NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Applications are invited from voluntary cultural organizations for assistance under the building grants scheme

SCHEME OF BUILDING GRANTS, INCLUDING STUDIO THEATRES- Government Grants in Ministry of Culture, India

Applications are invited from voluntary cultural organizations and government aided cultural organizations for assistance under the modified building grants scheme

Organization /Department :- Ministry of Culture, Government of India

Last Date to apply: - 31st March 2016

About the Scheme Building Grants, Including Studio Theatres

This Scheme is to support voluntary cultural organizations and government-aided cultural organizations in their efforts to create appropriately equipped training, rehearsal and performance spaces for artistes.

· All not-for-profit organizations that fulfill the following criteria:-

o The organization is registered as a society under the Registration of Societies Act (XXI of 1860) or similar Acts, or as a Trust or as a Not-for-Profit Company, at least for a period of three years.

o The VOs/NGOs are mandatorily required to Sign Up on the NGO Partnership System (NGO-PS) at for unique identification number in Governmental portal of India

o The organization is well established and known to be doing meaningful work in the field of its activity and has gained a local, regional or national identity.

o Its charter is devoted to the preservation, propagation and promotion of Indian arts and culture.

o The organization has a predominantly cultural profile, working primarily for the promotion of arts and culture in fields such as dance, drama, theatre, music, fine arts, indology and literature at least for a period of three years.

· Government-sponsored bodies for promoting the performing arts.

· University Departments or Centers dedicated to the performing arts.

· Colleges set up to promote the performing arts.

How to apply for This Scheme

Please read the scheme carefully before filling up the application form for this SCHEME OF BUILDING GRANTS in ministry of cultural website:

Applications are apply through online procedure in Culture Scheme Monitoring System (CSMS) : of the website provide by Ministry of culture,India. First all the ngos are requested to register in this portal then apply for grant.

More details please see on ministry website :-