NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

WWF India Small Grants Programme

Organization: World Wildlife Fund

Deadline: 30th Jun 2014

Interest Area(s): Conservation

WWF India Small Grants Programme. With the aim of encouraging young Indians to respond innovatively and independently to the conservation issues which affect the country, WWF-India is offering eligible individuals a one-time grant of up to Rs. 200,000 for carrying out conservation research or undertaking a conservation project. The primary objective of this grant is to provide financial capacity to individuals based in India, who have developed and wish to implement short-term conservation research or initiatives that can contribute to larger conservation goals. The SGP will provide grants to individuals for activities and/or research that address issues and offer solutions or insights towards: species and habitat related problems and concerns – with a focus on immediate threats and issues (e.g. vulture conservation); enabling communities and other stakeholders to address local environmental concerns; improving local livelihoods through conservation and natural resources management or promoting livelihoods that reduce impacts on biodiversity; aspects of trade involving wildlife species; increasing understanding on the status of lesser known or lesser studied species of wildlife; innovative approaches to awareness raising regarding environmental concerns; and demonstrating individual or collective action towards conservation outcomes. Applicants must demonstrate a mature breadth and depth of knowledge on the area of environmental conservation and the particular geographical area or issue that they wish to contribute to through their project. The duration of the project should be between 6 to 12 months and the scale of the project should
be such that funding awarded covers the total or the majority of the requirements.

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