NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, July 10, 2014


Address: 121 W 27th St. #301, New York, NY 10001, USA


Telephone: +1 212 627 0444


Countries/Regions: Africa, Arctic, Asia, Eastern Europe/Central Asia/the Caucasus, Latin America/Caribbean, North America, the Pacific

Topics/Subjects: leadership and capacity building, indigenous women’s rights, human rights (general)

Description: The International Indigenous Women’s Forum works toward indigenous women’s rights all over the world. It emphasizes the rights of indigenous women to be included in leadership positions and decision-making at the local, national, and international levels. The forum also sponsors workshops and training sessions for indigenous women to develop leadership skills. The Indigenous Women’s Fund (IWF), their grantmaking mechanism, is led by and for Indigenous women to provide Indigenous women with resources in a way that increases their sense of dignity and self-esteem and that respects their visions, priorities, and perspectives that are compatible with the self-determination of their peoples. IWF offers program grants in four thematic areas: economic empowerment, educational empowerment, political participation, and institutional strengthening. The fund does not fund: groups that do not have indigenous women in management roles, groups that do not have indigenous women as their primary focus, political parties, election campaigns, non-Indigenous governmental organizations, or individuals attending conferences/training without following up with indigenous women.

Type of grant: long-term strategic grants, microlending grants, project, scholarships

Grant range: Maximum $5,000

Average grant duration: one-year

Deadline(s): The Fund releases calls for grant proposals at various times throughout the year. Continue to check website for the current or next round:

How to apply:

Criteria that groups must meet: Group must be made up of indigenous or tribal people, have a bank account, and be registered with the current legislation of their country unless a legally registered nonprofit organization agrees to act as a fiscal supervisor.

Application must: Express the budget in American dollars; include a calendar of their proposed goals; must not exceed 10 pages in size 10 Arial font, and must answer all of the relevant questions on the application form.

Applications may be submitted in English, Spanish or French.

Application forms vary based on the grant being offered. Check the website for updated calls for grant proposals to find the most recent application form: