NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Grants from Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW)

Deadline: 31st Jan and 31st June each year
Interest Area(s): Children & Young People, Community, Education, Environment,
Health and Social & Human Services

ACWW supports projects in the following areas: literacy, health education, nutrition and home
economics, agricultural training and development, income, water and sanitation, civic
conscientiousness / community involvement. Projects must be run mainly by women;
directly benefit women and/or children; have a clearly articulated vision of how the
work will impact beyond the project's lifetime; address and show evidence of a clearly
defined need; and be initiated by community members and promote community
participation. In addition they only fund projects that take place in the same country
where the organisation is registered and directly benefit women and children in those
countries. The bank account provided must be in the country where the project is
to be implemented. They do not fund NGOs/SHGs that are not registered or have been
registered for less than two years and they do not fund projects in unstable countries.
The maximum grant amount is £5,000. Application details are available on the website
and are only accepted in January and June each year. Application details are available on
the website and are only accepted in January and June each year.
