NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, July 24, 2014

C S Award program 2014-15

National Foundation for India

The National Foundation for India is an autonomous, professionally managed fund raising and grant-making organization promoting civil society action and public deliberation for social change. It was set up in 1992 by a group of eminent citizens led by Late Shri C Subramaniam, Dr M.S..Swaminathan and Late Ms Kamla Choudhry who felt the need for a vibrant voluntary sector in creating a more just and equitable society by enabling marginalized communities to improve the quality of their own lives, and by improving public understanding. To know more about the foundation, please visit


In recognition of the seminal contribution made by Shri C Subramaniam, the founder Chairman of NFI, in the field of food security and sustainable livelihood, NFI instituted an award program in 2003 for mid-career voluntary sector workers and community leaders for promoting voluntary action and local leadership in the fields of food security and sustainable livelihood.

Voluntary Sector Workers : A large number of people in the voluntary sector lack the benefits of formal education and opportunities for upward mobility. Many voluntary workers spend long years working at the grassroots level and gain vast experience, knowledge and depth of understanding about doing development work because of their roots in their area of engagement. This despite modest salaries and daunting work at the grassroots level. The voluntary sector draws its strength and depends on the performance of this group of people for making any large-scale impact.

Community Leaders : In recent years, the community has become the focus of development work. But contrary to what is often believed, it is difficult for deprived people to come into a relationship that strengthens cooperation and self-governance. The importance of supporting and encouraging community leaders, who create bonds of solidarity and values that empower communities in achieving democratic and egalitarian goals, cannot be ignored.


· To provide opportunities to selected fellows to upgrade their skills, deepen their leadership qualities and enhance motivation and understanding on various issues.

· To create a network of individual and institutions in order to increase the voluntary sector’s understanding on the issues of food security and sustainable livelihood.

· To encourage community level leaders who would be able to articulate the need of the local citizenry and mobilize them to access their rights and entitlements.


Voluntary sector workers – giving leadership on constructive work at the grassroots for minimum 8-10 years.

Community leaders – engaged in social movement / constructive at community level, for minimum 8-10 years.

Women candidates will be encouraged for both the Awards.


Award of Rs. 50,000/- and a momento will be given to the selected candidates.


· Both, the Voluntary Workers and Community Leaders should send a brief write-up of their experience, justifying eligibility for the Fellowships.

· A proposal from the candidate outlining the specific area of work (issue & geographical area) he / she would like to pursue with the Fellowships grant.

· The applications for both the Awards should be forwarded by the Chief Functionary of the NGO where the candidate is working.

The C. Subramaniam fellows for voluntary sector workers and community leaders have been awarded to 88 people in the past 11 years.

The last date for receipt of application is 15th September, 2014

For Application form contact :

Dr Amita Pal

National Foundation for India

Core 4A, UGF, India Habitat Centre

Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110003

Phones : 91-11-24641864 /65, 91-11-24648490-92

Fax : 91-11-24641867

E.mail :,

Visit our website to download application form.