NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, January 13, 2014

ICYO-Youth Information Invitation - Self-Managing Leadership Workshop in Ahmedabad

ICYO invites to attend ‘Self-Managing Leadership Workshop’ to be held from January 23-25, 2014 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The workshop is organizing by Manav Sadhana, Ahmedabad, Prithvi Foundation, Mumbai alongwith Indian Committee Of Youth Organizations (ICYO).

Self-Managing Leadership Workshop (SML) is built around the idea that good leadership is before all a matter of ‘internal leadership’ and that in order to provide credible leadership in an environment of turbulence, challenges, competition, cynicism and negativity, it is essential to learn how to manage ourself – self motivation, focus, thoughts and emotions. Ability to lead people depends on how well leader understand them; leader ability to understand people depends on how well you understand our self.

Date, Timing:
Thursday 23rd January 9am to Saturday 25th January 2014 at 5 pm

Contribution: Participants are invited to contribute to the cost of organizing the workshop. It is approximately Rs.2000 per person for the food and stay); Those who do not want to stay (non-residential) it is Rs.1200 only. The organizer have limited learning scholarships are available to those who need them.

Please note: Travel need to be borne by participants or Sponsoring organization

Registration : Please register your name with your profile with us before Jan 21. For further details contact  Sheena Sunrays , Co-coordinator,  Young Experimenters Group. E-mail or or call Vijay Bharatiya : +919427700762