NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Friday, July 11, 2014

The Vijay Amritraj Foundation’s Grant Opportunity for Indian NGOs

Deadline: 30 August 2014

Registered NGO’s throughout the India are invited to submit applications for grant opportunity offered by The Vijay Amritraj Foundation. Mr. Amritraj is the founder of The Vijay Amritraj Foundation.

The major purpose of this foundation is to focus on children and adults who face extreme challenges in life; HIV/AIDS, Family Abandonment, and Individuals Ostracized by society for their illness.

Eligibility criteria:

  • The VAF requests proposals from charitable organizations in India with which we have been in contact.
  • The VAF will accept proposals from charitable organizations in India who are referred by existing grantees and/or VAF Ambassadors.
  • The VAF accepts unsolicited requests from charitable organizations in India for projects that fall within our program priorities and guidelines.


  • A cover letter, detailing the amount of money requested and the grant period, signed by the individual responsible for signing grant contracts on behalf of the grant applicant.
  • A project description, including an explanation of why the project is needed, who will be served and what will be accomplished.
  • A documented line-item expense budget and a revenue budget, showing all projected sources of funds for the project over the proposed grant period.
  • A plan for financial and/or programmatic sustainability of the project.
  • A plan for evaluation of the project’s results.
  • Before a grant will be approved, U.S. government regulations require us to collect from each applicant, an affidavit and public support schedule to determine equivalence as a tax-exempt institution under U.S. law. VAF staff/Ambassadors will provide the forms as well as assistance in completing them.
  • Organizations that receive funding are required to provide quarterly program updates to the Foundation.
  • All submitted materials must be in English.

For more information, visit The Vijay Amritraj Foundation.:

Send letters of inquiry via email to: