NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Workshop on Grant Proposal Writing - Learn tips for a successful proposal

Workshop on Grant Proposal Writing
Writing a grant proposal is a science and art. A successful grant proposal is one that is well-prepared, thoughtfully planned, and concisely packaged.
The art part is writing; the science part is research, strategy, observation, and thorough work. The workshop aims to include all necessary information and knowledge that you seek while writing a grant proposal.
In this Workshop:
This one day interactive workshop on grant proposal writing focuses on the format and structure of the successful grant proposal writing.
This workshop intends to provide attendees with an overview of each part of grant proposal and concludes with essential proposal writing techniques.
Using group exercises and case studies, the workshop will help participants to understand -
      ·         How to be well-prepared for the grant proposal writing process 
·         What to include and exclude in your proposal
·         What funders look for in the proposal? 
Apurba Saha – Assistant Director Central Social Welfare Board, Ministry of women & Child Development,is a very well experienced professional. Mr. Saha is also a health specialist and has worked with HIV/Aids/RCH/STD issued and various street children projects. He has also worked with Delhi State Aids Control Society. He hasexperience in NGO & Govt. Sector and helped many NGOs in understanding the intricacies of field work & policy formulation mechanism.
He has a passion for improving the way organizations converse, both internally and externally. He does this by humanizing their writing, information design and presentation and suggesting better processes and technologies to both share information and empower users of that information.
Date – 30th January 2014, Venue – India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi
Registration fee – Rs. – 6000 per participation. Inclusive of resource materials, lunch, tea and refreshments
For registration contact:  Email:       

Call – 011 4148 9060