NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Nirnaya Women Fund (India)

Last Date: August 15, 2013

About: Nirnaya is the first women’s fund in India. The Fund was established in 1998 to financially support women’s organisation developing projects for disempowered and disadvantaged women in India. Nirnaya helps women through micro-credit schemes and also by sponsoring trainings in the most deprived areas of the country. In 2011, Nirnaya received an award for best practice in resource mobilization, transparency and accountability from the Rockefeller Foundation and The Resource Alliance. Geographical Area of Intervention: India. Themes: Nirnaya funds projects aiming to promote gender equality by improving the economic and social capacity of marginalised women. Types of Grants: The Fund administers 2 grants: The Organisational Support Grant is given to women’s organisations to develop projects whose budget is of maximum Rs. 250,000 per year. The Fellowship Grant is given to individual women who hold a leadership role in fighting for women’s human rights. The fellowship includes a monthly salary of Rs. 5,000 in addition to the expenses for the implementation of her project.

Additional resources: Capacity Building. Nirnaya believes in the importance of assisting its grantees beyond giving financial support. As such, the Fund further helps women’s associations in India by enhancing their capacity building. Whether your project develops in the fields of education, health, advocacy, human rights, skills training and organisational development you could ask to the Fund for additional support in developing successful strategies to concretely enhance women’s visibility and women’s participation in the social, economic, and political life of your community and of the country. Considering that this Fund was created by 3 women activists with a long history of working with and for women in India, you should take advantage of their knowledge, networks and technical skills to learn how your organisation can gain more visibility and, accordingly, how to become a stronger partner dedicated to the empowerment of women in India. Resource Mobilization. Nirnaya is committed to guarantee sustainability to the projects funded. As such, the Fund offers additional supports to grantees and helps them developing strategies to secure more funding in the future. The Fund assists its grantees by sharing fundraising advices and also by helping women’s organisations to find and address the right donors for future projects. Eligibility: The applicants must be from a women’s organisation whose stated objective is to enhance the roles of women in Indian social, political and economic life. Applicants should also be able to demonstrate that their organisation is led and administered by women. Preference is given to organisations working in deprived areas and with marginalised women. The proposed budget cannot exceed Rp. 250,000 and all proposed activities must be developed within 1 year. Applicants must be able to provide a track record of implemented projects and demonstrate to have engaged with networking practices in the region. How to apply: Application Forms for both the Organisational Support Grant and the Fellowship Grant are available to download here. Deadlines: No deadlines. - See more at: