NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Project Inspire 2013 Grant for Empowerment of Women (Request for Proposals)

Project Inspire presents 18-35 year olds across the world with a platform to pitch their inspired idea to the world and win a US$25,000 grant. The grant must show creativity and sustainable impact in the lives of women and girls across Asia, Pacific, the Middle East or Africa through access to business and livelihood skills.

To qualify for the US$25,000 grant, the project must meet all of the following requirements:

The program must enable disadvantaged women and girls to attain sustained livelihood through business and livelihood skills.

An existing women's empowerment program.

Beneficiaries must be women or girls in Asia/Pacific, Middle East or Africa.

The winner(s) of this competition will have to commence fieldwork by 1 December 2013.

The project is designed to be implemented with a US$25,000 budget .

Entries should be submitted in the form of either a (maximum) 5-minute video OR a (maximum) 2-page A4-sized proposal.

Video entries are to be uploaded on public video-sharing sites such as YouTube or Vimeo. A link to the video must be provided in the submission form.

Submissions, either video or written, must be made in English.

Each proposal should address the following questions:

What is your inspirational idea?

How will your project change the lives of women and girls in the short and long term?
Tell us how many women and/or girls will benefit directly and indirectly from your project How will you/your team carry out the project?
Tell us the activities you have planned in order to reach your goal.
Please include key phases relevant to your project i.e., ground preparation, pilot phase, training period, evaluation etc.
How will you spend the US$25,000 grant to carry out the project?
Please include a detailed budget plan on how the US$25,000 grant will be utilized, clearly indicating distinctions between programme expenses, operational cost, manpower cost and other spending relevant to your project.
How will you measure the success of the project?