NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cordaid Nominations for HIV/AIDS AWARD 2011

The Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development (Cordaid) is seeking nominations from organisations actively involved in strengthening the linking between community- and formal health and care services for people living withHIV. Cordaid wishes to award two organisations – one civil society Organisation and one Faith Based Organisation – showing leadership, commitment and vision in this field. Awards of €10,000 each will be presented to the award winning organisations. 
Selection Criteria

The criteria for organisations selected are those who:

·         Display vision and leadership around linking community- and formal health and care services for people living with HIV


·         Provide evidence of substantial impact and/or success achieved in this field


·         Demonstrate innovative ways to strengthen the link community- and formal health and care services for people living with HIV


·         Demonstrate an active involvement of people affected and infected by HIV in programme development and implementation


·         Take into consideration sustainability (and scaling up) of their linking activities at local, national and/or regional levels (through lobby/advocacy/training)

Cordaid HIV and AIDS Award Amount

Awards of €10,000 each will be presented to the award winning organisations:

• 1 Civil Society Organisation (€10.000)

• 1 Faith Based Organisation (€10.000)

Award Delivery

The awards will be handed over to Award Winners on the 1st of December 2011 in the Netherlands at the National STI*HIV*SEX Conference. Award Winners will be invited to give presentations about their work while in the Netherlands.

Responsibilities of Awarded Organisations

The funds linked to the Award have to be used for activities strengthening linkages between community- and formal health and care services for people living with HIV, with a maximum of 7% administration costs. The funds will be made available upon receipt and approval of a detailed description of planned activities and budget (to be presented before January 31, 2012). Upon completion of the project, a brief report will be requested by Cordaid.

Last date for submission of nominations is September 1, 2011

For more information and details, please visit this:!w+fNEDoZ35Hkyl1

--  - is a Information and Resource Portal for the Odisha NGOs, Developed and Managed by SURAVI, Brahmapur, Odisha.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Call for applicants for the Japan Water Forum Fund 2011

The Japan Water Forum is pleased to invite grass-roots organizations in developing countries to apply for the Japan Water Forum Fund (JWF Fund) 2011. We are looking forward to receiving your applications.

How to apply for the JWF Fund 2011

Submission period
From July 13 to 27, 2011
* Any applications submitted before July 13 and after July 27, 2011 will be not accepted.
Up to 1,000(one thousand) US$ per project/organization
* Only one project will be accepted from one organization
Application Form
for JWF Fund 2011
* Only duly filled "Application Form for JWF Fund 2011" with MS Word format by e-mail will be accepted. 
* The Form must be filled in English. Other languages will not be accepted.
* Please note that the Application Form and Guidelines for JWF Fund have been changed from the previous years.
Guideline for JWF Fund 2011
* Please read carefully the Guidelines for the JWF Fund 2011 before you submit your application.
Applicant eligibility
Grass-roots organizations in developing countries involved in resolving water and sanitation problems, except for National governments, Local governments and private companies.
Submit applications to
Japan Water Forum
TEL:+81-(0)3-5645-8040 FAX:+81-(0)3-5645-8041

What kind of projects can be awarded the grants from JWF Fund 2011?

Only projects planned and faithfully implemented to solve the current water and sanitation problems by grass-roots organizations in developing countries will be considered. 
These projects include, for example:
-Installation of rainwater-harvesting tanks, ponds or digging wells;
-Development of small scale water supply systems;
-Building new toilets and upgrading existing sanitation facilities;
-Prevention of water-related disasters projects;
-Establishment and encouragement of water-efficient irrigation;
-Solving gender issues on water and sanitation;
-Water environment restoration activities.
*It is highly suggested that your proposed project include capacity-building/ awareness-raising programs.
*If your project is only capacity-building/ awareness-raising program, it may not be selected.
* Please note that the presented project must be implemented by March 31, 2012.

For More information's, visit:

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Applications are invited for the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities under each of the following categories:-


(i) Best Employees/Self-employed with disabilities;

(ii) Best Employers and Placement Officer/Agency;

(iii) Best Individual (including professional) and Best Institution working for the cause of persons with disabilities;

(iv) Role Model Awards;

(v) Best Applied Research/Innovation/Product Development aimed at improving the life of persons with disabilities;

(vi) Outstanding Work in Creation of Barrier-free Environment for the persons with disabilities;

(vii) Best District in providing rehabilitation services;

(viii) Best Local Level Committee of the National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities;

(ix) Best State Channelising Agency of the National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation;

(x) Outstanding Creative Adult with disabilities;

(xi) Best Creative Child with disabilities;

(xii) Best Braille Press; and

(xiii) Best Accessible Website.


Last Date for Application 16th August 2011

For more information please visit:

--  - is a Information and Resource Portal for the Odisha NGOs, Developed and Managed by SURAVI, Brahmapur, Odisha.

Scholarships for minority students announced

Scholarships for minority students announced, last date 15th of August 2011 visit for ditails at: or

--  - is a Information and Resource Portal for the Odisha NGOs, Developed and Managed by SURAVI, Brahmapur, Odisha.


Dear Friends Please visit for the Census 2011 information of Odisha

--  - is a Information and Resource Portal for the Odisha NGOs, Developed and Managed by SURAVI, Brahmapur, Odisha.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Applications are invited from NGOs, for the PNDT PROJECT

Applications are invited from NGOs, for the PNDT PROJECT
fulfilling the criteria as mentioned in
the guidelines, for release of Grant in Aid for undertaking IEC activities on
implementation of PC & PNDT Act, 1994.
For details of the scheme including eligibility criteria, please refer to
"Operational Guidelines for NGO –PNDT scheme, available on the website &
Application should be submitted in prescribed format in a sealed envelope
and should be clearly labelled as "Application for grant-in-aid for IEC
activities on implementation of PC & PNDT Act, 1991 in the district/state
of ________________ (name of the district/state) for the year
(financial year).
Application, duly recommended by the District Appropriate Authority
(State Health Secretary in case NGO intends to work at State level) must be
submitted by NGOs **For the year 2011-2012 the application must be
submitted by 31st
July 2011. NGOs who have already submitted their proposals are requested to
resubmit their proposal in the light of the revised guidelines by 31st
July 2011.
Under Secretary (PNDT)
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi – 10010

Note: 1. The Ministry will not be held responsible for any postal delay in
the receipt of the application or for non-receipt of the same.
2. Canvassing in any form would lead to disqualification
For More Information Visit:
For NGO Scheme Guidelines plese visit:

--  - is a Information and Resource Portal
for the Odisha NGOs, Developed and Managed by SURAVI, Brahmapur,

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Free Plants available for the Organizations for Plantation program’s

Free Plants available for the Organizations for Plantation program's
and for the Individuals to plant in their own houses in Odisha
Kindly Contact: Mob. No. Of Forest Officers
a. Banapal: 9437434706
b. Banarakhi: 9437719643
c. Banarakhi (Nadhma): 9338164142
a. Pithabota: 9437186911
b. Betonoti: 9437000440
c. Deuli: 9437218507
d. Rasgobindapur: 9583628849
e. Bangariposi: 9437546731
f. Udala:9437004664
g. Kaptipoda: 9437085523
h. Dukura: 9437174510
i. Karanjia: 9437015218
j. Rairangpur: 9438387868

--  - is a Information and Resource Portal
for the Odisha NGOs, Developed and Managed by SURAVI, Brahmapur,