NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Friday, April 28, 2017

State Coordinator- Capacity Building

International Development Agency
Patna, Bihar, India

Job description


Our client is a respected, International Development Agency that works across the globe to promote children's survival, protection and development.

For Project Background details, please visit


The purpose of the assignment is to assist GoB in capacity building & roll out of MGPNY: improvement in rural drinking water service delivery at scale with quality.


Under the technical guidance of the WASH Specialist & WASH Officer of the International Development Agency, Bihar, the State Coordinator would provide support in building the capacity of the PRIs towards – conducting all their functions, e.g. planning, financial management and implementation of schemes, with improved service delivery at scale with quality.

Key Job Responsibilities:

(1) Provide technical assistance to roll out of Strategy on PRI led O&M of rural water supplies in the state: Guidelines for community participation in O&M of Rural Water Supply Schemes, as per agreed strategy;
(2) Developing the strategy for scaling up improved water supply in rural habitations, with emphasis on Mahadalit communities and marginalized communities;
(3) Coordinate with agencies for roll out and hand holding support to PR institutions for improved RWS service delivery;
(4) Facilitate in adoption of MGPNY: improvement in rural drinking water service delivery at scale with quality;
(5) Provide technical assistance in evolution of different sustainable models for implementation of community based water supply schemes and their sustained maintenance;
(6) Prepare evidence based quarterly analytical reports for PRI Department to address the critical issues and areas of support from the State headquarter and mitigation (including risk reduction) actions with respect to RWS service delivery;
(7) Undertake visits to the districts and review functioning of the RWS schemes and provide quarterly updates on the same to PRI Department and the organization for necessary follow-ups;
(8) Participate in various RWS training programmes at different level as the coordinator and resource person.


Applicants must be Post graduate in Public Health Engineering.

(1) Minimum eight years of experience in water supply sector including working with government structures;
(2) Atleast five years of experience in planning, designing, implementation and monitoring of public water supply schemes, preferably with community based approaches;
(3) Experience in decentralised governance, capacity building of PRIs for taking over planning, implementation and O&M of RWSS, with aim for achieving SGDs on water and consumer oriented improved public service delivery of safe water;
(4) Experience in conceptualisation, developing guidelines for rural water supplies involving communities would be an asset;
(5) Previous work experience in Bihar and neighboring states would be an asset.

Skills and Competencies:
(1) Excellent understanding of national/ state programmes policies and operating environment for implementation of national flagship programme NRDWP;
(2) Strong research and analytical skills including consultations;
(3) Good knowledge of computers and its operations. Proficiency in using MS-office and its application would be essential;
(4) Knowledge of English is essential, working knowledge of Hindi would be an added advantage.


The SC-CB shall be hired on a consultancy contract through Strategic Alliance Management Services P Ltd. (SAMS), a respected HR Agency.


Gross annual remuneration budgeted for the position is attractive. The offer made to the selected candidate shall be commensurate with qualifications, experience and salary history.

LOCATION: Patna, Bihar


The consultancy assignment will be effective from the date of joining till December 31, 2017.



Senior Consultant
Strategic Alliance Management Services P Ltd.
1/1B, Choudhary Hetram House, Bharat Nagar
New Friends Colony, New Delhi 110 025
Phone Nos.: 011- 2684 2162; 4165 3612


Eligible candidates interested in this position are requested to apply to with a cover letter, discussing their interest in and suitability for the position, along with an updated resume, giving details of three references, current cost to organization and expected compensation, by April 30, 2017. For further details, please visit .