NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Saturday, June 11, 2016

NITI Aayog invites applications from Schools to Establish Atal Tinkering Laboratories

Schools Grants For Schools managed by NGOs,Trusts,Society in India

Government of India, NITI AAYOG(National Institution for Transforming India) Atal Innovation Mission Accepting the Proposals from schools (Grade VI – XII) managed by Government, local body or private trusts/society/NGOs.

Organization ;- NITI AAYOG(National Institution for Transforming India)

Last Date to Apply: - 17th June 2016

About the NITI AAYOG schemes:-

National Institution for Transforming India vision to Cultivate one Million children in India as Neoteric Innovators, Atal Innovation Mission(AIM) is establishing Atal Tinkering Laboratories (ATLs) in schools across all the States in India. Main objective of this scheme is to foster creativity, curiosity and imagination in young minds; and inculcate skills such as design mindset, computational thinking, adaptive learning, physical computing etc.

Eligibilities to Apply:-

Schools (Grade VI – XII) managed by Government, local body or private trusts/society (NGOs) to set up ATL.

Funding Support:-

· The applicant schools would be provided financial support in the form of Grant-in-aid for a maximum period of 5 years.

· One time establishment charge of up to Rs. 10.0 lakh would be provided for each ATL in the first year for instruments

Selection Process:-

Short listed schools will be invited to participate in an Innovation Contest which will be informed by AIM. Each school will form groups of maximum 3 students and send one entry for the contest. The entries will be judged on the basis of following parameters:

a. Novelty of innovation in identified areas

b. Clarity of expression

c. Demonstration

d. Potential impact

Teams of top 3 entries will be given an opportunity to participate in Intel Science and Engineering Fair. Selected Schools will be required to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Bond with AIM Directorate.

Selection Process Time lines:

Round I > Invite Applications (3 Weeks)

Screening ( 2 Week )

Round II > Final Selection: Contest (3 Weeks )

How to apply:-

Eligible Schools Managed by Government, local body or private trusts/society(NGOs) desirous to establish ATLs Requested to submit their application Through online to the Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog Website links below.

Before applying the Grant Please See the Grant Guidelines:-

Guidelines for setting up of Tinkering Laboratories under Atal Innovation Mission – ‘Atal Tinkering Laboratories’(Application Form)

Click to Apply Online

For More Information See on NITI AAYOG Website