NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Friday, September 27, 2013

2nd Monitoring & Evaluation Clinic at Lucknow on 12th November 2013

Dear Madam/Sir,

Greetings from Sambodhi!
Sambodhi Research & Communications is pleased to announce a one day Second Monitoring & Evaluation Clinic to be held at Lucknow on 12th November 2013. 
The programme is designed to augment knowledge and skills of strategic and operational functionaries in development organizations associated with programme implementation, monitoring and evaluation function, commissioning monitoring and evaluation studies and related project management functions. The programme aims to provide conceptual understanding of M&E and de-jargonize the subject for professionals working at the cutting edge of development. The training will not only familiarize participants with the 'nuts & bolts' of M&E but also develop requisite skills to incorporate M&E in project design and delivery. Apart from this, the programme will also focus on sharing latest techniques used for monitoring and evaluation.

The programme is an integral part of Sambodhi’s efforts to develop and disseminate knowledge on technical monitoring and evaluation across the region and develop regional knowledge hubs in this domain. 

Registration fee for the clinic: INR 2000

The last date of registration: November 8, 2013.

We shall be happy to answer any query with regard to this programme.

The detailed programme flyer and registration form can be obtained by writing to

With best regards,
Nandita Sebastian
Sambodhi Research & Communications
O-2, II Floor, Lajpat Nagar-II
New Delhi-110024
Tel.: +91 11 47593300-99 (Extn. 343)