NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

2 Days workshop on Digital and Social Media for NGOs in Delhi

 Digital and Social Media for NGOs
By South Asian Fund Raising Group (SAFRG)
29-30 October 2013, New Delhi
The Power of Social Media is transforming the way in which NGOs accomplish their missions.
Most Nonprofits are experimenting with Social Media but, the uptake is still limited and not a part of broader strategic approach, also Nonprofits struggle to measure value for organisation.  
However, it’s increasingly important to consider these options as a key part of your fundraising strategy.

Attend Practical workshop to leverage & integrate Digital and Social Media for fundraising and communication for your NGO …….let’s experience & learn the easy-fun way.

In this workshop:
• Social Media and Digital Marketing Overview
• Social Media - beyond basics
• Social media, Digital Marketing tools, communications and engagement strategy
• Search engine optimisation
• Google for non-profits and Google analytics
• Digital Brand Building (Marketing) through Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Videos, viral marketing, pinterest
• Case studies and group discussions
• Design Campaigns:  How to leverage & integrate Social Media with fundraising strategy

For more details and registration
Contact us:             Call us: +91 11 4148 9060