NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

“Towards Sustainable Community Based Sanitation”

Training program titled “Towards Sustainable Community Based Sanitation” to be held in Bangalore form 20th to 24th June. This course is jointly promoted by Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Ltd ( A Government of Karnataka Undertaking), CDD Society and BORDA, Germany.
CDD (Consortium of DEWATS {Decentralized Waste Water Treatment Systems} Dissemination), have been working on the issue of Sanitation for more than 10 years. CDD have developed DEWATS which will treat the organic waste water generated by the community in to biogas and reusable water for garden. Low cost, no energy use and easy to maintain through community participation. This will be useful for communities in urban and rural areas in reducing incidences of water born diseases. We have installed so far 400 such units in different parts of the country.

Kindly contact if you need any further clarification regarding the course to:
Rajakumar Sankar
CASS – Centre for Advanced Sanitation Systems
(A Unit of CDD Society)
Sy. NO 205, Opp Beedi Workers Layout
Khomagahtta Road,
Bandematta, Kengeri Satellite Town
Bangalore -560 060
Tel: 080 28486700, Mobile: 9448454852