NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, August 11, 2014

IFWN Call for Workshop Proposals from Indian NGOs

Deadline: 14 August 2014

The Indo French Water Network (IFWN) announced the call for proposals to to organize and host a seminar or workshop to address water research, technology and policy issues through Indo-French Collaboration.

Indian and French entities looking to collaborate with each other in all sectors (research, civil society, industry, etc.) are invited to apply.

The aim of this call for workshop proposals is to promote synergy and added value through the establishment of high-quality interdisciplinary Indo-French collaborations in the water sector.

The seminar or workshop should be organized in India. The support of the IFWN can cover mobility costs for the seminar / workshop and logistic expenses for the organization.

To be eligible for this call, the French and Indian applicants must become members of the Indo French Water Network through

The seminar / workshop proposal should:

§ Have at least one Indian and one French applicant from the water science, technology or policy sectors;

§ Contribute to the goals of the IFWN (;

§ Enhance multidisciplinary understanding in water sector;

§ Clearly demonstrate the added value of the Indo-French collaboration;

§ Strengthen Indo-French relations by bringing together active participants in the chosen field from India and France;

§ Lead to the development of new Indo-French projects.

For more information, visit this link.: