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Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Saturday, May 28, 2016

NGOs should look beyond CSR funding when engaging with companies: CII

LUCKNOW: CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) ( in partnership with the Resource Alliance India recently organised a workshop in Lucknow which aimed at building capacities of NGOs on different aspects of the CSR legislation and for facilitating dialogue with corporates to explore potential avenues of collaboration.

Year 2016 being the third year of the legislation, most companies which have their CSR policies in place have overcome the teething issues and are all geared up to implement their CSR plans. "Therefore this was considered as a perfect time to help NGOs in preparing roadmap to approach companies for building partnership and helping them understand the language of companies. We also need to tell them how to approach and build sustainable partnerships with companies", said CII.

To achieve this, CII Foundation has organised workshops in different parts of the country towards training NGOs and calibrating their perception towards corporate engagement. Lucknow's workshop was a part of the series.

The key points discussed in the workshops were that for successful partnership, it is imperative for NGOs and companies to have alignment of goals and objectives. "NGO-corporate engagement should not only be looked through the point of CSR funding, rather partnerships can be built on other aspects like volunteering, payroll giving, sponsorship for special events and other innovative partner based interventions. Outcome, impact and scale are some of the key parameters for companies when scouting for projects", recommended CII in the workshop.

The workshop included interaction with companies like CP Milk and Food Products, TCS, Tata Motors and Reliance along with sharing of successful partnership case studies and a tutorial session on building and sustaining partnerships.


Why has the Nirbhaya Fund not been used: SC to Centre

New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Thursday issued notice to the Central and all the states government questioning the non-utilization of the Nirbhaya Fund introduced in the year 2012.

The Supreme Court asked why the Rs 2000 crore corpus was not being utilised and disbursed among victims of sexual offences. It also sought response from the Centre and States on forming a national plan for providing compensation to rape victims and witness protection programme.

The Nirbhaya Fund was introduced in the 2013 budget speech by the then Finance Minister P Chidambaram after the December 16 gang rape which sent a reverberating nationwide protest demanding a revolutionized governmental system for the protection of women all over India.

The Nirbhaya Fund is expected to support initiatives by different NGOs and the government in protecting the dignity and ensuring safety of women in India.


Nirbhaya Fund: SC asks Centre why Rs 2,000 crore corpus not being disbursed among sexual offence victims

Supreme Court asks all state governments to respond within 6 weeks.

The Supreme Court on Thursday issued a notice to the Centre and all state governments questioning the non-utilization of the Nirbhaya Fund introduced in 2012.

The apex court asked as to why Rs 2,000 crore corpus was not being utilised and disbursed among the victims of sexual offences. It also sought response from the Centre and states on forming a national plan for providing compensation to rape victims and witness protection programme.

All state governments have been asked to respond within six weeks.

The bench passed the order after senior advocate Indira Jaisingh, assisting the Supreme Court in a case arising from nine PILs on the issue, pleaded that the states were not giving necessary information to her.

"The states were supposed to set up one-stop crisis centres in each district. As many as 653 such crisis centres were supposed to be in place across the country, but they have not provided information whether they had done so," Jaisingh said.

She submitted that the state governments should be directed to pay reasonable compensation to the victims as some were giving as little as Rs. 25,000.

The apex court had made Jaisingh amicus curiae in the 2012 Nipun Saxena case.

Saxena, a law student, had after the December 16 gang-rape case in2012 filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the apex court, questioning the constitutional validity of the two-finger test and had questioned about the formation of a victim's compensation board as per a 1996 Supreme Court directive.

Nirbhaya Fund was announced by Government of India in its 2013 Union Budget. According to the then finance minister P. Chidambaram, this fund is expected to support initiatives by the government and NGOs working towards protecting the dignity and ensuring safety of women in India.


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

MHA officer sent to judicial custody till June 6

A special court today sent an MHA official to jail till June 6 for allegedly issuing FCRA notices arbitrarily to several NGOs for financial gains after CBI submitted that his further custodial interrogation was not required in the case.

Special CBI Judge Vinod Kumar sent accused Anand Joshi, under secretary in the Home Ministry, to 14-day judicial remand after he was produced before the court on expiry of his CBI custody.

In its application before the court, the CBI submitted that the accused be sent to jail as he was no more required for further questioning in the case.

The court also allowed the counsel for the accused to get a copy of the FIR in the case.

According to sources, the CBI had summoned several government officials and other persons in connection with the probe.

Earlier, the special court had extended the CBI custody of Joshi after the agency mentioned that seven new files have been recovered during the probe.

Joshi, who was arrested from west Delhi on May 15, was under CBI custody which ended today.

CBI had earlier claimed that the files relating to several NGOs had gone missing from Home Ministry and they were recovered from his house although he was not supposed to take them away.

It had alleged that Joshi had been issuing notices dishonestly to a large number of NGOs/societies registered under the FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act) 2010, which have been receiving significant amount of foreign contributions, in an arbitrary manner.

It has said some of these organisations are Care India, Snehalya Charitable Trust, Indian HIV/AIDS Alliance and All India Primary Teachers Federation and alleged that the representatives of some of these organisations were called and Joshi demanded and obtained illegal gratification.
Joshi was arrested on May 15 after he allegedly gave

unconvincing answers to the questions posed by a team of Special Crime division of the CBI, including those related to disappearance of files on Sabrang Trust of activist Teesta Setalvad.

Joshi, who had disappeared from his home in Indirapuram in Ghaziabad, was picked up from Tilak Nagar area of West Delhi and taken to the CBI headquarters for questioning.

Subsequently, he was arrested by the agency.

Joshi has rejected the charge and instead accused his seniors of pressuring him to give a clean chit to NGOs. In a note which he had left before leaving home, Joshi claimed he had been subjected to "mental harassment" in recent months.

CBI had alleged that Joshi laundered ill-gotten earnings in various immovable assets as well as certain private firms which were floated by him and that his wife was one of the directors in them.

It alleged even after his transfer from FCRA division, he continued to indulge in corrupt activities on the basis of documents which were in his possession unauthorisedly.

The agency claimed that during the search conducted at Joshi's house, one file pertaining to FCRA about private NGO Care India Solutions for Sustainable Development has been seized and his interrogation was needed to know as to how the official files made way in his house and what was his intention in bringing them.

The matter came to light after files pertaining to alleged FCRA violations by two NGOs run by Setalvad went missing from the Home Ministry. The files were traced and restored to the FCRA division but CBI was asked to investigate the matter.

It was noticed that the files had gone missing when the Home Ministry took a decision to cancel FCRA registration of one of Setalvad's NGOs, Sabrang Trust, sources had said.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mandatory Disclosure on Website

Annual audited FCRA accounts

Rule 13 (a): Earlier NGOs receiving more than Rs 1 crore were required to put up a summary of receipts & payments on their website, however the amended rule requires that all NGOs to display audited FCRA accounts including Balance Sheet, Income & Expenditure & Receipts & Payments account for a financial year within 9 months of the year-end. Considering 9 month period ended on 31st December and the rules have been amended effective 14th Dec 2015, there is a school of thought which states that NGOs should display their FCRA accounts on their website by 31st December 2015.

Quarterly donor receipts 

Rule 13 (b): All NGOs receiving Foreign Contribution are required to disclose on quarterly basis following information:

  •  Donor-wise details of FC amounts received in its designated account as well as the date of receipt.

The above information is to be disclosed within 15 days of the quarter-end. Considering these rules were notified on 14th Dec 2015, this information is will become due for 31stDecember quarter and should be on the website by 15th January 2016.

In view of the above amendments, we urge all NGOs receiving FC to display the above information on their official websites, at the earliest. Please do note the above amendments are applicable to all NGOs registered under FCRA or having prior permission, irrespective of the amount received.

Quarterly disclosure for organizations not having their own websites

All FCRA registered / prior-permission entities have to disclose FCRA funds received on theirofficial websites. However in case of organisations which do not maintain any official website, FCRA Dep. has now come to their rescue by asking them to file quarterly returns on FCRA website.

This is how it works. An NGO wanting to post its quarterly details of FCRA funds rec’d should log on to online website of FCRA Dept. . Using its user id and password, organizations can post the quarterly return on FCRA website within 15 days of the quarter end.

Information to be posted consists of following:

  •  Name of the donor
  • Type of Donor, i.e. individual or institutional,
  • Address of the Donor
  • Purpose (select out of options like economical, social, cultural, religious, etc)
  • Amount of grant received

The above is for your information and necessary action.

Anand Joshi Sent Notices to At Least 14 NGOs in Oct-Nov

PROBING MISSION CBI gets 5 days to examine MHA undersecretary, alleges during his stint in MHA Joshi indulged in corrupt practices & laundered money into 3 media cos

As many as 14 NGOs, including Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) and India HIVAIDS Alliance, were among the trusts `arbitrarily' issued notices by home ministry undersecretary Anand Joshi during October-November 2015, said officials.

Joshi, who was arrested and remanded to five days CBI custody, had also issued notices to Sunita Narain's Centre for Science and Environment (CSE). CBI alleged that during his stint in MHA Joshi had indulged in corrupt practices and laundered money into three media companies -Sreejak Media, Sreejak Radio Media and Sreejak Outdoor Media -he had opened in name of his wife Minakshi Joshi.

A senior MHA official told ET: “Joshi was in-charge of the monitoring unit of FCRA and besides the 14 identified, he may have issued notices to many more NGOs.We are in the process of compiling the list and handing it over the same to CBI for investigations. It is for the agency to establish whether there was any quid pro quo between him and NGOs.“

Other NGOs that were issued notices include Maha Bodhi Society of India, Kolkata, and All India Primary Teachers Federation, New Delhi.Gurgaon-based PHFI was issued no tices in November 2015 for alleged FCRA violation worth `552 crore, while Indian HIVAIDs Alliance was accused of FCRA breach worth `165 crore. Another NGO allegedly harassed by Joshi, as per MHA records, was the Sacred Heart Educational Trust, Kolkata, which received a sum of nearly `11 crore.

Joshi had issued notices to this trust weeks before his removal from FCRA wing in December last year after inspection of their documents, added a home ministry official on the condition of anonymity. According to MHA records, the accounts of Delhi-based NGO, Act Now for Harmony and Democracy were inspected by Joshi on November 2, 2015, for alleged FCRA violations of `5.27 crore.

The arrested bureaucrat, however, alleged senior additional secretary (foreigners) BK Prasad press u r e d h i m t o f avo u r Fo r d Foundation, another NGO which was under home ministry scanner for FCRA violations. Prasad had denied the allegations and has complained to CBI that several files related to NGOs had gone missing from the MHA. The MHA alleged it was Joshi who took away Teesta Setalvad's Sabrang Trust files pertaining to FCRA violations.


MHA official Anand Joshi booked for issuing FCRA notices to NGOs

Anand Joshi, an Under Secretary in the home ministry, was being questioned by the sleuths of Special Crime division of the CBI. The case was slapped against Joshi and some other unnamed persons for allegedly indulging in corrupt practices and arbitrarily issuing notices to several NGOs.

The CBI arrested home ministry official Anand Joshi, who had disappeared after being summoned by the agency four days back, in connection with a case of allegedly issuing FCRA notices arbitrarily to several NGOs for financial gains.

Joshi, an Under Secretary in the home ministry, was being questioned by the sleuths of Special Crime division of the CBI. Joshi, who had disappeared on Wednesday morning from his home in Indirapuram in Ghaziabad, was picked up from Tilak Nagar area of West Delhi and taken to the CBI headquarters for questioning.

CBI Spokesperson Devpreet Singh said the CBI was tracking the accused and based on information that he was in West Delhi area around 5 PM he was arrested. "He has been brought to the CBI headquarter and is being questioned about the allegations against him," she said.

The case was slapped against Joshi and some other unnamed persons for allegedly indulging in corrupt practices and arbitrarily issuing notices to several NGOs, registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), which were receiving foreign contributions, including activist Teesta Setalvad's Sabrang Trust.

Joshi has rejected the charge and instead accused his seniors of pressuring him to give a clean chit to NGOs. In a note which he had left before leaving home, Joshi claimed he had been subjected to mental harassment in recent months. The matter came to light after files pertaining to alleged FCRA violations by two NGOs run by Setalvad went missing from the Home Ministry. The files were traced and restored to the FCRA division but CBI was asked to investigate the matter. It was noticed that the files had gone missing when the Home Ministry took a decision to cancel FCRA registration of one of Setalvad's NGOs, Sabrang Trust, sources said. Sabrang Trust's licence was suspended on September 9, 2015 by MHA for alleged multiple violations of FCRA rules, including misuse of funds for personal benefit of trustees.


‘Joshi offered key MHA info to Ford Foundation’

NEW DELHI: Anand Joshi, the home ministry officer under arrest for issuing arbitrary notices to NGOs under Foreign Contributions Regulation Act (FCRA), had secretly contacted a senior Ford Foundation representative in New Delhi in July 2015 and offered to share minutes of a key home ministry meeting that discussed registration of the US-based donor's Delhi office under an Indian law.

Ford Foundation chose to ignore the "offer" and later informed seniors in the home ministry about it.

According to a senior home ministry official, Joshi had also tried to harass leading NGOs like Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) and India HIV/AIDS Alliance, both recipients of grants from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, by issuing them a standard questionnaire, the first point of an enquiry against an NGO suspected of violating FCRA provisions, without authorisation from his seniors.

The official said Joshi made a call to Tuhina Sunder, who works at Ford Foundation's Lodhi Estate office, on July 8, 2015, the very day a meeting was held in the ministry to discuss the need for Ford Foundation to register its Indian arm under either FCRA or Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA). This was months after the US donor was placed on 'prior permission' list for allegedly funding non-FCRA registered and profit-making entities in India.

The MHA official claimed Joshi told the Ford Foundation officer that he knew of the decision taken at the July 8 meet and could read out its minutes. "He even offered to provide her with an unofficial copy of the minutes if she visited the building where the FCRA division is located," the official said and claimed a recording of the telephone conversation was available with the ministry and would be shared with the CBI.

The Ford Foundation representative reportedly contacted by Joshi did not entertain him. The NGO, the MHA official said, overlooked the overtures and brought up the matter later in meetings with the ministry brass.

When contacted, Ford Foundation did not confirm or deny the call between Joshi and Tuhina. In a statement emailed to TOI, the US-based donor dismissed a recent allegation by Joshi that he was under pressure to favour the foundation for a Rs 250 crore bribe as "outlandish and untrue". "No such overture or suggestion has ever been made and the foundation rejects this allegation completely and unequivocally," it said.

According to sources, Joshi's modus operandi was to identify cash-rich NGOs and issue them standard questionnaires under FCRA without clearance from his bosses. Incidentally, he would also issue notices to smaller NGOs so as not to arouse suspicion. The motive was to ride on the general apprehension among NGOs following the FCRA crackdown on Greenpeace India, Ford Foundation etc and scare them into "negotiating" a settlement with him.

Some of Joshi's "victims" included environmentalist Sunita Narain's CSE, PHFI, Indian HIV/AIDS Alliance and the Sacred Heart Educational Trust (Kolkata).


Court sends Home Ministry official to 5-day CBI custody

A Delhi court today sent to five- day CBI custody an under secretary in the Union Home Ministry in connection with a case against him of allegedly dishonestly issuing FCRA notices to several NGOs for financial gains.

Special CBI Judge Vinod Kumar allowed the probe agency to quiz Anand Joshi, who was arrested yesterday from west Delhi, in its custody till May 20.

Seeking Joshi's custody, CBI argued that files relating to several NGOs had gone missing from the Home Ministry and they were recovered from his house and he was not supposed to take them away.

It contended that he was neither cooperating in the probe nor disclosing relevant facts and his custodial interrogation was required to find out how those files came to his house.

CBI alleged in court that Joshi had been issuing notices dishonestly to a large number of NGOs/ societies registered under the FCRA 2010, which have been receiving significant amount of foreign contributions, in an arbitrary manner.

It said some of these organisations are Care India, Snehalya Charitable Trust, Indian HIV/AIDS Alliance and All India Primary Teachers Federation and alleged that the representatives of some of these organisations were called and Joshi demanded and obtained illegal gratification.

It further said when the CBI team had gone to his house, he not present there and even his mobile phone was switched off from May 11 to May 15 and he had left his house leaving a false letter behind.

The custody plea, however, was opposed by Joshi's counsel who said his mobile was not switched off and he had lost his phone in Ujjain and in his 24 years long career he was not even issued an office memo.

Joshi was arrested yesterday after he allegedly gave unconvincing answers to the questions posed by a team of Special Crime division of the CBI, including those related to disappearance of files related to Sabrang Trust of activist Teesta Setalvad.

Joshi, who had disappeared on the morning of May 11 from his home in Indirapuram in Ghaziabad, was yesterday picked up from Tilak Nagar area of West Delhi and taken to the CBI headquarters for questioning.

The case was slapped against Joshi and some other unnamed persons for allegedly indulging in corrupt practices and arbitrarily issuing notices to several NGOs, registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), which were receiving foreign contributions, including activist Teesta Setalvad's Sabrang Trust.
Joshi has rejected the charge and instead accused his

seniors of pressuring him to give a clean chit to NGOs. In a note which he had left before leaving home, Joshi claimed he had been subjected to "mental harassment" in recent months.

CBI alleged in the court that Joshi laundered ill-gotten earnings in various immovable assets as well as certain private companies which were floated by him and his wife was one of the directors in them.

It alleged even after his transfer from FCRA division, he continued to indulge in corrupt activities on the basis of documents which were in his possession unauthorisedly.

The agency claimed that during the search conducted at Joshi's house, one file pertaining to FCRA which pertains to private NGO Care India Solutions for Sustainable Development has been recovered and seized and his interrogation was needed to know as to how the official files made way in his house and what was his intention in bringing them.

The matter came to light after files pertaining to alleged FCRA violations by two NGOs run by Setalvad went missing from the Home Ministry. The files were traced and restored to the FCRA division but CBI was asked to investigate the matter.

It was noticed that the files had gone missing when the Home Ministry took a decision to cancel FCRA registration of one of Setalvad's NGOs, Sabrang Trust, sources had said.

Sabrang Trust's licence was suspended on September 9, 2015 by MHA for alleged multiple violations of FCRA rules, including misuse of funds for personal benefit of trustees.

When Home Ministry officials found that the files had gone missing, they conducted an inquiry and identified Joshi as the official who had taken away the files. He was summoned and the files were restored.

An Under Secretary is not allowed to take away files, only officials of the rank of Joint Secretary and above are allowed to take the files home. It is a serious violation, the CBI had said.


IA official Anand Joshi booked for issuing FCRA notices to NGOs

Anand Joshi, an under Secretary in the home ministry, was being questioned by the sleuths of Special Crime division of the CBI. The case was slapped against Joshi and some other unnamed persons for allegedly indulging in corrupt practices and arbitrarily issuing notices to several NGOs.

The CBI arrested home ministry official Anand Joshi, who had disappeared after being summoned by the agency four days back, in connection with a case of allegedly issuing FCRA notices arbitrarily to several NGOs for financial gains.

Joshi, an Under Secretary in the home ministry, was being questioned by the sleuths of Special Crime division of the CBI. Joshi, who had disappeared on Wednesday morning from his home in Indirapuram in Ghaziabad, was picked up from Tilak Nagar area of West Delhi and taken to the CBI headquarters for questioning.

CBI Spokesperson Devpreet Singh said the CBI was tracking the accused and based on information that he was in West Delhi area around 5 PM he was arrested. "He has been brought to the CBI headquarter and is being questioned about the allegations against him," she said.

The case was slapped against Joshi and some other unnamed persons for allegedly indulging in corrupt practices and arbitrarily issuing notices to several NGOs, registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), which were receiving foreign contributions, including activist Teesta Setalvad's Sabrang Trust.

Joshi has rejected the charge and instead accused his seniors of pressuring him to give a clean chit to NGOs. In a note which he had left before leaving home, Joshi claimed he had been subjected to mental harassment in recent months. The matter came to light after files pertaining to alleged FCRA violations by two NGOs run by Setalvad went missing from the Home Ministry. The files were traced and restored to the FCRA division but CBI was asked to investigate the matter. It was noticed that the files had gone missing when the Home Ministry took a decision to cancel FCRA registration of one of Setalvad's NGOs, Sabrang Trust, sources said. Sabrang Trust's licence was suspended on September 9, 2015 by MHA for alleged multiple violations of FCRA rules, including misuse of funds for personal benefit of trustees.


Monday, May 16, 2016

Missing Teesta file: CBI detains MHA official Anand Joshi

CBI spokesperson Devpreet Singh said the agency had been tracking Joshi and he was detained around 5 pm.

Home Ministry Under Secretary Anand Joshi, who went missing on May 11 — the day he was to appear before CBI for questioning in a corruption case — was on Sunday arrested by the agency. Sources said Joshi was found hiding at a relative’s residence in West Delhi

“He was brought to CBI headquarters and questioned about the allegations against him. Since he was not cooperating with the investigations, he was arrested,” Singh said.

Joshi had alleged corruption in the top brass of the home ministry and claimed he was being harassed and framed as he had refused to favour certain NGOs, which were offering bribes to the tune of several hundred crores. He had disappeared from his home, leaving behind a note for his wife in which he claimed he had been subjected to “mental harassment” in recent months. His family claimed he had been undergoing treatment for depression for nearly two decades. Ghaziabad police had registered a missing person complaint in this regard while CBI had said that it would summon Joshi again for questioning. On May 9, the CBI registered a corruption case against Joshi and claimed searches at his house and office had led to the recovery of Rs 7.5 lakh in cash and documents, including files pertaining to the Home Ministry and the I&B Ministry. He was also accused of being in illegal possession of a file relating to actions under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA) against activist Teesta Setalvad’s NGO Sabrang Trust. Raids at his home and three companies owned by his wife led to the recovery of files of several other NGOs, including CARE India. CBI has alleged that Joshi was arbitrarily issuing notices to various NGOs and favoured some for pecuniary gains. He was kept under watch by the home ministry for several months before a complaint was filed with the CBI. Official sources claimed Joshi had sent notices to about 60 NGOs for “violation” of FCRA provisions in November 2015. Some of Joshi’s seniors in the ministry may be questioned over the notices, sources said. Speaking to The Indian Express earlier, Joshi claimed: “I was offered around Rs 200-250 crore to remove Ford Foundation from a blacklist. When I refused, the organisation lodged a complaint with the PMO. Officers in my department, such as Additional Secretary B K Prasad, began pressuring me to give a clean chit to Ford Foundation. When I refused, all these allegations of corruption were levelled against me. I never removed the file on Sabrang Trust either.” Dismissing the allegation, Prasad had said, “he (Joshi) is talking rubbish. This is a matter of CBI investigation. The truth will come out.” A statement issued by Ford Foundation had also rejected Joshi’s allegations.


MHA official who ‘took away’ Teesta file arrested

NEW DELHI: A home ministry under secretary accused of taking away the FCRA file on Teesta Setalvad's Sabrang Trustand arbitrarily issuing notices to many foreign-funded NGOs was arrested on Sunday after the CBI tracked him in Tilak Nagar area of west Delhi.

Anand Joshi, earlier with the ministry's FCRA division, went missing from his home on Wednesday just as CBI prepared to question him as part of its investigation into the corruption charges against him. He had, in a note left behind for his wife, claimed he was facing mental harassment over the past few months.

Joshi was picked up from Tilak Nagar at 5pm "based on information that he was in west Delhi". He was taken to the CBI headquarters for questioning, and arrested later in the evening.

Joshi had been was under surveillance, and, as per CBI sources, was deliberately avoiding joining the probe.

The CBI FIR charged Joshi and some other unnamed persons with allegedly indulging in corrupt practices and arbitrarily issuing notices to several NGOs, registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA). Among the NGOs harassed by him were environmentalist Sunita Narain's Centre for Science and Environment (CSE). Narain had even written to the home ministry brass complaining about the standard questionnaire arbitrarily sent to her NGO by Joshi.

Joshi has rejected the corruption charges slapped on him and accused his seniors of pressuring him to give a clean chit to NGOs.

The under-secretary was under surveillance after a key FCRA file pertaining to Sabrang Trust was found missing and later traced to him. He had taken the file home without authorisation and kept it with him for a good three months. The ministry forced him to restore the file sometime in April but put the CBI on his trail.

The CBI last week raided his house and office and recovered several files relating to the home ministry as well as DAVP, where he had worked earlier. The seized documents included files pertaining to NGO Care India, citizenship requests from Afghan nationals, an original PIO card of a Canadian citizen and four DAVP files.

An under-secretary is not allowed to take away files. Only officials of the rank of joint secretary and above are allowed to take files home, though a record of the same must be kept. A senior home ministry official had earlier termed Joshi's act as "a very serious violation".


MHA official Joshi arrested by CBI in NGO files case

The Central Bureau of Investigation(CBI) today arrested Ministry of Home Affairs Under Secretary Anand Joshi, who had gone ''missing'' the day, when he was to be questioned by the agency. Joshi and unknown persons were booked by CBI on May 9, in connection with the charges of issuing Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) notices to several NGOs in an arbitrary manner, with a motive to make financial gains.''Based on a tip-off, Joshi's movements were tracked and he was finally traced in West Delhi's Tilak Nagar area. He was detained at 1700 hrs and brought here at CBI headquarters for questioning. At around 2000 hrs, he was formally arrested,'' a senior CBI official said.The official added that Joshi's family was ''not cooperating'' in the investigation.On May 11, Joshi was asked by the sleuths to come for examination in this same case. However, the case took a new turn, when he didn't turn up for questioning and his wife Minakshi said that she had no knowledge about his whereabouts.When she woke up in the morning, Joshi had already left the house, she added."Till 0200 hrs, we were together. When we woke up this morning, he wasn't there. He was suffering from depression from the last two-three years,'' said Minakshi on May 11.She added that investigation must be done against the senior MHA official.


CBI Arrests Missing MHA Officer for 'Taking Bribes' From NGOs

Anand Joshi 'removed files' related to Teesta Setalvad's NGO Sabrang Trust, against whom notice was served for violating FCRA

He went missing from his home on May 11 leaving behind a letter asking his wife to take of children

New Delhi: Ministry of Home Affairs Under Secretary Anand Joshi, accused of arbitrarily issuing notices to NGOs under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) and tampering with official files, was detained by the CBI on Sunday.

He was picked up from Tilak Nagar area of West Delhi.

Joshi was taken to the CBI headquarters for questioning and later he was arrested.

CBI Spokesperson Devpreet Singh said, "He was detained around 5 pm. He has been brought to CBI headquarter and is being questioned about the allegations against him."

Joshi went missing from his home in Indirapuram on May 11 leaving behind a letter asking his wife to take care of their children and alleged that one of his seniors (Additional Secretary BK Prasad) was harassing him mentally for the last few months.

His letter in Hindi reads, "I am going through acute mental harassment for the last few months. I am writing this letter because now the situation has gone too far. I need peace and that is not possible here. I am leaving home and please do not look for me. You are now both a father and a mother to our children."

"The dedication and integrity with which I was serving the nation, I had never imagined that this would happen to me, while serving my nation," his letter reads.

Joshi's wife Meenakshi alleged that his superior is trying to frame him because he refused a bribe.

The CBI had registered a case against Joshi under Section 120-B of the Indian Penal Code and Prevention of Corruption Act, after conducting raids at four locations, including Joshi’s residence and office.

"We have seized cash worth Rs 7.5 lakh and certain incriminating documents, including files pertaining to MHA and Ministry of I&B from the premises of the officer during the raid," CBI had said.

Joshi has rejected the charge and instead accused his seniors of pressuring him to give a clean chit to NGOs.

The matter came to light after files pertaining to alleged FCRA violations by two NGOs run by Setalvad went missing from the Home Ministry.

The files were traced and restored to the FCRA division but CBI was asked to investigate the matter.

It was noticed that the files had gone missing when the Home Ministry took a decision to cancel FCRA registration of one of Setalvad's NGOs, Sabrang Trust, sources said.

Sabrang Trust's licence was suspended on September 9, 2015 by MHA for alleged multiple violations of FCRA rules, including misuse of funds for personal benefit of trustees.

When Home Ministry officials found that the files had gone missing, they conducted an inquiry and identified Joshi as the official who had taken away the files.

He was summoned and the files were restored.

An Under Secretary is not allowed to take away files, only officials of the rank of Joint Secretary and above are allowed to take the files home. It is a serious violation, the CBI official said.


Friday, May 13, 2016

Govt vs NGOs: Missing MHA babu drops political names, when asked about missing files

CBI has alleged that Anand Joshi as an undersecretary in the home ministry foreigner's division, that deals with cases of foreign funding, arbitrarily sent notices to more than 60 NGOs claiming violation of funding norms.

A day after MHA babu Anand Joshi went missing, there is a buzz in home ministry as to why the officer had disappeared, instead of joining probe. The CBI had registered a case against him on Monday after which he was called in for questioning by the agency. But the officer went missing on wednesday, alleging mental harassment by senior MHA officer.

While BK Prasad, Additional Secretary, foreigners division, against whom, Joshi had levelled allegations of pressuring him to approve Ford Foundation file, maintained that "CBI was investigating the case and truth would come out". Another senior officer in division said "Why was there no complaint of harassment by the undersecretary against the senior officer. Why is a complaint coming in after CBI probe." The officer further said, that when Joshi was asked about missing files, he would drop names of senior BJP veteran, showing off his clout.

The CBI has alleged that Joshi as an undersecretary in the home ministry foreigner's division, that deals with cases of foreign funding, arbitrarily sent notices to more than 60 NGOs claiming violation of funding norms.

Other allegation against the officer were that he had mischievously taken some of these files at home, violating rules that only allows Joint-Secreatary and above to take files home. Some files were at Joshi's home even three months after he was posted out of FCRA division.

FCRA being a sensitive division is monitored by intelligence agency. IB had given input on the officer also, after which the division became alert. Files were found missing and officer was posted out.

According to highly placed sources, files of NGO Care India and photo copies of many important documents were recovered from missing undersecretary residence.

Despite claim of harassment, the Ministry of Home Affairs says it has nor recieved any complaint from either the officer or his family.

The hunt for the officer is on.


MHA likely to order internal probe on NGO issues

New Delhi: The Home Ministry is likely to order an internal inquiry into the alleged irregularities in its Foreigners Division, which keeps an eye on "violations" of the provisions of Foreign Contribution Regulation Act by NGOs.

A top official said the ministry is awaiting a report from the CBI, which registered a case in connection with FCRA notices to NGOs and missing of some crucial files, before ordering a departmental inquiry to examine the whole issue.

The ministry wants to ensure that all key files and documents related to Foreigners Division are in safe custody, the official said.

Some vital information was gathered by the Intelligence Bureau in last two years about activities of various NGOs following which action was taken against many of them.

The Home Ministry wants that no such key document goes missing, the official said.

Anand Joshi, Under Secretary in the Home Ministry, against whom the CBI has registered a case in connection with FCRA notices to NGOs went missing since yesterday. He was accused of taking away several files of different NGOs, including one related to Care India, a voluntary organisation.

Joshi, however, had claimed on Tuesday that CBI has not found anything from him and denied that he had taken any file to his home.

"All files were found in the Home Ministry itself. It can be verified after checking the CCTV cameras," he had said.

Joshi had claimed that he was pressurised and threatened by Additional Secretary in the Home Ministry B K Prasad to give clean chit to some of the NGOs, including Ford Foundation, which was accused of violating provisions of FCRA. Prasad denied the allegation.

Prasad heads the Foreigners Division of the Home Ministry.


Government's NGO crackdown under scanner

Anand Joshi, an under secretary in the home ministry, who is being investigated by CBI, mysteriously went missing on Wednesday leaving a note behind.

The case of the 'missing' home ministry official linked to the investigation of activist Teesta Setalvad's NGO Sabrang Trust facing corruption allegations points to a rot within the ministry after it cracked down on foreign funded organisations soon after Narendra Modi-led NDA government took over in 2014.

Anand Joshi, an under secretary in the home ministry, who is being investigated by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), mysteriously went missing on Wednesday leaving a note behind addressed to his wife claiming he was facing mental harassment and had made too many enemies while serving the nation.

Joshi was called for questioning to CBI headquarters on Wednesday facing corruption charges while dealing with foreign funded NGOs.

After Joshi's case the functioning officials in the Foreigner's Division that deals with the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) that regulates foreign funded NGOs are also under the scanner.

A home ministry spokesperson did not wish to comment on the matter as investigations are on.

MHA had cracked the whip on several foreign-funded NGOs, including a high-profile international environment activist group cancelling its FCRA registration.

It is alleged that Joshi in November 2015 served 60-70 notices to NGOs arbitrarily without taking proper approvals. Officials who smell a rat suspect the muck could be deep-rooted.

"Many other officers are also under scanner and all files related to FCRA clearances are being accounted for," said an official. "Rules on file movement are also being reviewed," the official added.

Sources say Joshi was later transferred to another division following the notices issued by him. However, there was no clarity whether he could have done so on his own without keeping his seniors informed. An undersecretary is at the bottom of the bureaucratic hierarchy in the central government.

It was the Sabrang Trust missing file that the blew the lid off the suspected dubious working only in March 2016 when the ministry could not trace the file as it prepared cancel FCRA registration notice to the NGO.

Sabrang, an NGO run by Teesta and her husband Javed Anand has been under home ministry scanner for various FCRA violations.

It suspected that he stole the file in December; however officials say it was recovered from Joshi in April. Joshi, on his part has claimed that file was not in his possession.

Facing charges of corruption, Joshi has also hit back making serious allegations against additional secretary BK Prasad who heads the foreigner's division. Prasad calls the charges "rubbish and baseless."

"The CBI is investigating the matter and the truth will come out," he said. Joshi had claimed that he was pressured by his superior to give clean chit to some of the NGOs who were served FCRA notices, including the Ford Foundation. He was last seen around 2am, following which he went to sleep, his wife Minakshi Sharma said at their residence in Indirapuram. "When I woke up around 7.30am, the main door was ajar and he (Joshi) wasn't there. I later found the note he left behind," she said.

Police teams rushed to the senior officer's house and his wife's statement was recorded. The police also took a copy of the note which Joshi left behind, a senior police official said.


Home Ministry Official Goes Missing, Leaves behind Note Alleging Harassment

Ghaziabad: Anand Joshi, an Under Secretary in the Home Ministry who is being investigated by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), mysteriously went missing on Wednesday.

The official left a note behind addressed to his wife, claiming he was facing mental harassment and has made too many enemies while serving the nation.

Joshi was called to the CBI’s headquarters on Wednesday to face questioning over alleged corruption while dealing with foreign-funded NGOs.

The controversy follows the Home Ministry’s crackdown on foreign-funded organisations, which raised eyebrows soon after the Narendra Modi-led NDA government took power in 2014.

As well as Joshi, the officials in the Foreigner’s Division who deal with the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) are under the scanner for their regulation of foreign-funded NGOs.

A Home Ministry spokesperson did not wish to comment on the matter as investigations are ongoing.

The Home Ministry has cracked the whip on several foreign-funded NGOs, including a high-profile international environment activist group, cancelling its FCRA registration.

It is alleged that Joshi served 60- 70 notices to NGOs arbitrarily in November 2015 without taking the proper approvals.

He is also accused of stealing a file relating to the Sabrang Trust which went missing in March 2016.

Sabrang, an NGO run by Teesta Setalvad and her husband Javed Anand, has been under the Home Ministry’s scrutiny for various FCRA violations.

However, Joshi has claimed that file was never in his possession.

The official has also hit back, making serious allegations against Additional Secretary B K Prasad who heads the foreigner’s division.

Prasad calls the charges against him “rubbish and baseless.”

“The CBI is investigating the matter and the truth will come out,” he said.

Joshi had claimed that he was pressured by his superior to give a clean chit to some of the NGOs which were served FCRA notices, including the Ford Foundation.

Speaking at their home in Indirapuram, his wife said Joshi was last seen at around 2am, following which he went to sleep.

“When I woke up around 7.30am, the main door was ajar and he (Joshi) wasn’t there. I later found the note he left behind,” she said.

Police teams rushed to the senior officer’s house and his wife’s statement was recorded.

The police also took a copy of the note which Joshi left behind, a senior police official said.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Tata Trusts and Harvard University South Asia Institute (SAI) Fund Gender Empowerment-focused Six NGOs Across India

Mumbai: Tata Trusts and the Harvard University South Asia Institute (SAI) have announced names of six NGOs who will be granted funds for research-based impact documentation on gender empowerment. The announcement is made under a livelihood creation project for India through social entrepreneurship and skill development, commended by SAI & Tata Trusts. The organizations who have received the grant are Centre for Unfolding Learning Potentials from Jaipur, Ibtada from Alwar, Ahmedabad Women's Action Group from Ahmedabad, Men Against Violence and Abuse from Mumbai, White Lotus Trust from New Delhi and Dhaatri Resource Centre from Hyderabad.

Commenting on the announcement, Prof. Jacqueline Bhabha, Professor of the Practice of Health and Human Rights at the Harvard School of Public Health and FXB Director of Research, said, “We have chosen the NGOs for receiving the grant based on their significant contributions and factors such as high quality of work, and despite their relatively recent entry, their enthusiasm towards the achievement of their goals in their chosen project. Our focus on the research will be to enhance the impact of civil society organizations working towards gender equality and justice.”

30 organizations were invited to participate in a seminar organised by SAI in Mumbai January. They were chosen on the basis of nominations received from the project’s advisory board and additional knowledge partners drawn from experienced and respected actors in the sector. Prior to attending the workshop, the invitee organizations completed a questionnaire focused on the challenges they faced and their wish list for capacity strengthening resources.

During the six month period from May to October 2016, these six organizations will also receive mentorship from Harvard Faculty and subject experts


Home Ministry official, Anand Joshi, booked on graft charges

The official stands accused of favouring or harassing NGOs the received monetary contribution from foreign countries.

The CBI has booked an under secretary in the Union Home Ministry on charges of corruption. The official, Anand Joshi, was until recently posted in the Foreigners Division of the ministry and had access to files related to Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA).

The official stands accused of favouring or harassing NGOs the received monetary contribution from foreign countries.

On Sunday, the agency had conducted raids at various locations, including the residence of the official, in connection with its probe and has found incriminating documents, property papers and cash of Rs 7.5 lakh in his possession.

Home Ministry sources said the official had been under scanner for several months and was reported to the CBI after it was confirmed that he was taking bribes to favour certain NGOs. Sources said that the accused not only traded FCRA related information with NGOs in exchange of money, but also arbitrarily issued notices to some to allegedly force them to pay up. “He would either charge money for getting FCRA clearances done or for preventing an FCRA notice from being sent,” said an MHA official. He was also allegedly behind some files related to Teesta Setalvad’s NGO Sabrang Trust suddenly going missing from the ministry a few months back. The file was later traced to the officer and restored. The Home Ministry had served a notice to the NGO in connection with an FCRA violation and cancellation of the Trust’s licence. According to the CBI, the raids were conducted at the official’s house in Indirapuram and two other residential premises related to his associates. The official also has a company, in which his wife is a director, in the same area. This premise was also raided. CBI suspects that the company was opened to move bribe money. In a statement, the CBI said, “It was alleged that the public servant while working as Under Secretary in the MHA, had been indulging in corrupt activities and arbitrarily issuing notices to large number of NGOs/Societies registered under FCRA who had been receiving significant amount of foreign contribution. The said officer had allegedly demanded and obtained illegal gratification from some of these organisations, which were laundered through various immovable assets as well as certain private companies.” The statement further said, “Searches were conducted at four locations in the residential and office premises of accused and others. Cash of Rs 7.5 lakh and certain incriminating documents including files pertaining to the MHA and the Ministry of I & B were recovered from the premises of the said officer. The documents are being scrutinised.” Senior Home Ministry officials said Joshi was now in the coordination department and a strict action, “which could go beyond suspension”, was in the offing.


CBI registers case against MHA official Anand Joshi for missing files, graft

New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has registered a case against Anand Joshi, Under Secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs and some other unnamed persons for allegedly issuing Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) notices arbitrarily to several NGOs for financial gains.

The accused allegedly obtained bribe from some of these organisations through immovable assets and certain private companies, official sources said.

Searches were conducted at the accused official’s house in Indirapuram and two other residential premises where incriminating documents, property papers and cash of Rs 7.5 lakh were recovered, they said.

The CBI, in a statement, said, “It was alleged that the public servant while working as Under Secretary in the MHA, had been indulging in corrupt activities and arbitrarily issuing notices to large number of NGOs/Societies registered under FCRA who had been receiving significant amount of foreign contribution. The said officer had allegedly demanded and obtained illegal gratification from some of these organisations, which were laundered through various immovable assets as well as certain private companies.”

“Searches were conducted at four locations in the residential and office premises of accused and others. Cash of Rs 7.5 lakh and certain incriminating documents including files pertaining to the MHA and the Ministry of I&B were recovered from the premises of the said officer. The documents are being scrutinised,” the statement read further.

The issue came to the fore after files pertaining to the alleged FCRA violations by two NGOs run by social activist Teesta Setalvad went missing from the Home Ministry. The files were traced and restored in the FCRA division but CBI was asked to investigate the matter.

It was noticed that the files had gone missing when the Home Ministry took a decision to cancel FCRA registration of one of Setalvad's NGOs, Sabrang Trust, sources said.

Sabrang Trust's licence was suspended on September 9, 2015 by MHA and it asked for an explanation from the firm, failing which FCRA registration would have been cancelled in 180 days.

Setalvad filed her reply in October and the deadline given by MHA expired in March this year.

When Home Ministry officials found that the files had gone missing, they conducted an inquiry and identified the official who had taken away the files. He was summoned and the files were restored.

A senior Home Ministry official said the government has taken the matter very seriously and hence asked CBI to conduct a probe.


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Women and child department projects for odisha NGOs

NGO Project monitoring portal of WCD Odisha

a. Government of Odisha projects

Grant-in-Aid/License application

b. Government of India projects

Ministry of social justice, Government of India

FCRA Renewal trickling in

You will all be glad to know that the FCRA department has started issuing FCRA renewal order for 5 years from 1-11-2016. Some NGOs in our area have already received it. Others are waiting. The order does not have a signature of the issuing authority and the e-mail from FCRA department mentions that it was digitally signed, but the banks are not accepting it without signature. The order copy has not been marked to the banks directly by the department and the NGOs have been asked to hand over a copy to the bank/s, where they have FCRA account/s. They have also not yet published a list of NGOs who have been issued with the renewal order.

Those NGOs who have not yet received the order may constantly watch the official e-mail inbox of the organisation.