NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, February 27, 2014

EOI empanelment of Institutions to Conduct an Impact Assessment Study

Expression of Interest (EOI) for empanelment of Institutions to Conduct an Impact Assessment Study of the Awareness Generation Campaigns  Implemented/Being Implemented by National Disaster Management Authority  
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) intends to empanel reputed Government Organisations/Semi-Government Institutions/Non-Government Organisations to undertake Impact Assessment Study of the Awareness Generation Campaigns Implemented/being implemented by NDMA so as to assess its reach, impact, quality and effectiveness of the various campaigns/initiatives, identify the gaps if any and suggest/recommend measures for corrective action.

Eligibility Criteria
The invitation is open to reputed Government/Semi-Government Institutions (like IITs,/IIMS/IMC/TIS/TERI/Colleges under UGC/Government /Semi- Govt. Organisations(like NIDM/ATIs/NIUA)/NGOs with credible background engaged in the field of impact assessment of awareness campaigns. They should have a team of experienced professionals or Interns for undertaking such an activity.
The Institutes/Organisations must have experience of at least 2-5 years in undertaking such impact assessments. The Institutes should be capable of undertaking the study in any part of the country.
Scope of Work
The scope of work of the agency would be as follows:
i) Impact Assessment of NDMA’s Awareness Generation through sample data collection in the respective target areas of the NDMA’s campaigns/initiatives.
ii) Interact with the target population samples for assessment of a media campaign chosen for evaluation.
iii) Sample size should be representative enough of each medium.
iv) Organize logistics for evaluating campaigns of NDMA
v) Record, analyze responses through field visits to meet the sample target group in consultation with NDMA including review of inputs from the States and submit a consolidated report for each chosen campaign/initiative. The report would, inter alia, include the following:
a) Comprehension of the message disseminated through the campaign, by the people and retention of the messages in their memory of each medium.
b) Ability to cut through clutter
c) Recall: Story, Tagline and likeability
d) Interpretation – Message comprehension
e) Engagement/ Involvement – Recall of specific elements of the advertisement/audiovisual input
f) Impact- Is the message effective enough to influence attitude and activities
vi) Process evaluation and assessment of gaps (if any) between the achievements and expectations based on data collected through surveys conducted in general public for impact assessment
vii) To assess the relevance and impact/influence of the campaign in the context of various mediums of communication
viii) Suggest the need to reform / modify the conduct of the campaign/initiative if any in order to make it more effective.
Deadline: 04 March 2014
For more information please visit the link: