NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Sunday, June 29, 2014

VGIF Small Grants Request for Funding - Letter of Intent 2015

VGIF provides small grants up to $7,500 USD to grassroots projects that are led by women and that help empower women and girls, in developing countries around the world. Funding for our project grants come from our members’ donations and bequests, and from our investment income. Over the years, VGIF has set up several board-designated funds to address specific challenges faced by women and girls. For more details, see VGIF Funds.

Empowering women to make a difference in their lives and communities is helping to change the world. To this end, VGIF has funded over 475 projects in 89 countries since 1969.

Letters of Intent for the 2015 Grant Cycle are accepted from: June 1 to July 31, 2014

We support women’s organizations based outside of the United States by providing small grants for an array of community needs up to $7,500 USD.

What VGIF supports:
Economic empowerment of women
Community development
Health and nutritional support
Literacy and leadership training
Educational seminars and workshops
Promoting education in the sciences for girls
Women’s human rights
Organizations that are governed and directed by women.

VGIF does not consider requests for the following:
Individual scholarships and tuition
Political organizations
Religious groups unless the proposed project contributes to the general good of the community
The construction of permanent buildings or the purchase of land
Salaries for board members and permanent staff but may include stipends/honoraria for external resource people/trainers.

VGIF will consider inclusion of an amount, not to exceed 10% of the total grant, for administration of the project to the executing organization in the country where the project is located.

How to Proceed

For full details see the following link: