NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Water supply works must under CSR

NAGPUR: In view of importance of water supply and sanitation works in the state, the government has made it compulsory for big companies to undertake these works under corporate social responsibility (CSR). It has formed committees at state, revenue division and district levels to achieve the objective. All committees will have a representative of Bombay Chamber of Commerce to present industries' viewpoint. A single window system will be started for industries requiring clearances for such works.

The works include rain water harvesting, undertaking various works to increase ground water level, providing technology that helps in supplying drinking water at minimum cost, installing meters in villages to measure its water consumption, etc.

The 17-member state-level committee headed by principal secretary (water supply and sanitation) will decide the type of works that are to be executed under CSR and fix a timetable for that. It will monitor the working of divisional and district level committees and hold monthly or tri-monthly meetings.

The committee will discuss the hurdles being faced in execution of CSR works and if necessary modify the scope of work accordingly. The state committee will help the middle and junior level officers in selecting non-governmental organizations (NGOs), instructors, etc for executing the works.

The division level committee will be headed by the divisional commissioner and will have total eleven members. Its main job will be to regularly take feedback from district level committees and pass it on to state-level committees. It will approve all the CSR plans prepared by district committees and ensure that they are implemented.

The committee members will interact with industries having units in the districts of the division and ask them the type of work they would like to undertake. They will collect information and pass it on to the state committee. They will also facilitate the industries in getting permits for CSR work or help the district committees in getting them.

The district level committee will be headed by chief executive officer (CEO) of zilla parishad and will have nine members. The committee will upload the requirements of gram panchayats and municipal councils on the district's CSR portal. This will enable industries to know the requirements of the area and they will accordingly plan their CSR activities.
