NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

VOs/NGOs need unique ID from NGO-PS for funding 2015-16

The Volungary Organisations (VOs) /Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) who got the unique IDfrom NGO-PS are eligible for funding for 2015-16. The Union Government will consider the proposals receivedfrom VOs/NGOs only from those who have unique ID No for theyear 2015-16, Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare PrincipalSecretary Dr a Vidyasagar said in a statement here today. The NITI Ayog (erstwhile Planning Commission of India)has developed 'NGO Partnership System (NGO-PS) portal. The portal facilitates the VOs/NGOs during theirinteraction with the Government in connection with requestsfor Government Grants under various schemes of theparticipating Ministries/Departments. The portal also helps to create a data base of existingVOs/NGOs and to access information on various schemes of theparticipating Ministries/Departments open for grants and theMinistry of Tribal Affairs is also one of the participating Ministries. For this, the Voluntary Organisations / Non-GovernmentalOrganizations are required to sign up (one time) on thisNGO-PS portal of the Aayog at htt:// After signing up with the portal, an Unique ID No. willbe shown and the VOs/NG0s, have to note the same for futureguidance, the statement added.UNI VV AKM AY AE AN1913
