NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Give2Asia and IIRR Funding Request for Proposals: Indian NGOs can apply

Deadline: 31 August 2014

Give2Asia and the Indian Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) jointly invite NGOs and CBOs in select countries of Asia (including India) to apply for their Request for Proposals on Disaster Preparedness & Resiliency Programs.

One-year projects up to $25,000 and two-year projects up to $50,000 will be considered. Examples of potential projects include, but are not limited to:

§ Early warning systems and evacuation planning

§ Water management systems such as rainwater harvesting and gray water recycling to mitigate drought.

§ Environmental protection or restoration schemes that reduce risks of landslides, flash floods, storms or storm surges.

§ Organizing and strengthening community emergency response such as first aid training, search and rescue and water safety

§ Promotion and use of climate-resilient agriculture production approaches

§ Climate field schools to teach farmer and fishers to use climate and weather information

Submissions should include explicit information on the hazard being addressed and describe the factors of why the target community is at risk to these hazards. Applications must also include the project plan, and organizational experience in this or related projects. Both new and ongoing disaster preparedness and resilience building programs will be considered.

Additional consideration will be given to projects that:

§ Prepare for multiple hazards

§ Leverage technology

§ Include poverty reduction or economic development components

§ Include a focus on women and girls or other marginalized groups.

Applicant organizations must be registered in the country they intend to work, and must be eligible to receive funding from foreign sources in that country. Organizations and projects based in the following countries are eligible:

§ Bangladesh

§ India*

§ Indonesia

§ Myanmar

§ Philippines

§ Vietnam

*Additionally, organizations working in India will need to provide FCRA registration certificate, 12 A (a) registration certificate and PAN card, should they be selected for funding.

For more information, visit this link: