NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Animals Conservation Fund (CEACF) provide funding for NGO projects

1.     Organization: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
      Deadline: 1st Apr 2013
Interest Area(s): Conservation

Thousands of species throughout the world are currently facing the real threat of extinction due to heavy poaching, illegal trade of wildlife, especially regarding bushmeat and ivory, human-wildlife conflict, disease, and disappearing habitats. Many of these species belong to populations so small and narrowly distributed that they require immediate assistance. The US Fish and Wildlife Service's Wildlife Without Borders Program created the Critically Endangered Animals Conservation Fund (CEACF) to provide funding for projects that work to protect critically endangered species in Africa, Asia, South America, and Oceania. The goal of the CEACF is to provide support to projects that have a high likelihood of creating long-lasting benefits to species facing the immediate threat of global extinction. In 2011 alone, the program awarded $593,822 in grants for 29 projects in 19 countries worldwide – targeting over 20 critically endangered species of birds, mammals, and reptiles.: