NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Funding for Catholic Christian NGOs from Loyola Foundation

Deadline: 30th Sept 2014
Interest Area(s): Religion

The Loyola Foundation supports overseas Catholic mission communities, primarily in less
developed countries (Africa, India, Central and South America, etc.). The Foundation does
not accept requests for operating expenses, scholarships, tuition, endowment funds,
travel expenses or meeting costs. The Foundation does not make grants for continuing
subsidies, emergency needs, minor seminaries, or individuals. The Loyola Foundation
generally does not consider grant requests for projects located within the continental
United States. The Foundation does not accept unsolicited full Applications.
Applicants must write to, or via fax or regular mail (see
contact information online) with a brief description of the project they seek funding for.
If the request falls within the guidelines for consideration, you will be contacted and
assigned a grant request number enabling you to submit a full application. The
Foundation strongly favours requests for matching funds. There is additional information/
documentation that must be included in your application, see website for full details.
