NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Free Plants available for the Organizations for Plantation program’s

Free Plants available for the Organizations for Plantation program's
and for the Individuals to plant in their own houses in Odisha
Kindly Contact: Mob. No. Of Forest Officers
a. Banapal: 9437434706
b. Banarakhi: 9437719643
c. Banarakhi (Nadhma): 9338164142
a. Pithabota: 9437186911
b. Betonoti: 9437000440
c. Deuli: 9437218507
d. Rasgobindapur: 9583628849
e. Bangariposi: 9437546731
f. Udala:9437004664
g. Kaptipoda: 9437085523
h. Dukura: 9437174510
i. Karanjia: 9437015218
j. Rairangpur: 9438387868

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