NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Sunday, October 19, 2014

From Canada to a city madrassa

LUCKNOW: It is a humid September morning. A group of 40-odd students is waiting for their teacher in their all-girls madrassa. Most of them are wearing a veil. Until last year, none of the students could speak, read or write a word of English. But now, most of them can converse with each other in the language. Reading and writing abilities are also developing at an impressive pace.

All of this is thanks to their English teacher. Though a citizen of Canada, it wouldn't be wrong to call India her motherland. Thirty-year-old Catherine Larouche was born in Kolkata and after spending 10 years there, her family returned to Canada.

Catherine spent her formative years at Loreto School in Kolkata. She learned Bengali and made friends there. Her parents worked for 10 years in India with an NGO of Mother Teresa which works for people with learning disabilities. Back in Canada now, they continue their work with an offshoot of this NGO there.

But Catherine has since returned. She came to India for research for her PhD in social anthropology, which she is pursuing from McGill University in Canada. She is researching about 40 organizations of India working on community upliftment for her subject 'Muslim charity and community development'.

Catherine still visits the NGO where her parents used to work. "Kolkata in my initial years helped me open my mind to different cultures of india and her people".

In Lucknow since last September, Catherine has been working as a volunteer and teacher in a madrassa, meeting various organizations functioning for community development. She has completed her BA and MA in anthropology from Canada.

"For 11 months I have been working as a volunteer in a madrassa owned by Shahnaz Sidrat in the Old City. I am teaching English to the madrassa girls and toiling to learn Urdu there," says Catherine.

"Before coming to Lucknow, I studied Hindi in Jaipur for two years to communicate with the local people. I chose Lucknow for my research work as it has a dense Muslim population and a rich history," she says.

Catherine's interest was allured towards the Muslim culture a long time ago. During her childhood, she had heard stories of both Hindu and Muslim culture and traditions.

"I have also heard plenty of stories about work done by Indian Muslims for charity".

Catherine says huge amounts of donation are given to Muslim organizations and as part of her research, she is trying to find out the work done by these organizations for the upliftment of the community. "These associations use the donations, given in the form of 'khums' and 'zakat' in a way to benefit the needy," she adds.

About the people of the city she says, "People of Lucknow are very helpful and welcoming. Wherever I face any problem, they are always there to rally round. This is a very special thing about Lucknow which makes it different from other parts of the world".

Fond of sheermal and biryani, Catherine says "I have made substantial changes in my lifestyle to live in Lucknow. I changed my food habits and my day-to-day living. I try to carry Indian attires to look like just any other Indian girl".

What Catherine loves most about being in Lucknow is Urdu.

"It is a bit difficult for me to understand but sounds sweet," she adds.

"I love to teach madrassa girls. Being from conservative Muslim families, they try to learn English and make efforts to use the words which I teach them. In the madrassa, I am surrounded by young women of different age groups. They could be anywhere between 20 and 45 years of age".

Mariya Saman, a student of Catherine, says "It's great to have a Canadian citizen as a teacher. Her style of teaching is different but beneficial. Many girls of the madrassa who were never acquainted with English now read the language correctly under her guidance".

Catherine says she will go back to Canada after September and look for a job there.

"However, I will be happy to work in India if I get an opportunity. I will try to search for the post of a professor or work in an international NGO".
