NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Sunday, July 27, 2014

RGNIYD invites EOI for Empanelling NGOs/Civil Society Organisations to organize programmes

Invitation for Expression of Interest For Empaneling NGOs/Civil Society Organisations

Project Title: Empaneling NGOs/Civil Society Organisations to organize Collaborative/Independent programmes with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD)

Background: The Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, is an Institute of National Importance by an act of Parliament No.35/2012 under the Minsitry of Youth Affairs &Sports, Government of India. The RGNIYD was set up in 1993 under the Societies Registration Act XXVII of 1975. RGNIYD Functions as vital resource centre with its multi-faceted functions of offering academic programmes at Post Graduate level encompassing various dimensions of youth development, engaging in seminal research in the vital areas of youth development and coordinating Training Programmes for state agencies and the officials of youth organisations, besides the Extension and Outreach initiatives across the country.

1. RGNIYD would like to empanel reputed NGOs/Civil Society orgnisations to organise capacity building/ training activities of Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development(RGNIYD), Sriperumbudur in various regions of the country. In this context RGNIYD would like to receive Expression of Interest (EoI) from those interested in collaborating with RGNIYD. The Format for submitting EoI is given below;

2. The EoI will be scrutinised by expert committee and only shortlisted organisations will be informed for further action.

3. Mere submitting application will not make you eligible for signing MoU with RGNIYD

4. List and category of training programmes organised by RGNIYD is available in RGNIYD Website:

5. Service providers are requested to mention the category of training programmes they are interested along with region where they are going to be organised

6. Duly filled application form along with necessary documents should be submitted to following address.

Last date for submitting Expression of Interest: 15th the August 2014, 5.00 PM

For more information visit the Link :

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Invite to apply for IMC Inclusive Innovation Awards 2014

Dear Sir / Madam,
We are pleased to inform you that the entries for the IMC
Inclusive Innovation Awards 2014 are now open. The Award is
sponsored by R Jhunjhunwala Foundation and Media Partner is Zee
The information for the same is available on IMC Website ( <> ). The Brochure, Rules
and Regulations and the Form for Application are attached for
ready reference.

The Award for the Winner is an amount of Rs 20 Lakhs, in a form
considered appropriate by the Jury. In addition, Certificates
will be presented to those who are short listed for Q & A Session
with the Jury.

A new Award has been introduced for Young Indian Innovator - GEN
Z Category.

GEN Z refers to the generation that is in teens today and even a
little beyond. The participants from this Category will be
recognized for their bold thinking leading to potentially game
changing, innovative and inclusive solutions that address the
current and the future needs of the society. The Award for the
Winner of this category is Rs 2 Lakhs.

Participants may apply online at
<> or send entry by email at <> in prescribed
form on or before September 15, 2014.

Best Regards Arvind Pradhan Director General

Foreign support for Indian NGOs under government scrutiny

India's new government has moved to restrict foreign funding for the local chapters of non-government activist groups.

Foreign support for Indian NGOs under government scrutiny (Credit: ABC)

The organisations include well known human rights, anti-nuclear and environmental organisations.

The government argues foreign-funded NGOs have fomented protests against a number of development projects, damaging India's national economy.

Reporter: As Murali Krishnan

Speakers: Jagori Dhar, Greenpeace; Eenakshi Ganguly, director, Haq; Nandikesh Sivalingam, forest campaigner

KRISHNAN: Over a dozen NGO's have been sent notices by the Home Ministry asking them to explain their funding and spending pattern as a "stricter fund monitoring" regime is expected to kick in.

Many of these NGOs facing the heat include those opposing genetically modified organisms, well-known environmental and anti-nuclear groups to little-known localised outfits.

Some of these organisations fear a clampdown under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government for campaigning on environmental, land rights or anti-nuclear issues.

Eenakshi Ganguly, director of Haq, a child rights NGO explains.

GANGULY: It is a worrying scenario… that is very very clear. In a democracy there has to be a space for dissent. If there is no dissenting voice, there is no democracy. This is a way to gag the messenger and not the message. The message is that there has to be someone who has to speak up for people who are disempowered and disenfranchised. And if you are going to gag that, then the voice of the disenfranchised is gagged. So basically they are gagging the whole debate around anything they don't want to listen to.

KRISHNAN: Greenpeace, a NGO working on environment issues, has been in the centre of controversy with an Intelligence Bureau report indicting it for fuelling anti-nuclear agitations and adversely affecting the Indian economy.

Jagori Dhar is a spokesperson from Greenpeace.

DHAR: Because the way we run our campaign in India, we are taking up issues not raised by others, we are taking up grass-roots level fights where we are only empowering local communities about their rights that are guaranteed under the constitution of this country and all we are doing is making people aware of their rights. It seems the government is shaken, they are scared by the work Green peace is doing.

The NGOs on the government's radar include Greenpeace, Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development Aid or Cordaid, Action Aid, Amnesty International, Survival International, National Alliance of Anti-Nuclear Movements, People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy.

According to the government, various organisations, including NGOs, in India received approximately 1.96 billion US dollars in 2012-13 as foreign donations from 164 countries.The data were provided by minister of state for home affairs Kiren Rijiju in parliament.

Nandikesh Sivalingam, a forest campaigner sees a disturbing trend.

NANDIKESH: So what are the NGOs asking? We ask the government to save our forests, save our tribal people, save our farmers from Monsanto and others. So how is this anti-people? The economy is for everybody. Everyone should be part of the economy and benefit from it. So if it is only befitting one set of the people like the corporations, how is it that it is right? That is what we are asking. So how is it that wrong? How is that anti-development, that is our question?

KRISHNAN: Government spokespersons refused to comment on the issue.

The home ministry's report makes the claim that India's annual GDP growth rate fell by 2 to 3% because of NGO campaigns between 2011 and 2013.

But it does not assess the impact of grassroots campaigns in relation to other factors that impacted the political economy - the policy paralysis in government, the corruption and mismanagement, and judicial scrutiny.

Ms Ganguly again.

GANGULY: Look at the new land acquisition bill which makes it easy for corporates to get land. Why? Development to be sustainable has to inclusive of all. It cannot be at the cost of one group of people against the other. It is not as of all of us are against development. We want roads, we want development, and we want people to have rights, better facilities, basic amenities... It cannot be for some at the cost of others.

KRISHNAN: NGOs are clearly worried. How this controversy plays out will be keenly watched.


Friday, July 25, 2014

Vodafone Foundation India Call for Entries from NGOs in Education, Health, Governance, Agriculture and Women Empowerment

The Mobile for Good Awards will recognise five best-practice NGOs/NFPs for life-changing mobile solutions.

Below are the two official Categories for the M4G 2014 awards:
Main Category: Focused on recognizing projects/ initiatives by NGOs/NFPs
Special Category: Focused on recognising ideas/concepts by NGOs/ NFPs/ For Profit Organisations /Individuals

This year Vodafone Foundation has decided to include ideas/concepts along with initiatives that are already visible on ground, which could also have potential social impact if taken up by serious players.

Selection Process:
The Mobile for Good 2014 Award winners will be selected based on their eligibility and demonstration of success, scalability and sustainability of their initiatives in the following areas (sub-categories) under each of the major categories:

· Education

· Health

· Governance

· Agriculture & Environment

· Women Empowerment & Inclusive Development

Finalist and winner selection process:
The awards will consist of a two-stage jury process, with category finalists notified in September and the finalists invited to a final live judging round in New Delhi, in early October.

What we are looking for:
We are looking for mobile-based solutions in the areas of Health, Education, Governance, Agriculture & Environment and Women Empowerment & Inclusive Development to facilitate effective and efficient benefits to target users. The funding grant from the Vodafone Foundation will further facilitate development of these solutions and up-scaling them.

Within the Special Awards category, we will be looking for the written presentation of ideas and concepts, rooted in research, exploring the mobilisation of various services in the social development context.

The Mobile for Good 2014 awards will share a funding grant of 6,000,000 (sixty lakh rupees) between the five categories mentioned above. In addition, the Main Category Awardees will receive structured mentoring, monitoring and impact evaluation support from credible institutions, incubators, etc. to upscale and build greater capacity of their projects.

The Special Category Awardees will receive a Recognition Certificate and a Souvenir from the Vodafone Foundation.

Important Dates:
The applications will open on 10 July, 2014 and close on 20 August, 2014.

The Mobile for Good 2014 Awards main event is scheduled to take place in November 2014.

For more information visit the Link:

IIED Call for Proposals for Grants on Building Urban Resilience to Climate Change

Deadline: 30 August 2014

The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) has invited proposals from eligible individuals and Research Institutions for research on building urban resilience to climate change. The major purpose of this programme is to develop urban climate resilience in Asian cities.

Total $200,000 USD is available to fund proposals, and IIED expects to fund from eight to 12 projects with budgets in the range of $15,000-25,000 USD per project.

Areas of Interest:

§ Health and climate change in cities

§ Sanitation and other urban services in the context of climate change.

Eligibility criteria:

§ Individuals and research institutions from India may apply for this funding.

§ Also Individuals and research institutions from Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam are eligible.


§ Successful applicants will be expected to produce a working paper (up to 15,000 words) and a policy briefing paper (2,000 words) to be published in the Asian Cities Climate Resilience series, in English. IIED will provide editorial support in the publication process.

§ Wherever possible, project outputs should be in a form allowing wider dissemination of findings, such as peer-reviewed journal articles, in order to contribute to knowledge around building urban climate resilience.

For more information, visit IIED. :

Thursday, July 24, 2014

C S Award program 2014-15

National Foundation for India

The National Foundation for India is an autonomous, professionally managed fund raising and grant-making organization promoting civil society action and public deliberation for social change. It was set up in 1992 by a group of eminent citizens led by Late Shri C Subramaniam, Dr M.S..Swaminathan and Late Ms Kamla Choudhry who felt the need for a vibrant voluntary sector in creating a more just and equitable society by enabling marginalized communities to improve the quality of their own lives, and by improving public understanding. To know more about the foundation, please visit


In recognition of the seminal contribution made by Shri C Subramaniam, the founder Chairman of NFI, in the field of food security and sustainable livelihood, NFI instituted an award program in 2003 for mid-career voluntary sector workers and community leaders for promoting voluntary action and local leadership in the fields of food security and sustainable livelihood.

Voluntary Sector Workers : A large number of people in the voluntary sector lack the benefits of formal education and opportunities for upward mobility. Many voluntary workers spend long years working at the grassroots level and gain vast experience, knowledge and depth of understanding about doing development work because of their roots in their area of engagement. This despite modest salaries and daunting work at the grassroots level. The voluntary sector draws its strength and depends on the performance of this group of people for making any large-scale impact.

Community Leaders : In recent years, the community has become the focus of development work. But contrary to what is often believed, it is difficult for deprived people to come into a relationship that strengthens cooperation and self-governance. The importance of supporting and encouraging community leaders, who create bonds of solidarity and values that empower communities in achieving democratic and egalitarian goals, cannot be ignored.


· To provide opportunities to selected fellows to upgrade their skills, deepen their leadership qualities and enhance motivation and understanding on various issues.

· To create a network of individual and institutions in order to increase the voluntary sector’s understanding on the issues of food security and sustainable livelihood.

· To encourage community level leaders who would be able to articulate the need of the local citizenry and mobilize them to access their rights and entitlements.


Voluntary sector workers – giving leadership on constructive work at the grassroots for minimum 8-10 years.

Community leaders – engaged in social movement / constructive at community level, for minimum 8-10 years.

Women candidates will be encouraged for both the Awards.


Award of Rs. 50,000/- and a momento will be given to the selected candidates.


· Both, the Voluntary Workers and Community Leaders should send a brief write-up of their experience, justifying eligibility for the Fellowships.

· A proposal from the candidate outlining the specific area of work (issue & geographical area) he / she would like to pursue with the Fellowships grant.

· The applications for both the Awards should be forwarded by the Chief Functionary of the NGO where the candidate is working.

The C. Subramaniam fellows for voluntary sector workers and community leaders have been awarded to 88 people in the past 11 years.

The last date for receipt of application is 15th September, 2014

For Application form contact :

Dr Amita Pal

National Foundation for India

Core 4A, UGF, India Habitat Centre

Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110003

Phones : 91-11-24641864 /65, 91-11-24648490-92

Fax : 91-11-24641867

E.mail :,

Visit our website to download application form.


Give2Asia and IIRR Funding Request for Proposals: Indian NGOs can apply

Deadline: 31 August 2014

Give2Asia and the Indian Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) jointly invite NGOs and CBOs in select countries of Asia (including India) to apply for their Request for Proposals on Disaster Preparedness & Resiliency Programs.

One-year projects up to $25,000 and two-year projects up to $50,000 will be considered. Examples of potential projects include, but are not limited to:

§ Early warning systems and evacuation planning

§ Water management systems such as rainwater harvesting and gray water recycling to mitigate drought.

§ Environmental protection or restoration schemes that reduce risks of landslides, flash floods, storms or storm surges.

§ Organizing and strengthening community emergency response such as first aid training, search and rescue and water safety

§ Promotion and use of climate-resilient agriculture production approaches

§ Climate field schools to teach farmer and fishers to use climate and weather information

Submissions should include explicit information on the hazard being addressed and describe the factors of why the target community is at risk to these hazards. Applications must also include the project plan, and organizational experience in this or related projects. Both new and ongoing disaster preparedness and resilience building programs will be considered.

Additional consideration will be given to projects that:

§ Prepare for multiple hazards

§ Leverage technology

§ Include poverty reduction or economic development components

§ Include a focus on women and girls or other marginalized groups.

Applicant organizations must be registered in the country they intend to work, and must be eligible to receive funding from foreign sources in that country. Organizations and projects based in the following countries are eligible:

§ Bangladesh

§ India*

§ Indonesia

§ Myanmar

§ Philippines

§ Vietnam

*Additionally, organizations working in India will need to provide FCRA registration certificate, 12 A (a) registration certificate and PAN card, should they be selected for funding.

For more information, visit this link:

Pre matric Scholarship for Minority Students

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Grants from Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW)

Deadline: 31st Jan and 31st June each year
Interest Area(s): Children & Young People, Community, Education, Environment,
Health and Social & Human Services

ACWW supports projects in the following areas: literacy, health education, nutrition and home
economics, agricultural training and development, income, water and sanitation, civic
conscientiousness / community involvement. Projects must be run mainly by women;
directly benefit women and/or children; have a clearly articulated vision of how the
work will impact beyond the project's lifetime; address and show evidence of a clearly
defined need; and be initiated by community members and promote community
participation. In addition they only fund projects that take place in the same country
where the organisation is registered and directly benefit women and children in those
countries. The bank account provided must be in the country where the project is
to be implemented. They do not fund NGOs/SHGs that are not registered or have been
registered for less than two years and they do not fund projects in unstable countries.
The maximum grant amount is £5,000. Application details are available on the website
and are only accepted in January and June each year. Application details are available on
the website and are only accepted in January and June each year.


Grants from Peace and Collabrotive Development Network (PCDN)

Deadline: 30th Sept 2014
Interest Area(s): Community, Education and Human Rights

After a very successful first year, PCDN has announced that applications for the second
term of their Peace Projects Grant Program is open. Acknowledging the critical importance
of supporting peacebuilding and conflict resolution initiatives, JWF is soliciting creative
and innovative projects that aim to prevent and constructively respond to conflicts around
the world. Peace Projects will award projects from a broad range of disciplines, skills
and approaches promoting peaceful coexistence and peacebuilding. Some of the possible
themes include: inter-communal and inter-state dialogue/cooperation; Peace education;
Pluralism and multiculturalism; Youth, conflict and peacebuilding; Early warning and
conflict prevention; Mediatiion and negotiation; Post-conflict reconciliation; Disarmament,
demobilization and reintegration; Good governance, rule of law and transitional justice;
Poverty reduction, development and peacebuilding; and Gender equality and empowerment.
Non-profit organizations and individuals (including but not limited to academicians,
activists, artists, community organizers, educators, filmmakers, journalists, scholars,
social workers, and students) from all nationalities are eligible to apply.


Funding for Catholic Christian NGOs from Loyola Foundation

Deadline: 30th Sept 2014
Interest Area(s): Religion

The Loyola Foundation supports overseas Catholic mission communities, primarily in less
developed countries (Africa, India, Central and South America, etc.). The Foundation does
not accept requests for operating expenses, scholarships, tuition, endowment funds,
travel expenses or meeting costs. The Foundation does not make grants for continuing
subsidies, emergency needs, minor seminaries, or individuals. The Loyola Foundation
generally does not consider grant requests for projects located within the continental
United States. The Foundation does not accept unsolicited full Applications.
Applicants must write to, or via fax or regular mail (see
contact information online) with a brief description of the project they seek funding for.
If the request falls within the guidelines for consideration, you will be contacted and
assigned a grant request number enabling you to submit a full application. The
Foundation strongly favours requests for matching funds. There is additional information/
documentation that must be included in your application, see website for full details.


Grants from Global Fund for Children

Deadline: See Website
Interest Area(s): Children & Young People, Community, Education, Health,
and Social & Human Services

The Global Fund for Children invests in grassroots organizations that enable the most
vulnerable children in their communities to thrive. Their strategic support helps
grantees achieve their vision, become sustainable, and reach even more children in
need. Prospective grantee partners must meet the following eligibility criteria to be
considered for our support. With rare exceptions, a prospective grantee partner's annual
budget should not exceed $200,000. In most cases, new grantee partners have budgets
in the $25,000 to $75,000 range. Global Funds aim is to identify organizations at a
relatively early stage in their development. Prospective grantee partners must work
directly with children and youth. The GFC does not support groups engaged exclusively
in advocacy or research. (They do, however, support organizations that perform both
advocacy and direct service.) Prospective grantee partners must have systems and
processes for ensuring responsible management of funds. At a minimum, an organization
must have basic accounting and reporting systems as well as phone and email access.
Prospective grantee partners must be led by individuals who live and work in the
community. GFC prioritizes organizations whose leaders were born and raised in
the community. They do not fund the local offices or affiliates of national or international
organizations. A prospective grantee partner must be registered with the local
or national government as a nonprofit organization. If the political context makes legal
registration unfeasible, the organization must demonstrate nonprofit equivalency.
They do not provide start-up funding for the creation of new organizations. Initial
approach is by online Letter of Inquiry. See website for full details.


Grants from Give2Asia

Deadline: 31st Aug 2014
Interest Area(s): Community and Environment

More than any other place on Earth, Asia is on the front lines of climate change and
the resulting increase in natural disasters. Give2Asia believes that smart, contextual,
community-based interventions performed by local partners are the most effective way
to prepare for disasters, mitigate their damage and ultimately save lives. Give2Asia
and IIRR invite local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based
organizations (CBOs) from six South and Southeast Asian nations to submit program
proposals that prepare for disasters and climate change in their communities.
One-year projects up to $25,000 and two-year projects up to $50,000 will be
considered. Examples of potential projects include, but are not limited to: early
warning systems and evacuation planning; water management systems such
as rainwater harvesting and gray water recycling to mitigate drought; environmental
protection or restoration schemes that reduce risks of landslides, flash floods,
storms or storm surges; organizing and strengthening community emergency
response such as first aid training, search and rescue and water safety; promotion
and use of climate-resilient agriculture production approaches; and climate field
schools to teach farmer and fishers to use climate and weather information.
Eligible countries are: Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Myanmar,
Philippines and Vietnam.


The Sasakawa Peace Foundation Grants program

Last Date: October 31, 2014

The Sasakawa Peace Foundation accepts grant applications from non-governmental and voluntary organizations around the world to benefit from its Regular Projects Fund (focusing issues) and Special Fund (focusing regions). The proposed programs must promote international understanding, exchange, and cooperation, and must accord with program policy of SPF (for regular projects) and program guidelines of SPF special funds to secure funding. The SPF is a private nonprofit foundation that promotes Japan’s international contribution, seeks to resolve global issues, endeavors to strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation with priority regions.

From 1 to 3 years. SPF awards grants annually. The SPF budget year begins April 1, and ends the following March 31. Regardless of the start date of a project, it should end in March, at which time expenditure and narrative reports of the results should be submitted. - See more at:

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Volkart foundation India funds for small NGOs

How To Apply?

Appeals or letter of request are recieved by the foundation from all over the country from big and small organizations / NGOs / Institutions. These are scrutinized and the deserving ones and those activities, which are economically feasible, are selected.

The organizations / NGOs / Institutions whose appeals could possibly be considered are sent a questionnaire / application which gives the Foundation information on the organization, the year of establisment, registration and the members on its committee / trustees, the funding agencies, the purpose of appeal and the amount required. This questionnaire also brings out information about the organization's financial standing, by way of its audited accounts, and also if the institution is recognized for Income Tax exemption under various provisions of the act including Section 80-G, etc.

Visit the link:

Contact information:

Volkart Foundation
112, 11th Floor,
Mittal Chambers,
Nariman Point,
Mumbai - 400 021

Tel No. 91-22-22836336 / 91-22-22836338
Fax No. 91-22-22836209
email -

State Officer – Orissa

Caritas India

Location: Bhubaneshwar, Odisha


Caritas India is the official national organization of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India for social development. It was established in 1962 to assist the Church in India in efforts to eradicate poverty, reach relief and rehabilitation in times of disasters and organize communities for self advancement. During the last five decades of its humanitarian and development efforts, Caritas India has served the poor and marginalized, without any distinction of caste, creed and ethnicity.

Position Details:

1. Position : State Officer – Orissa

2. No of Vacancies : 1

3. Posting: Bhubaneshwar, Orissa

Job Summary:

Role: Accompaniment of programme management and capacity building in order to assure quality in the interventions of partners supported by Caritas India in the respective State in tune with their perspective plan

Specific Responsibilities:

• Facilitation of Regional Perspective Plan/Diocesan Perspective Plan and periodic review in association with Zonal Manager.
• Support partners in development of appropriate programme plans according to the RPP/DPP
• Facilitate the Participatory Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of all Caritas Supported programmes, including process documentation
• Ensure regular accompaniment of the partners in the region for monitoring and evaluation
• Ensure timely reporting of the process and programs as stipulated in the agreements by the partners
• Identification and developing capacity building programmes of partners
• Participating in the cluster level, regional level meetings, workshops, reflections, for learning and incorporation of the same in to operations
• Attend to emergency situations on priority basis as and when required
• Participate and contribute towards advocacy, lobbying and networking with like-minded organizations and also enabling the diocesan partners to do the same.
• Develop systems and structures at the state level for process documentation.
• Representing Caritas India in various appropriate forums in the respective state.


An advanced degree (minimum master’s degree) in relevant discipline including social sciences, public administration, management, business administration, or any development related field

Knowledge Required

• Understanding of the socio-economic and political situation of the state/region
• Understating on the catholic social teaching and the role of church
• Knowledge and working experience on Government, NGO and other support organizations
• Facilitation, communication and interpersonal skills
• Basic computer knowledge
• Project management skills

• 3-5 years of experience in development projects, particularly civil society projects.

Along with skills such as:
• Project management skills – pre and post assessment
• Ability to develop New ideas / innovation within the diocesan perspective plans
• Development and facilitation Perspective for the dioceses
• Ability in dealing with Church – regular interaction and influence
• Ability to interact with DSSS directors and DSSS field staff
• Animation / facilitation skills - including training
• High level of PCM skills along with finance management
• Networking and advocacy skills
• Reporting and documentation
• Advocating and representing Caritas in appropriate forums
• Attention to details in all areas of PCM.
• Regular review for learning and incorporation of the same into Programme implementation

External Working Relations:

Programme Partners (Programme functional relations)
NGOs / GOs / INGOs (Advocacy, Networking, Capacity Building)
Media (Information sharing)


Should be willing to travel within India as and when required. Most of the travel would be in Orissa.


The salary range for this position will be determined based upon the experience of the candidate hired. The non-monetary compensation includes a unique opportunity to be part of an innovative, meaningful, and rapidly growing organization that is changing the world.
To apply, kindly e-mail your CV to with the name of the position as subject line. The deadline for submission of application is 20th July, 2014.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and invited for an interview and no notification will be sent to candidates who have not been short listed.

Job Email id:


Saturday, July 12, 2014


Budget is generally a disappointment for the NGO community, with only a very few benefits.

CSR expenditure of companies not to be tax deductible. Thus a big disappointment for companies, who now may resort to camouflage it under other sections. Or it may benefit NGOs who have S.35AC registration.

Other provisions for NGOs (generally referred to as Charitable Trusts)

Clarification provided for ‘substantially financed’

Certain educational & medical institutions registered under S. 10(23) (under sub-clauses iiiab & iiiad) are exempt from tax if ‘substantially financed by the Govt.’ Currently substantial has not been defined in the Act and courts interpret this based on other provisions in the Act. Govt will now specify exact % of total receipts (including donations, etc., if any), which will entitle the concerned institution to claim exemption from its entire income.

Claim both for Depreciation as well as cost of asset not to be allowed

A Trust which has included acquisition cost of an asset in the application amount, canot again claim depreciation.

Claims under multiple sections not allowed

If a charitable Trust has been registered / approved under. 12AA / S. 10(23), it cannot claim benefit under any other clause of S. 10, except for agriculture income.

Additional powers given to Commissioner for cancellation of S. 12AA registration

Commissioner given additional power to cancel S.12AA registration under following circumstances:

1. If income/property of Trust, applied for the benefits of specified persons, like trustee

2.If funds are invested in prohibited modes.

3.It is found that charitable trust is generally not applying the income of Trust for public in general.

Relief in case of delayed S.12AA registration

In case of delayed registration under S. 12, any pending assessment on the date of registration would be considered for providing benefit under S. 12A, but not the assessments which are already complete.

Anonymous Donations

Tax calculation method on anonymous donations modified to streamline the same.

Socio Research & Reform Foundation (NGO)
512 A, Deepshikha, 8 Rajendra Place, New Delhi – 110008

Geoinformatics Applications in Disaster Management

Geoinformatics Applications in Disaster Management: Training Module

To see the complete document find below link:

Friday, July 11, 2014


Budget, CSR and NGOs

The new Finance Bill brings much desired clarity for CSR expenditure. This expenditure will not be allowed as a business deduction under section 37 of Income Tax Act.

This has a (counter-intuitively!) positive implication for NGOs. Companies looking for some tax advantage for their CSR spend will now be interested in donating to NGOs. This will help them get at least 50% deduction under sec. 80G.

And if the NGO is approved under sec. 35AC? The company can claim 100% deduction from taxable income!

Talk about having your cake and eating it too!!

References:- Finance Bill 2014, proposed modification to sec. 37- Sec. 135 of Companies Act 2013- CSR Rules 2014 




Last date: 31-7-2014

The Expression Non-Profit Website Fund for NGOs

Deadline: 15 September 2014

The Expression Web Solutions invites non-government organizations and non-profit community to submit applications for the Expression Non-Profit Website Fund.

The Expression is a web development company specialized in web design, web development, apps, e-commerce, social media and other web-related services.

The Expression provides either a website or the web solution up to maximum US$15,000 to select NGOs who meet the eligibility criteria. The services provided include web development, app development, mobile, social media, database development, CMS, CRM e-commerce and more.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants’ organization must be registered as a tax-exempt, non-profit organization in their country.
  • An organization can submit only one application.
  • Past winners are not eligible to apply.
  • To be considered, the applicants must fill the online application form, like & follow the Expression on facebook & twitter.

For more information, please visit The Call Page:

The Coca-Cola India Foundation Anandana Accepting Grant Applications for Socio-Economic Development

Deadline: Throughout the Year

Anandana, the Coca-Cola India Foundation, supports national campaigns that build awareness on important issues contributing to the socio-economic development of the Country. The primary objective of the foundation is to contribute to a strong and resolute India enabling the common man to better her/his life. Active involvement and direct participation of the beneficiary community at the grass-root level in the process of project execution, maintenance and sustainability is the primary aim of the foundation.

NGOs around India are invited to submit grant proposals on their water, environment, healthy living and social development projects to secure funds and implement the projects.

Anandana approves grants within six to eight weeks from the date of receipt of the proposal. The applicant will be signing a grant agreement and the grant is released. Interested applicants must follow the grant application format.

Focus Areas

  • Water Sustainability
  • Watershed Management, Protection and Development
  • Purification of the riverine system
  • Creation of Integrated Water Bodies
  • Water resources education
  • Climate Control/Environment
  • Creation of non-conventional energy assets
  • Extension of forest cover
  • Protection of biodiversity
  • Waste management in ecologically fragile areas
  • Spreading awareness of low carbon economy in community
  • Healthy Living
  • Promoting fitness and active lifestyles in society
  • Addressing problem of hidden malnutrition
  • Advocating indigenous system of healthcare
  • Devoting attention to needs of physically/ mentally challenged
  • Inclusive Social Development
  • Promotion of literacy programs in backward areas
  • Protecting and preserving the national heritage
  • National Campaign to promote social messages
Applying for Grants to Anandana? Check the Eligibility Criteria

If you are applying for the grants to Anandana, the Coca-Cola Foundation, you must be clear on what the foundation wants to achieve through the projects. The foundation has set a set of mission for all the four of its grant focus areas.

Objectives of the Focus areas

Water Sustainability- seek to preserve, protect and enhance freshwater sources through locally relevant initiatives, such as watershed management and protection, purification of the riverine systems, creation of integrated water bodies and ground water recharge.

Climate Control/Environment – seek an extension of the forest cover, promote non-conventional energy sources, protect biodiversity, and initiate effective measures for waste management in ecologically fragile areas.

Healthy Living – initiatives that promote fitness and active lifestyles, address the problem of malnutrition, promote the use of indigenous system of healthcare, and devote special attention to the needs of the physically and mentally challenged.

Inclusive Social Development – promote literacy programs for backward areas, institute awards for excellence in areas identified by the Foundation, and preserve the national heritage at all levels.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicant organization must be in existence for a minimum of 5 years.
  • Applicants must be registered as a trust/society/not-for-profit company under applicable law that implements social development projects in India.
  • The organization should have a governing body/council and a proven track record in quality service delivery.
  • Applicant must have good working relationship and contacts with the communities.
  • Application must demonstrate an innovative and challenging idea underlying the needs of the beneficiary community.
  • Proposed project must highlight clear and realistic goals, timeframe, work plan and budget – including the quantum of assistance involved, and the proportion of assistance to be mobilized through other sources including by the applicant organization itself.
  • The anticipated impact of the project on the beneficiary community must be specifically defined and measures identified. Applicants must include a long-term plan to transfer the responsibility and ownership of development models to the local communities.
  • Applicants must be able to show the proven track record of successfully implementing the previous projects and certification received by the State/Central Government, or the beneficiary community, in respect of the project.

Note: Applicants are requested to contact the foundation via telephone or email before applying for the grant.

For more information, please visit Anandana.

The Vijay Amritraj Foundation’s Grant Opportunity for Indian NGOs

Deadline: 30 August 2014

Registered NGO’s throughout the India are invited to submit applications for grant opportunity offered by The Vijay Amritraj Foundation. Mr. Amritraj is the founder of The Vijay Amritraj Foundation.

The major purpose of this foundation is to focus on children and adults who face extreme challenges in life; HIV/AIDS, Family Abandonment, and Individuals Ostracized by society for their illness.

Eligibility criteria:

  • The VAF requests proposals from charitable organizations in India with which we have been in contact.
  • The VAF will accept proposals from charitable organizations in India who are referred by existing grantees and/or VAF Ambassadors.
  • The VAF accepts unsolicited requests from charitable organizations in India for projects that fall within our program priorities and guidelines.


  • A cover letter, detailing the amount of money requested and the grant period, signed by the individual responsible for signing grant contracts on behalf of the grant applicant.
  • A project description, including an explanation of why the project is needed, who will be served and what will be accomplished.
  • A documented line-item expense budget and a revenue budget, showing all projected sources of funds for the project over the proposed grant period.
  • A plan for financial and/or programmatic sustainability of the project.
  • A plan for evaluation of the project’s results.
  • Before a grant will be approved, U.S. government regulations require us to collect from each applicant, an affidavit and public support schedule to determine equivalence as a tax-exempt institution under U.S. law. VAF staff/Ambassadors will provide the forms as well as assistance in completing them.
  • Organizations that receive funding are required to provide quarterly program updates to the Foundation.
  • All submitted materials must be in English.

For more information, visit The Vijay Amritraj Foundation.:

Send letters of inquiry via email to:

India Budget 2014-2015

Speech of Arun Jaitley
Minister of Finance

July 10, 2014

Thursday, July 10, 2014


Address: 1825 K Street, N.W., Suite 901, Washington, D.C. 20006, USA

The Aga Khan Foundation also has offices in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Canada, Egypt, India, East Africa, Kyrgyz Republic, Madagascar, Mozambique, Pakistan, Portugal, Russia, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Uganda, U.K., and West Africa. For addresses for the Foundation in these locations, please visit this site:

e-mail: (U.S.) For country specific contact information, please visit the following site and click on country of interest:

Telephone: +1 202 293 2537


Countries/Regions: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Canada, Egypt, India, East Africa, Kyrgyz Republic, Madagascar, Mozambique, Pakistan, Portugal, Russia, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Uganda, U.K., West Africa

Topics/Subjects: architecture, civil society, culture, economic development, education, health, historic cities, humanitarian assistance, microfinance, music, planning and building, rural development

Description: The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) focuses on a small number of specific development problems by forming intellectual and financial partnerships with organizations sharing its objectives. Most Foundation grants are made to grassroots organizations testing innovative approaches in the field.

The Foundation is largely an implementing organization rather than a grant-funding agency. Grants are normally given to local organizations interested in testing new solutions, in learning from experience, and in being agents of lasting change. These organizations must share the Foundation’s and the Aga Khan Development Network’s (AKDN) goals in the fields of health, education, rural development, and strengthening of civil society.

Type of grant: Project – the Foundation funds programs in countries where it has offices and local professional staff to monitor implementation. Does not fund construction or individuals.

Deadline: ongoing

How to apply: There are no formal application procedures. Before developing full proposals, enquiries should be made to the Foundation office in the country where the proposal originates or where the project would be executed. Please note that a precondition for funding is the existence of an office, in the same country, which can evaluate and monitor projects we fund. To check on the existence of an Aga Khan Office in your country of interest, please see:


Address: 45 West 36th Street, New York, NY 10018, USA


Telephone: +1 212 792 2900, toll free +1 800 889 7146



Africa: Senegal, Liberia, Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cote d’Ivoire

Asia: Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, India

Latin America and the Caribbean: Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua

Topics/Subjects: political empowerment, civil liberties, sexual health and rights, international human rights, women’s rights, natural resource rights, economic justice, disaster relief, LGBTI rights

Inspired by the Jewish commitment to justice, American Jewish World Service (AJWS) works to realize human rights and end poverty in the developing world. AJWS pursues lasting change by supporting grassroots and global human rights organizations in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean and by mobilizing supporters in the U.S. to advocate for global justice. Working together, the AJWS community strives to build a more just and equitable world.

AJWS provides grants to build civil society in select countries in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean and Asia by supporting non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations (CBOs), other grassroots human rights groups, and larger social change organizations that are advancing human rights. AJWS partners with organizations that work on three critical issues:

1. Sexual Health and Rights: Advancing the Rights of Women, Girls and Sexual Minorities

AJWS works to increase access to services and end discrimination, violence and abuse of women, girls, LGBTI people and sex workers so that they can access the full spectrum of opportunities in society and live in health, safety and dignity.

1. Civil and Political Rights: Promoting Recovery from Conflict and Oppression

AJWS supports communities to recover from conflict and oppression, speak out against injustice and create vibrant, peaceful, societies that respect the rights of all citizens.

1. Natural Resource Rights: Defending the Right to Food, Land and Livelihoods

AJWS supports organizations that advocate for the rights of rural, indigenous and poor communities who are displaced from their land or prevented from earning a living because of mining, dams and other development that threaten their way of life.

Type of grant: Building/renovation, capital campaigns, conferences/seminars, continuing support, debt reduction, emergency funds, general/operating support, in-kind gifts, land acquisition, program development, program evaluation, publication, research, seed money, technical assistance

Grant range: $5,000-$100,000

Average grant duration: Varies, one-year or multi-year

Deadline(s): Not accepting letters of inquiry. Application by invitation only.

How to apply: Currently not accepting applications. Continue to check website for more updated information.


Address: Ashoka Global Headquarters, 1700 North Moore Street, Suite 2000 (20th Floor), Arlington, VA 22209, USA


Telephone: +1 703 527 8300

Countries/Regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East/North Africa, North America, South America

Topics/Subjects: political empowerment, economic development, environment, health, human rights, education, youth

The organization gives fellowships internationally to individuals who possess the innovation and drive to realize social change in civic engagement, economic development, health, environment, human rights, access to technology, and developing new methods for learning and education. Candidates are selected according to these criteria: having a new solution or approach to a social problem that will change the pattern in a field, being a creative thinker and problem-solver, having an entrepreneurial nature, and having strong ethical fiber.

Type of grant: Fellowships for individual social entrepreneurs; does not award grants to organizations

Deadline(s): applications for fellowships are taken throughout the year

How to apply:

To nominate a candidate: (form available in English, Turkish, Polish, Slovak, Czech, Magyar, Portuguese, Dutch, Japanese, Mandarin, Korean, Hebrew)

Selection Criteria:


Address: Marlborough House, Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5HY, U.K.


Telephone: +44 0 20 7930 3783


Background: The Commonwealth Foundation is an intergovernmental organization, resourced by and reporting to Commonwealth governments, that exists to promote and strengthen civil society’s role in sustainable development, democracy and intercultural learning in the Commonwealth. The foundation’s participatory governance grants enable people from developing Commonwealth countries to participate in civil society’s decision-making processes, enabling citizens to exercise voice and vote, and engage in policy formation. Priority is given to proposals that mainstream the Foundation’s cross-cutting outcome areas of gender equality; environmental sustainability; cultural respect and understanding in their project design.

Grant range: up to £30,000 per year for a maximum of three years

Deadlines: new calls for proposals are announced routinely on their website:


Address: 1 Blythe Road, London W14 0HG, UK

e-mail: General inquiries: ; For grant applications:

Telephone: +44 0 20 7603 9996


Countries/Regions: Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Nepal, U.K., Ukraine, Ireland, Russia

For grants to the Americas and the Caribbean, apply through the New York office at

Topics/Subjects: health, HIV/AIDS

Description: The foundation strives to empower people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as those who are affected by it or at risk. It also strives to provide emotional and financial support to people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. To reach these goals, funding is centered on five themes: Women & Children, Positive Lives, Livelihoods, Vulnerable Groups and Innovation. Does not award grants to individuals, for profit organizations, or countries outside of its designated list. 

Type of grants:

Pioneer Grants: Multi-year grant given to support a specific initiative focusing on an individual key population at higher risk in an individual country. No set grant minimum or maximum.

Robert Key Memorial Fund: Open throughout the yeartangible benefit for individuals living with HIV. Awards of up to £10,000 are given to programs that operate in any of the Foundation’s program countries.

Grant range: varies

Average grant duration: one-year or multi-year

Deadline(s): applications accepted throughout the year

How to apply:

Pioneer Grants: Contact organization for details. Offered once per year.

Robert Key Memorial Fund:


U.S. Address: EMpower U.S., 11 John St., Ste. 1005, New York, NY 10038-3110, USA

U.S. Telephone: +1 212 608 4455

U.K. Address: EMpower U.K., 20-22 Bedford Row, London WC1R 4JS, UK

Hong Kong Address: EMpower Hong Kong, 9A Foo Cheong Building, , 82-86 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

e-mail: (U.S.), (U.K.) (Hong Kong)


Countries/Regions: Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, India, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Russia, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam

Topics/Subjects: education, health, leadership, livelihoods

Description: The foundation awards grants to grassroots organizations to improve opportunities for disadvantaged young people in emerging market countries (countries that are transitioning from developing to developed) in their transitions to adulthood. It funds grants within its four categories: education, health, leadership, and livelihoods. EMpower supports service-related activities as well as organizational capacity-building, but not research or policy dialogue. Grantees must work with youth ages 10-24, have a track record of three or more years’ experience with demonstrable results, an annual budget of U.S. $1.5 million or less, and other existing sources of funding. For a full list of requirements, see

Type of Grant: projects; does not provide funding for: individuals, emergency or disaster relief, conferences, lobbying or political campaigns, land acquisition or construction of new buildings, deficit reduction, or programs that address specific disabilities, chronic diseases or conditions.

Grant range: varies

Average grant duration: varies

Deadline(s): N/A.

How to apply: Currently not accepting applications. Continue to check website for more updated information.


Address: 1666 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Suite. 410, Washington, DC 20009-1039, USA


Telephone: +1 202 347 7488


Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, Burundi, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, India, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, Burma

Topics/Subjects: human rights

Description: The Fund for Global Human Rights works to secure basic freedoms for people around the world. Its grants program funds non-governmental, non-profit organizations working to promote respect for human rights in the countries and regions in which they are based. The fund has 17 focus countries in South Asia, West Africa, African Great Lakes, North Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America. The Fund has crafted specific regional strategies designed to make the most impact with limited resources for specific countries and regions where they believe strategic grant-making can make a difference in advancing human rights protections over time. The Fund acts as an ally of activists in strengthening human rights movements and believes in maintaining a long-term focus in each of the regions and countries where it operates. Women-led organizations are strongly encouraged to apply.

Type of grant: General/operating support, program development, seed money, and technical assistance

Does not fund individuals, stand-alone conferences, businesses, scholarships, fundraising events, university-based research, government agencies, micro-credit programs, construction of roads, bridges, buildings, wells or medical facilities, or activities directly or indirectly intended to support political candidates. 

Grant range: $5,000 to $30,000

Average grant duration: multi-year

Deadline(s): Check website for active requests for proposals and deadlines.

How to apply: Letters of inquiry are not currently being accepted. Please visit the website for updates here: Determine your eligibility for future grants here:


Address: 1101 14th St., N.W., Ste. 420, Washington, DC 20005-5616, USA


Telephone: +1 202 331 9003


Countries/Regions: global

Topics/Subjects: education, international development, health, safety/security, human rights

Description: The Global Fund for Children (GFC) is dedicated to supporting children in need around the world. GFC awards grants that support children who are economically and socially outside the reach of mainstream services and support, including street children, child laborers, AIDS orphans, sex workers, hard-to-reach rural populations, and other vulnerable or marginalized groups. Funded groups should be community-based and must work directly with children and youth. GFC does not fund groups that focus exclusively on advocacy or research, groups that are not recognized as a non-profit organization by their local or national government, affiliates of national/international organizations, or groups whose annual budget exceeds US $200,000. 

Type of grant: General operating support

Grant range: $5,000-$25,000

Average grant duration: one-year, with option for renewal over a period from three to six years.

Deadline(s): Letters of inquiry accepted at any time during the year. Full proposals accepted by invitation only. Grants are awarded in June and December.

How to apply:

Step 1: Review eligibility requirements here:

Step 2: Submit a Letter of Inquiry – forms available on their website in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.

Step 3: GFC will follow up if the letter meets their criteria, and will ask for a full (5-10 page) proposal. GFC asks that you do not contact them regarding your status.

Step 4: If the proposal is approved, GFC will issue a letter of notification


Address: 222 Sutter St., Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94108-4445, USA

email – asia and the pacific:

email – europe and central asia:

email – latin america and caribbean:

email – middle east and north africa:

email – sub saharan africa:

telephone: +1 415 248 4800


Countries/Regions: Sub Saharan Africa, Middle East & North Africa, Europe, Central Asia, Asia, the Pacific, Latin American, the Caribbean 

Topics/Subjects: women and girls, women’s human rights, reproductive rights, education, health, leadership development, technology, gender-based violence, peace building, political and civic participation.

Impact areas:

Zero Violence: Funding projects that advocate for women’s and girls’ participation, empowerment, and peace building while challenging laws, policies, cultures and behavior that perpetuates discrimination, violence and abuse.

Economic and Political Empowerment: Supporting projects that work toward economic and legal reform and women’s equal participation in local and national elections and economies.

Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights: Funding campaigns, service delivery, advocacy and education to influence attitudes and achieve policy change that secures women’s and girls’ full access to sexual and reproductive health and rights

Description: Global Fund for Women invests time, expertise and money in local, courageous women and women-led organizations to advance the rights of women and girls. It also connects women to women’s rights funding, influencers, potential partners; advocates for issues impacting women and girls; uses its platforms, creative and digital expertise, networks and influence to raise money for the movement and elevate the issues and voices of local women and girls. Global Fund gives general support, which allows organizations to quickly allocate funds where they are most needed, helps them be more agile and seize opportunities that support lasting social change.

We do not fund: Individuals; Scholarships; Government entities; Groups without a strong women’s rights focus; Groups based and working primarily or only in the US; International organizations proposing projects with local partners; Groups whose sole purpose is to generate income or to provide charity to individuals; Groups headed and managed by men, without women in the majority of leadership positions; Political parties or election campaigns; Women’s branches/departments/projects of mixed gender organization

Type of grant: General/operating support, program support, travel grants, convening grants

Grant range: $500 to $30,000, first time grants generally range from $5,000 to $13,000 per year.

Average grant duration: one-year

Deadline(s): accepted twice per year.

Grant Cycle 1:

Proposal Intake: mid-October – 15 December

Notification: 31 May

Grant Cycle

Proposal Intake: mid-March-30 June;

Notification: 30 November

How to apply:


Address: Raamweg 16, The Hague 2596 (The Netherlands)

Mailing Address: PO Box 85565, 2508 CG The Hague (Netherlands)


Telephone: +31 0 70 376 5500

Website: (English); (Dutch)

Countries/Regions: Belize, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nicaragua, Peru, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tanzania, Timor Leste, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Topics/Subjects: finance, sustainable production, human rights, democracy, health, arts and culture, women, development, ICT, media, HIV/AIDS, LGBT rights, internet freedom, ending child labor, increasing transparency and accountability

Description: Hivos is a Dutch non-governmental organization that works toward alleviating poverty, building civil society, and creating sustainable economic development. Apart from awarding grants to organizations dedicated to Hivos’ goals, the organization itself is involved in advocacy work around the world. Hivos’ General Fund awards small and regular grants throughout the year to any of its regions where grantee projects fall within the Fund’s programs: Expression & Engagement, Green Entrepreneurship, Rights & Citizenship, and Action for Change. Within these themes, Hivos also offers thematic funds specific to different regions. Hivos does not fund religious groups or governmental entities or organizations receiving financial support from any other Dutch or European development agencies.

Grant range: Hivos will fund small grants up to €15,000. Funding for regular grants will vary depending on the quality of the quality of the program and the group’s capacities – there is not minimum or maximum 

Type of grant: project-specific

AQverage grant duration: Grant duration range is 1-4 years. Average is three years, first time grants do not usually exceed two years, maximum duration is 10 years

Deadline(s): applications accepted throughout the year

How to apply:

For General information:

Review grant criteria:

Requiring fundee organizations to fall within one of Hivos’ programs and to support general principles of diversity, equality, and sustainability.

Ensure that you fall within one of Hivos’ programs:

Review, compile, and send all documents listed under Hivos General Application Material:

Send grant application to appropriate address depending on your region and program:


Address: 121 W 27th St. #301, New York, NY 10001, USA


Telephone: +1 212 627 0444


Countries/Regions: Africa, Arctic, Asia, Eastern Europe/Central Asia/the Caucasus, Latin America/Caribbean, North America, the Pacific

Topics/Subjects: leadership and capacity building, indigenous women’s rights, human rights (general)

Description: The International Indigenous Women’s Forum works toward indigenous women’s rights all over the world. It emphasizes the rights of indigenous women to be included in leadership positions and decision-making at the local, national, and international levels. The forum also sponsors workshops and training sessions for indigenous women to develop leadership skills. The Indigenous Women’s Fund (IWF), their grantmaking mechanism, is led by and for Indigenous women to provide Indigenous women with resources in a way that increases their sense of dignity and self-esteem and that respects their visions, priorities, and perspectives that are compatible with the self-determination of their peoples. IWF offers program grants in four thematic areas: economic empowerment, educational empowerment, political participation, and institutional strengthening. The fund does not fund: groups that do not have indigenous women in management roles, groups that do not have indigenous women as their primary focus, political parties, election campaigns, non-Indigenous governmental organizations, or individuals attending conferences/training without following up with indigenous women.

Type of grant: long-term strategic grants, microlending grants, project, scholarships

Grant range: Maximum $5,000

Average grant duration: one-year

Deadline(s): The Fund releases calls for grant proposals at various times throughout the year. Continue to check website for the current or next round:

How to apply:

Criteria that groups must meet: Group must be made up of indigenous or tribal people, have a bank account, and be registered with the current legislation of their country unless a legally registered nonprofit organization agrees to act as a fiscal supervisor.

Application must: Express the budget in American dollars; include a calendar of their proposed goals; must not exceed 10 pages in size 10 Arial font, and must answer all of the relevant questions on the application form.

Applications may be submitted in English, Spanish or French.

Application forms vary based on the grant being offered. Check the website for updated calls for grant proposals to find the most recent application form:


Address: The Finnish NGO Foundation for Human Rights KIOS, Haapaniemenkatu 7-9 B, 00530 Helsinki, Finland


Telephone: +358 9 6813 1534



Eastern Africa: Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, Djibouti, and Eritrea.

South Asia: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tibet

Topics/Subjects: democratic rights, gender equality, right to education

Description: KIOS supports human rights in developing countries and awards grants to local civil society organizations that protect the rights of the most disadvantaged groups, especially women, children, minorities, and the poor. Projects may focus on raising awareness, human rights education, campaigning or lobbying for ratification or implementation of human rights instruments. Protection of human rights can include for example monitoring, documentation, legal aid, strengthening rule of law or improving access to justice. Support may also be provided for other types of human rights related projects and KIOS welcomes proposals from organizations that employ unconventional and innovative

methods in their activities. In addition to regular grants, KIOS has a Small Grants Scheme for smaller and newly established human rights organizations that do not have a lot of experience on being funded by international donors. 

Does not fund development work, educational projects (unless work is on human rights education), social work, humanitarian aid, or socio-economic support for marginalized groups. KIOS does not grant scholarships, fellowships, or financial support for conference participation or travel. Does not provide funding for: individuals, international NGOs, for-profit groups, religious groups/communities, political parties, governmental entities, or exiled civil society organizations based in Nordic countries. 

Type of grant: project, in exceptional cases technical assistance or capacity-building support; does not fund administrative costs; also has small grants scheme

Grant range: no set limit; varies according to project, but grantee is expected to finance at least 7.5 percent of project’s total costs

Average grant duration: first grant is for one-year; renewals up to maximum of five years; Small Grants Scheme €5,000-€10,000, but there is no set grant limit.

How to apply:

Applications accepted in English, French or Spanish.

Applications are accepted twice per year