NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Friday, April 18, 2014

Call for Applications - Women's Initiative Grant 2014

The Alexia Foundation is accepting applications for the 2014 Alexia Women's Initiative Grant.

The Alexia Foundation is pleased to announce the call for entries for the 2014 Women's Initiative Grant which will provide a $25,000 grant for a project to be produced on a significant issue involving and affecting women anywhere in the world.

The Alexia Foundation's main purpose is to encourage and help photojournalists create stories that drive change. While our traditional grant guidelines put no limits on the subject matter for grant proposals, a number of proposals about women's rights in the last few years have been so powerful that we have been compelled to create a grant specifically on issues relating to women.

Unlike the first Women's Initiative grant, which specifically focused on abuse of women in the United States, this call for entries is open to photographers anywhere in the world and is intended to permit the photographer to produce a serious documentary photographic project encompassing any issue involving women anywhere in the world.

For further details see the following link:
Announcement details at: