NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Friday, July 27, 2012

Capacity Building and Networking workshops for NGOs

Dear Friends,

We are happy to announce following capacity building and networking workshop for NGOs in your region. The workshop sessions will be taken by experienced fundraising consultants and trainers. 

This workshop is designed specifically to support Fundraising staff and NGO functionaries.

Location                               Date                                                      Workshop Topic
New Delhi            -               8 – 9 August,  2012                         Social Media for NGOs
Lucknow              -              17 – 18 August, 2012                       Capacity Building and networking workshop
Bangalore            -              23 – 24 August, 2012                       Social Media for NGOs
Mumbai               -              27 – 28 September, 2012                 Social Media for NGOS

Please contact us for further information about these workshops. You may also or contact or
The SAFRG team is looking forward to meet you at these locations.

Thank you,

Programs Team,
South Asian Fund Raising Group
D 7/7346, Vasant Kunj
New Delhi - 110 070
Tel - 2613 2024 / 2613 2028
visit us at