NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, December 31, 2012

South Asia Women Fund

Access to judicial processes to recognize rights and redress violations is the very cornerstone of the rights based approach. This is critical for ensuring all human rights, including women’s human rights. Hence, South Asia Women's Fund is launching The Legal Fellowships programme, which seeks to address the gap of adjudicating women’s rights cases through a feminist legal praxis, enabling a creation of a legal resource pool to support and work for the women survivors of violations. The programme is open to women lawyers, women human rights defenders with para-legal training working in small towns at the primary/lower court level in Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The last date for applications is 31st January 2013. To read more about the programme and the application process please visit the SAWF home page at We request all friends to spread the word about this extremely critical programme. Please email us on or drop us a message on our facebook page ( ) if there are any queries/clarifications regarding the programme.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

One Day Workshop on Fundraising and Marketing through E Mails

USAID invites Indian NGOs to apply for India-Africa Agriculture Innovation Bridge Program

USAID invites Indian NGOs to apply for India-Africa Agriculture Innovation Bridge Program

Deadline: 31 March 2013

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking NGOs (and other organizations) in India to apply for grantsunder the program called “Improved Agricultural Productivity in African FTF Countries through Sharing of Indian Agriculture Innovations.”
The program proposes the sharing of proven Indian agriculture innovations in Kenya, Liberia, and Malawi, which are the USAID Feed the Future focus countries in Africa.
USAID encourages applicants from local Indian organizations that are private, non-profit organizations (or for-profit companies willing to forego profits), including private voluntary organizations, universities, research organizations, professional associations, and relevant special interest associations.
USAID India intends to provide up to a total of $6.012 million to successful applicants. Approximately two to four cooperative agreements and/or grants of $2 million each or less may be awarded against this APS. All awards will be made on a competitive basis. USAID reserves the right to make no awards against this APS.
Only concept notes are to be submitted initially. Full proposals will be accepted only after the review and short listing of concept notes. There are four rounds of this competition and deadline ends each quarter (31 March 2013, 30 June 2013, 30 September 2013 and 31 December 2013). For more information, visit this link:-

Public Notice

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Four weeks Capacity Building Program with Field Exposure in “Community Driven Development” from 7 – 31st January, 2013 at Bala Vikasa PDTC, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Bala Vikasa People Development Training Center is pleased to announce Four week-long Capacity Building Program with Field Exposure in “Community Driven Development” (CDD). This program is scheduled from 7 – 31st  January, 2013 at Bala Vikasa PDTC Premises.

The cost of the four week long training is only INR 40000. But partial scholarships are available on the first come first serve basis. The maximum intake number for the training program is only 25. Hence we request to confirm your participation at the earliest by sending your application form attached to their website.

For more details on the course objectives and contents kindly refer to their website or  contact their Capacity Building Program Officer Ms. Sunitha Reddy on 91-9849844868 / 91-9849165890 / 91-8702453255. Log on to our website

Bala Vikasa PDTC,
Fathimanagar (NIT Post),
Kazipet - 506004
Warangal (Dt), Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
Mobile: 91-9849844868
Off    : 91870 - 2453255

Training on Permaculture & Animal care - from 1st - 5th February, 2013

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Providing basic education support designed to improve education in farming communities

Organization: Monsanto Fund
28th Feb and 31st Aug 2013 
Interest Area(s): 
Community, Education, Environment, Health and Social & Human Services

The Monsanto Fund accepts grant proposals for programs outside of the U.S. in the following areas: providing basic education support designed to improve education in farming communities around the world, including supporting schools, libraries, science centers, farmer training programs and academic programs that enrich or supplement school programs and meeting critical needs in communities by supporting nonprofit organizations that help with things such as food security, sanitation, access to clean water, public safety and various other local needs. Applications are by invitation only. Your first step is to contact your local Monsanto representative. Details of these representatives can be found on the website.-
For more information about the founding please visit -

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Animals Conservation Fund (CEACF) provide funding for NGO projects

1.     Organization: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
      Deadline: 1st Apr 2013
Interest Area(s): Conservation

Thousands of species throughout the world are currently facing the real threat of extinction due to heavy poaching, illegal trade of wildlife, especially regarding bushmeat and ivory, human-wildlife conflict, disease, and disappearing habitats. Many of these species belong to populations so small and narrowly distributed that they require immediate assistance. The US Fish and Wildlife Service's Wildlife Without Borders Program created the Critically Endangered Animals Conservation Fund (CEACF) to provide funding for projects that work to protect critically endangered species in Africa, Asia, South America, and Oceania. The goal of the CEACF is to provide support to projects that have a high likelihood of creating long-lasting benefits to species facing the immediate threat of global extinction. In 2011 alone, the program awarded $593,822 in grants for 29 projects in 19 countries worldwide – targeting over 20 critically endangered species of birds, mammals, and reptiles.:

Commonwealth Foundation grant for NGOs

Organization: Commonwealth Foundation
Deadline: 31st Jan 2013
Interest Area(s): Community; Environment; Human Rights and NGO Capacity Bldg

The grant programme will contribute to sustainable development in the context of effective, responsive and  ccountable governance with civil society participation. The programme will broker knowledge and ideas. It will support innovation, share replicable and sustainable models, and promote good practice across the participatory governance sector. The objectives of the new grant programme are: to deliver an efficient and effective programme which is responsive to the development needs of CSOs across the Commonwealth; to complement the effectiveness of the Foundation's projects by providing grants to CSOs beyond those supported through the projects; and to generate knowledge and understanding of participatory governance and its benefits in promoting 
effective, responsive and accountable governance within the Commonwealth by supporting models of good practice. 

wildlife projects

Organization: Wildlife Conservation Network
Deadline: 15th Jan 2013,Interest Area(s): Conservation

The WCN supports wildlife projects worldwide, with emphasis on Latin America, 
Africa, and Asia. WCN invites letters of inquiry from registered  (NGO) nonprofit organizations engaged in wildlife conservation or animal welfare to apply for partnerships. WCN collaborates with its partners for networking, fund raising, and organizational support

The United Nations Democracy Fund invites CSOs to apply for funding (Deadline 31 Dec 2012)

The United Nations Democracy Fund invites civil society organizations to submit proposals for funding for projects to advance and support democracy. Project proposals may be submitted on-line between 15 November 2012 and 31 December 2012. Only on-line applications in either English or French will be accepted. Click button below to apply.

Submitting a Project Proposal: Please visit this link: - Click button below to apply.