to enter the Challenge, you must be registered for Charitable purposes and not for purposes of profit and meet the following criteria:
(a) be an authorised representative of an Organisation based in India and registered as one of the following:
(1) As a Trust under the Indian Trusts Act or similar Trusts Act of the respective states in India
(2) As a Society under the Societies Registration Act, 1960 or similar Act of the respective states in India
(3) As a not for profit Company under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956
(b) not be an entity under U.S. export controls or sanctions;
(c) have access to the Internet as of 11 August 2013;
(d) not discriminate on any unlawful basis in either hiring/employment practices or in the administration of programmes and services;
(e) not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in hiring/employment practices; and
(f) agree that if you receive an Award it will be used for programs open to all persons regardless of religion
and will not be used for religious instruction.

For more information, visit this link:

Teach to inspire. Teach to lead. Teach For India.

Malala Yousafzai gets peace prize

Global Charter on Right to Participation in Local Democratic Governance

PRIA (New Delhi), CYSD (Odisha) and Logo Link – jointly announce the consultation on “Global Charter on Right to Participation in Local Democratic Governance” to be held on 21 August 2013 at CYSD, Bhubaneswar. For more see:

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Training Programme on Basic and Advanced Data Analysis using SPSS

For more details: B-23, Lajpat Nagar-II, New Delhi-110 024
Call on: +91-11-47593300-99, +91-11-41005792
Write to:
Training Programme
"Basic and Advanced Data Analysis using SPSS"
05-07 September 2013, New Delhi
Dear Sir/Madam

Greetings from Sambodhi!

Sambodhi Research & Management Institute is pleased to announce the Training Programme on Basic and Advanced Data Analysis using SPSS to be held at New Delhi from September 05-07, 2013.
The purpose of the training programme is to augment knowledge and skills of strategic and operational level functionaries involved with data analysis. Specifically, the programme focuses at:
·  Developing better understanding of basic concepts of statistics
·  Developing requisite skills to bring-in and transform data using SPSS
·  Enhancing knowledge and develop skills for selecting and performing appropriate analysis
·  Augmenting knowledge and skills for interpretation and presentation of analysis

The course shall provide:
·  18-21 hours of tutorial
·  Reading and reference materials
·  Rigorous  hands on practice
·  Complementary advisory and troubleshooting support services through electronic media

If you are interested in the programme please send an email to obtain the programme flyer and registration form.
Discounts on training fee are available for early and group registrations as well as for organizations and individuals that have participated in any of our trainings in the past. Registrations done 15 or more days prior to the start date of the programme are eligible for early-bird discount.
We shall be happy to answer any queries that you may have in this regard.

With warm regards

Mary Bachaspatimayum, Ph. D.
Sambodhi Research and Management Institute
B 23, Lajpat Nagar-II, New Delhi -110024
+91.11.47593300-99, +91.11.41005792

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Happy Raksha Bandhan to all

NGO workshop to guide NGOs on fundraising events

Great news for NGOs in and around Kolkata! Now the city has a dedicated group of Joy of Giving Week volunteers who have lined up some fantastic fundraising events. They are organising an NGO workshop to guide NGOs to participate in these events and to create other events. The workshop on Fri, Aug 23 is free for NGOs. Only 50 please register immediately at

Monday, August 19, 2013

VGIF Grant Cycle 2014: Small Grants for Grassroots Projects

Deadline: 31 August 2013
VGIF (Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund) provides small grants for grassroots projects that empowerwomen and girls in developing countries.
VGIF is named in honor of Virginia Gildersleeve, a noted leader in women’s education and Dean of Barnard College. Gildersleeve was a co-founder and twice President of the International Federation of UniversityWomen. She was the only woman appointed by President Franklin Roosevelt to the US Delegation that established the United Nations and the first woman in the United States to sign a United States treaty.
VGIF supports women’s organizations based outside of the United States by providing small grants for an array of community needs up to $7,500 USD.
What VGIF supports:
§  Economic empowerment of women
§  Community development
§  Health and nutritional support
§  Literacy and leadership training
§  Educational seminars and workshops
§  Promoting education in the sciences for girls
§  Women’s human rights
§  Organizations that are governed and directed by women.
VGIF does not consider requests for the following:
§  Individual scholarships and tuition
§  Political organizations
§  Religious groups unless the proposed project contributes to the general good of the community
§  The construction of permanent buildings or the purchase of land
§  Salaries for board members and permanent staff but may include stipends/honoraria for external resource people/trainers.

For more information, visit this link: