NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Friday, July 25, 2014

Vodafone Foundation India Call for Entries from NGOs in Education, Health, Governance, Agriculture and Women Empowerment

The Mobile for Good Awards will recognise five best-practice NGOs/NFPs for life-changing mobile solutions.

Below are the two official Categories for the M4G 2014 awards:
Main Category: Focused on recognizing projects/ initiatives by NGOs/NFPs
Special Category: Focused on recognising ideas/concepts by NGOs/ NFPs/ For Profit Organisations /Individuals

This year Vodafone Foundation has decided to include ideas/concepts along with initiatives that are already visible on ground, which could also have potential social impact if taken up by serious players.

Selection Process:
The Mobile for Good 2014 Award winners will be selected based on their eligibility and demonstration of success, scalability and sustainability of their initiatives in the following areas (sub-categories) under each of the major categories:

· Education

· Health

· Governance

· Agriculture & Environment

· Women Empowerment & Inclusive Development

Finalist and winner selection process:
The awards will consist of a two-stage jury process, with category finalists notified in September and the finalists invited to a final live judging round in New Delhi, in early October.

What we are looking for:
We are looking for mobile-based solutions in the areas of Health, Education, Governance, Agriculture & Environment and Women Empowerment & Inclusive Development to facilitate effective and efficient benefits to target users. The funding grant from the Vodafone Foundation will further facilitate development of these solutions and up-scaling them.

Within the Special Awards category, we will be looking for the written presentation of ideas and concepts, rooted in research, exploring the mobilisation of various services in the social development context.

The Mobile for Good 2014 awards will share a funding grant of 6,000,000 (sixty lakh rupees) between the five categories mentioned above. In addition, the Main Category Awardees will receive structured mentoring, monitoring and impact evaluation support from credible institutions, incubators, etc. to upscale and build greater capacity of their projects.

The Special Category Awardees will receive a Recognition Certificate and a Souvenir from the Vodafone Foundation.

Important Dates:
The applications will open on 10 July, 2014 and close on 20 August, 2014.

The Mobile for Good 2014 Awards main event is scheduled to take place in November 2014.

For more information visit the Link: