NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, May 26, 2014

The Brooke India Small Initiatives Fund Project 2014-15

The Brooke India invites Expression of Interest for Small Initiatives Fund Project
Credible Indian Non-Government Organizations having FCRA registration are invited to apply for implementation of Small Initiatives Fund (SIF) Project. Duly completed applications should be sent to by 31 May 2014.
Introduction: The Brooke India aims to relieve immediate pain and suffering and improve substantially the health and welfare of working horses, donkeys and mules in areas where there is proven need, and to work with the communities who depend on those animals, so that they can properly care for them and sustain the improvements the Brooke India brings about.

The purpose of the Small Initiatives Fund is to have small scale interventions in areas where the equine numbers and densities are unlikely to justify a full unit or a long term intervention but where pockets of significant need exist and can be helped. SIF provides a means by which the Brooke India can offer a limited level of financial support to organizations which are working to improve the welfare of the working equines in the most needy parts of the country or have opportunity to test innovative approach, but lack of scale due to low density or equine numbers required for full-fledged intervention; hence do not qualify to receive a more substantial level of intervention from the Brooke India. Developing a category of such partnerships through a small initiatives fund helps the Brooke India to improve working equine welfare beyond its direct operations and partnerships, without placing significant demands on the capacity of the Brooke India. There may be the possibility of developing some of the partnerships in to more substantial projects in the longer term.

Purpose: The aim of the Small initiatives fund is to support small, practical initiatives that (i) assist in the improvement of the welfare of the working horses, donkeys and mules in areas where there is proven need, (ii) work with the communities who depend on those working animals and (iii) support learning by generating lessons learned based on the experiences within these initiatives.
Criteria: Who is eligible to apply for funds?
Small Initiatives Fund - Criteria
Activities: Others
The Brooke India Small Initiatives Fund Project
The criteria for proposals are:
• The applicant must be a legally registered organization with clear financial processes.
Individuals are not eligible to apply. No payment of approved funds for an organization will be made to the accounts of individuals.
• There should be a clear need for project’s outputs for potential beneficiaries, i.e. clear
justification for the proposed project.
• Project’s outcomes must be tangible and support practical solution(s) for working equine
welfare development challenges.
• The proposed activities should be linked to existing development activities where possible and not stand totally in isolation of the other work of the organization. The applicant will sign a contract agreement with the Brooke India and comply with all reporting and monitoring requirements.
The application form is included as Annexure – 1. In addition to this, applicants will also receive the following documents:
• The Brooke aims and objectives
• The Brooke Ethical Framework
• The Brooke Animal Welfare Policy
What types of projects will not be eligible for funding?
• Proposals which are not in line with the above three documents – Brooke aims, objectives and animal welfare standards.
• Organizations who have received funding once under SIF for a project in particular area,
however if they have something really innovative it may considered by the Brooke India SIF
• Applications for grants to purchase larger capital items (for e.g. motor vehicles etc.) will not be accepted. Smaller capital items may be considered but the Brooke India may request evidence from an applicant to verify that the application does not replace the funding for an existing project.

Please visit the link for the project at:

Applications guidelines at: