NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Regarding Updation of FCRA Bank Accounts

As per the notice from FCRA department dated 19.07.2016, the central government had notified that the FCRA registered organization are required to update their bank accounts details (Designated Account and Utilization Account) by filling the required information in form FC-6 latest by 31st August, 2016.

In continuation to the above requirement, the department through its notice dated 27.02.2017 has issued a list of 3768 associations where the bank accounts in the FCRA database do not conform to the Core Banking system (CBS). You may find the list at the below link

Further, the department has also issued a list of 2077 associations where the bank accounts are not available in the FCRA database. You may find the list at the below link

Hence, in the light of the above notice, the associations mentioned in the respective lists are advised to update or add their current FCRA Designated and Utilization bank accounts by filling form FC-6 available in the FCRA website

Both the documents are attached herewith in a single pdf for your reference.

Hope this will be useful