NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, March 19, 2015

National Outreach Initiative FCRA Renewal through FCRA Clinics

Dear Colleagues,

With great pleasure, we announce the launch of “National Outreach Initiative FCRA Renewal through FCRA Clinics” . This is a very unique initiative in joint collaboration of various national level organisations. At the first phase, we are targeting 17 cities, the schedule of which is provided in the enclosed brochure. We have a panel of very eminent resource persons and experts on FCRA Law to respond to the questions/clarifications that you may have.

You can register by writing an email to my colleague Ms. Akrita Bharos ( Please mention your contact details and also the city for which you would be registering. If you have specific question, come prepared with relevant documents. We will have time to answer specific questions at individual level as well.

The specific brochures for Delhi and Bangalore are out. You can click on the link on Delhi & Bangalore to download the brochures. All the other city specific brochures are getting ready and they will be released in due course. Please circulate this widely among your network.

With warm regards

Sanjay Patra
Executive Director

Brochures: Delhi at:

Brochures: Bangalore at:

For more information please visit: 

MHA cancels registration of 1142 NGOs

Ministry of Home Affairs has cancelled the FCRA registration of 1142 organizations from Andhra Pradesh undivided) vide a cancellation order dt. 3-3-2015. It has stated that these organisations have not filed their Annual Returns from 2009 to 2012.

Among the well known organisations whose registrations have been cancelled include Osmania University, the University of Hyderabad, Andhra University in Vishakhpatnam. The Home Ministry has also cancelled the FCRA license of Cancer Care Units Research and Educational Foundation of Apollo Cancer Hospital at Jubilee Hills in Hyderabad. For complete list click here

The Dept had sent individual notices to 1441 organisation in the State, out of which responses came only from 299 cases. These cases are being examined. However the rest of the cases, where either the notice was returned (510 notices were returned undelivered) or where no response has come, registrations have been cancelled.

Obviously AP is the first state where the Dept. has taken action and it is quite likely that similar action could follow in other cases too. Infact SRRF analysis as posted earlier (see indicated that out of 39,087 registered entities more than 50% had not filed annual returns for FY 2013-14.

All registered organisations should ensure that their annual returns are upto date to avoid any hassles.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Mango finance training in India

Join Mango Organisation of UK in April/May 2015 for award-winning NGO financial management training in New Delhi, India

Course Details:

Course code: ES1 [formerly FM1]
Course code: TT1 [formerly TFT1]
Course code: WD1 [formerly FM8]

For More information please visit:

Govt cancels licenses of 1,142 NGOs to receive foreign funds

Cracking down on erring NGOs, government has cancelled licenses of 1,142 NGOs belonging to undivided Andhra Pradesh, under which they get foreign funds, for not filing their annual returns for three consecutive years.

The foreigners division of the Home Ministry has served notices to NGOs on October 16, 2014 for not filing their returns for 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12 under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act and given them time to reply within 30 days.

As many as 510 notices have been returned by the postal authorities undelivered due to various reasons, including shifting of the address. There is no reply from the remaining 632 NGOs.

Exercising the power conferred by Section 14 of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010, the central government cancelled certificate of registration of 1,142 NGOs that include 510 organizations to whom notices were sent but returned undelivered and 632 NGOs from whom no reply has been received to the notices within the stipulated period, an order issued by Joint Secretary in the Home Ministry G K Dwivedi said.

Early this month, government has said that 69 NGOs have been blacklisted from receiving foreign funds after finding faults in different aspects.

Among those NGOs which were prohibited from receiving the foreign funds include 14 from Andhra Pradesh, 12 from Tamil Nadu, five each from Gujarat and Odisha, four each from Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Kerala and three from Delhi.

Government had also initiated action against 26 NGOs in current fiscal after finding “irregularities” in receiving foreign contribution while 14 foreign donors have been placed under prior approval category.

On February 25, government told Parliament that more than 31,000 NGOs were served notices for not filing annual returns on their foreign contribution.

In 2011-12, notices were sent to 21,493 associations which were found to have not submitted annual returns under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010 for 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09 and in 2014, notices were issued to 10,343 associations which had not filed annual returns for 2009-10 to 2011-12.


MHA cancels licenses of 1142 NGOs and associations including Osmania University

NEW DELHI: Beginning what is expected to be a comprehensive crackdown on NGO's and associations accepting foreignfunds without complying with the regulation of filing annual returns, the Home Ministryhas cancelled the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) licences of 1,142 associations in erstwhile state of Andhra Pradesh.

Among the associations losing their FCRA license, as per a order issued by the Home Ministry on March 3, are the well-known Osmania University, the University of Hyderabad, Andhra University in Vishakhpatnam and many Christian NGOs and associations.

The Home Ministry has also cancelled the FCRA license of Cancer Care Units Research and Educational Foundation of Apollo Cancer Hospital at Jubilee Hills in Hyderabad. All these associations did not file mandatory annual returns to the Centre regarding their FCRA funds from 2009 to 2012 and gave no reply to a show-cause notice issued by the Union Home Ministry last year, as per the March 3 ministry order. Home Ministry officials said this is the first batch of license cancellations and associations in all other states are facing a similar review and further license cancellations could follow.

ET was the first to report on September 30 last year that the Home Ministry had sent show-cause notices in one go to as many as 10331 NGOs and associations across all states in one go, asking why their licenses should not be cancelled after they failed to file their annual returns of foreign receipts for years 2009-2010, 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 have not been received from the associations. They were given 30 days to respond, ET had reported.

In its March 3 cancellation order in respect of associations in Andhra Pradesh, the Home Ministry said notices had been issued to 1441 associations in the erstwhile state for not filing annual returns. "Reply from 299 associations has been received which are being examined on a case-to-case basis. 510 notices have been returned by the postal authorities undelivered for reasons such as, the association has shifted from the address or no such association. No reply has been received from the remaining associations numbering to 632," the home ministry order says.

The ministry has hence cancelled the certificate of registration of 1142 associations --which include 510 associations to whom notices were sent but returned undelivered and 632 associations from whom no reply has been received within the stipulated period, the March 3 cancellation order says.


Foreign funding: Modi govt cracks down, cancels licences of 1,142 NGOs

New Delhi: Cracking down on erring NGOs, the government has cancelled licences of 1,142 NGOs belonging to undivided Andhra Pradesh, under which they get foreign funds, for not filing their annual returns for three consecutive years.

The foreigners division of the Home Ministry has served notices to NGOs on October 16, 2014 for not filing their returns for 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12 under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act and given time to reply within 30 days.

As many as 510 notices have been returned by the postal authorities undelivered due to various reasons, including shifting of the address.

There is no reply from the remaining 632 NGOs.

Exercising the power conferred by Section 14 of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010, the central government cancelled certificate of registration of 1,142 NGOs that include 510 organisations to whom notices were sent but returned undelivered and 632 NGOs from whom no reply has been received to the notices within the stipulated period, an order issued by Joint Secretary in the Home Ministry G K Dwivedi said.

Early this month, government has said that 69 NGOs have been blacklisted from receiving foreign funds after finding faults in different aspects.

Among those NGOs which were prohibited from receiving the foreign funds include 14 from Andhra Pradesh, 12 from Tamil Nadu, five each from Gujarat and Odisha, four each from Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Kerala and three from Delhi.

Government had also initiated action against 26 NGOs in current fiscal after finding "irregularities" in receiving foreign contribution while 14 foreign donors have been placed under prior approval category.

On February 25, government told Parliament that more than 31,000 NGOs were served notices for not filing annual returns on their foreign contribution.

In 2011-12, notices were sent to 21,493 associations which were found to have not submitted annual returns under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010 for 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09.

In 2014, notices were issued to 10,343 associations which had not filed annual returns for 2009-10 to 2011-12.



Pune NGO wins award at UN world conference

SENDAI: A Pune-based non-governmental organization has won the 2015 Risk Award and a grant of 100,000 at the UN's 3rd World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction here on Monday, competing from among 145 applicants from 60 countries.

The winner, All India Institute of Local Self-Government (AIILSG), has been working in a community of 25,000 people in ten slums of Pune.

Shweta Gupta, project coordinator of the NGO who received the award, said it will help train more cadres of community volunteers as master trainers in disaster risk management.

"We will place particular emphasis on mobilizing women and developing child-friendly information, education and communication tools," she said.

The UN's six-day world conference on disaster risk reduction (DRR) is meeting here to sign the new framework for 190 UN member countries that will replace the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA).

The HFA was signed in 2005 after the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, laying guidelines for member countries to legislate DRR laws to mitigate disaster losses - both economic and human lives.

Head of the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) Margareta Wahlstrom appreciated the efforts of Pune-based NGO, in particular its focus on women and children.

"The AIILSG is a worthy winner of this award and is tackling one of the most pressing issues of our times, rapid urbanization and its consequences for impoverished people living in informal settlements," she said, lauding the strategy of the NGO focusing on women and children whose needs are often overlooked in disaster risk management.

Applicants for the award included 19 from science and academia, 19 governmental representatives and public authorities and 99 from NGOs.

The UNISDR is also pushing for more women participation in DRR activities all across the globe. The new framework for action is likely to emphasise on including women in decision making for DRR initiatives and policy-making by governments.

There are more funds now available for DRR initiatives. The World Bank and the UK government jointly launched a new competitive challenge fund on Monday that would help poor nations - those hit by disasters like floods, cyclones, droughts and earthquakes - to empower their local communities.

The fund will help developing countries design and implement ground-breaking solutions to overcome problems they face assessing disaster risks.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna Interest Calculation

For more information please visit: 

India Fellow 2015

Application Open

This is the application form for India Fellow. Please ensure the following is true before proceeding:

- You are between 20 to 28 years of age
- You are already a graduate (in any discipline) or will be by July 2015 before fellowship begins
- You are an Indian citizen or a person of Indian origin
- Your are ready for a 13 month full time commitment to the fellowship
- Please ensure you have read, understood and align along the philosophy and values of this fellowship by reading here -

For more information please visit:

FCRA clinics for voluntary organizations

VANI in partnership with other organizations will be organizing FCRA clinics for voluntary organizations across India. Please go through the brochure to know more on what these outreach programs are aimed at:

India Youth Fund

Greetings from India Youth Fund!

As you gear up for the beginning of an exciting new application cycle, here’s what’s new with the India Youth Fund!

Be on time! The India Youth Fund Application period is now open! Register here, and complete your application by April 15th, to guarantee a hassle free application process. Apply now!

Registered already? Skip right ahead to the application form! (If you have previously registered on the UN-Habitat Youth Fund System, simply use the registration number allotted to you the last time. Don’t remember your details? Use the Forgot password option to get your login details).

Keep your official documents handy! Starting this year, we ask that applicants’ organisations submit the project co-ordinator’s age proof (a scanned copy of passport is preferred).

If you are new to the India Youth Fund system, here are some tips for you. Organisations applying to the India Youth Fund must -

1. Be registered as a Non-Profit Trust/Society/NGO.

2. Submit a copy of their Registration certificate under section 80G of the IT Act.

3. Submit a copy of their Registration certificate under section 12A of the IT Act. (In case your organisation is not certified under these Acts, we urge you to apply in partnership with other organisations/societies/NGOs which fulfil these criteria).

For more information, read the FAQs on

In case you have a query not addressed in the FAQs, write to

Best of luck!

Warm Regards,
India Youth Fund

10 NGOs blacklisted for misappropriation of funds: Govt

New Delhi: Centre has blacklisted 10 NGOs and issued show-cause notices to 87 in the last two years for misappropriating funds meant for social welfare, the Lok Sabha was told Tuesday.

"Show-cause notices have been issued to 87 NGOs and 10 NGOs were blacklisted," Social Justice Minister Thawaar Chand Gehlot said while replying to questions.

He said the ministry initiates action to blacklist NGOs in the event of proven misappropriation of funds.

The deficiences found during the review and monitoring process are mainly non-submission of utilisation certificates in time and inadequate book keeping by the grantee organisations.

The maximum number of 17 NGOs which were served show cause notices were in Andhra Pradesh followed by Karnataka where 15 NGOs were given such notices, as per the data presented to the House by the Minister.

Uttar Pradesh ranks third with nine NGOs which were served show cause notices over the last two years.

Stressing that surprise inspections are conducted by officials to ascertain proper functioning of NGOs, he said state government's recommendation supported by inspection report of district officials is insisted upon while processing and releasing subsequent grants to an NGO.



Tuesday, March 10, 2015

4th South India NGOs Conference on 14-15 March in Bangalore

This years theme is Government schemes and role of NGOs in Civil Services coaching, health care benefits for poor, skill development and career guidance.

Bangalore (7 March 2015): CIGMA Foundation & LEAD Trust, Bangalore will be organizing the 4th South India NGOs Conference - SINC 2015 on 14th & 15th of March 2015 at The Canopy Hotel, Bangalore. The Conference is an Annual event organized for the Social Workers and NGOs working in the field of Education, Health Care, Skill Development, Women’s Empowerment, Rural Development and other areas of work.

South India NGOs Conference has been a platform for interaction among the NGOs and also with the leaders in the Social Sector. This unique platform has given NGOs an opportunity to showcase their work and motivate others.

4th South India NGOs Conference - 2015

The 4th South India NGOs Conference will be held on 14th & 15th March 2015 at The Canopy Hotel, M.G. Road, Bangalore with the THEME - GOVERNMENT SCHEMES AND ROLE OF NGOs IN CIVIL SERVICES COACHING, HEALTH CARE BENEFITS FOR POOR, SKILL DEVELOPMENT AND CAREER GUIDANCE.

The Chief Guest for the Inaugural Session of the Conference will be Mr. U.T. Khader, Hon’ble Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Government of Karnataka. The Guests of Honour include - Mr. Syed Mohammed Beary, Chairman - Beary’s Group, Mangalore ; Mr. Khalil Ahmed, Chairman - Karnataka Zakat Charitable Trust ; Mrs. Ayesha Wajid, Chairman - Meher Care, Bangalore ; Mr. S A Kabeer, Chairman - Alpine Group, Bangalore ; Mr. Abdul Qadeer, Secretary - Shaheen Group, Bidar ;

Mr. Ateeq Ahmed, President - Salar Publications, Bangalore ; Mr. Zaheeruddin Ali Khan, Managing Editor - The Siasat Daily, Hyderabad ; Mr. Sidhique K.M., Regional Head - Bangalore, Madhyamam & Media One ; Mr. A S Khan, President - Muslim Industrialists Association ; Mr. Syed Habeeb Pasha, CEO & Chief Coach - LifeBridge, Bangalore & Mr. Afzal ur Rahman, Executive Director - MS Academy, Hyderabad.

The Eminent Speakers and Panelists include - Dr. Syed Zafar Mahmood - Former Indian Revenue Service Officer & Officer of Special Duty - Sachar Report ; Dr. Taha Mateen - H.B.S Hospital, Bangalore ; Moulana Shamsudeen Salih Qasmi - Khateeb, Makkah Masjid and Founder - AK IAS Academy & ILMI Foundation, Chennai ; Mr. Ramesh Swamy - Founder Trustee, Unnati Vocational Training Centre, Bangalore ; Dr. Ali Khwaja - Senior Career Counsellor & Chairman - Banjara Academy, Bangalore. ; Mr. Maqbool Ahmed Siraj - Senior Journalist - THE HINDU & DECCAN HERALD ; Mr. Akram Pasha KAS - Director - Directorate of Minorities, Government of Karnataka ; Dr. Benazeer Baig - Recipient, World CSR NGO Excellence Award 2015 ; Mr. Sherif Kottapurath - Chief Mentor, LEAD Trust & Former CTO - Sun Microsystems ; Mr. Mohammed Ali Shariff - MBA - IIM Ahmedabad, Consultant - Govt of Karnataka ; Mr. K. Ifthekhar Ahmed Sharieff, Editor - The Daily Salar, Bangalore and many more resource persons and highly experienced individuals in community work. A souvenir with details of Government Schemes and guidelines for NGOs will also be released in the conference. Every participant will also be given a DVD with details of Government, Private, Community and CSR - Funds, Schemes and Grants.

Sponsors of 4th South India NGOs Conference

We have been fortunate to have some of the well known business houses, educational institutions and organizations as our sponsors since 2012. The Sponsors for the 4th South India NGOs Conference are - Platinum Sponsor - Bearys Group of Institutions ; Gold Sponsor - Shaheen Group of Institutions, Bidar ; Alpine PU College, Bangalore ; MS Academy, Hyderabad & Feroze’s Estates & Properties, Bangalore ; Silver Sponsor - Meher Care Foundation, Bangalore ; Life Bridge - Residential Finishing School, Bangalore ; Karnataka Zakat Charitable Trust, Hyderabad & Muslim Industrialists Association, Bangalore.

Media Partners of 4th South India NGOs Conferece

The Daily Salar - Bangalore, Hubli & Gulbarga ; Madhyamam Daily - Kerala ; The Siasat Daily - Hyderabad (Online & Offline) and The Milli Gazette (

Who can Participate ?

Individuals, Social Workers & NGOs from South India, working in the field of Education, Health Care, Skill Training, Counselling, Coaching, Women’s Empowerment, Leadership, Employment Training, etc… Registration Fee : Rs.800/- ( Includes Snacks, Lunch, Conference Material - Souvenir & DVD with details of Government, Private, International and CSR - Schemes, Grants & Funds )

Benefits for the Participants ?

1. Platform for New and Existing NGOs to Meet, Discuss, Network, Share & Learn.

2. Authentic Information about Government Schemes, grants and Funds for NGOs.

3. Interaction with Eminent Speakers, NGO Experts & Resource Persons across India.

4. Opportunity to start new initiatives and partner with National and International NGOs

5. Discover the secrets of effective NGO Management, Growth and reach to masses.

Conference Convenors

Mr. Feroze Abdullah, CEO, Ferozes Estates and Properties ; Prof. M. Ashraf Ali, President, Lead Trust, Mr. Ameen-e-Mudassar, CEO CIGMA Foundation, Bangalore

To Register for the Conference, Please call 080-41554225 or 80500 67687 or and download the Registration Form


Saturday, March 7, 2015


Government cuts foreign funds for 69 NGOs

New Delhi, March 7: The Indian government has blacklisted 69 non government organizations from receiving foreign funds, parliament was told Tuesday.

Minister of State for Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju told Lok Sabha (the lower house of parliament) that the NGOs include 14 from Andhra Pradesh, 12 from Tamil Nadu, five each from Gujarat and Odisha, four each from Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Kerala and three from Delhi.

In July 2014, the Modi government had decided to closely scrutinize flow of funds to all such NGOs against whom an adverse report has been received from Intelligence Bureau. By then the government has already put Greenpeace International and Climate Works Foundation under scanner and made it mandatory for them to take permission from home ministry before pumping any funds in India.

An IB report had then alleged that protests against development projects fuelled by certainforeign-funded NGOs had caused a presumptive loss of 2 to 3 percent to India’s Gross Domestic Product. It had also named a string of NGOs including Greenpeace India, Cordaid, Amnesty and ActionAid as those fuelling such protests through a network of local organizations such as PUCL and Narmada Bachao Andolan among others.

Government had also asked for a sensitization program to be initiated for NGOs to coax them to conform to FCRA regulations, The Times of India reported.

NGOs in India receive foreign donations in excess of 100 billion rupees annually from more than 150 countries. The IB report alleged that the “areas of action” of the foreign-funded NGOs includeanti-nuclear, anti-coal and anti-GM organism protests.

Apart from stalling mega industrial projects including those floated by Posco and Vedanta, these NGOs have also be working to the detriment of mining, dam and oil drilling projects in northeastern India, it alleged.

List of blacklisted NGOs

1.Society for People’s Action for Development, 11-4-5, Donica Road, Chenchupet, Tenali, District – Guntur, Andhra Pradesh

2.Action for Welfare and Awakening in Rural Environment(Aware), Administrative Office,5-9-24/78, Lake Hill Road, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh-500463.

3.Agape Helping Ministries, 80-24-4/1, Jayasri Gardens, A.V.A. road, Rajahmundry, West Godavari, Andhra Pradesh

4.Anjumane Hussamia Educational Association, 22-6-785, Hussamia Manzil, Panjeshah, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

5.Aware (India) Foundation (AIF) H. 8-2-703/A/C/B 5, Banjara Hills Road No. 12, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

6.Christ’s Helping Hand Children’s Home, Near B.G.R. High School, Alcot, Gardens, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh,

7.Christian Outreach Centre, Rayadupalem, Kakinada-5, Andhra Pradesh

8.Christian Outreach Ministries Properties Trust, H. No. 11-6-23, Laximpur, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh

9.Christian Outreach Ministries, H. No. 11-6-23, Laximpur, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh

10.Good Samaritan Evangelical and Social Welfare Association, Sathyavedu, KrishnaDt.-517-588 Andhra Pradesh

11.John Abraham Memorial Bethany Home, TANDUA, P.O.Bag NO.3, TANDUA- 501141, Rangareddy Distt. Andhra Pradesh

12.John Abraham Memorial Bethany Home, House No.6-19, Plot No. 342, Vivekanagar Colony, Kukatpally, PO, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh-500072.

13.Matsyagandhi Mahila Welfare Association, Appu Ghar Fishermans Colony, Visakhapatnam (U), Andhra Pradesh

14.Andhra Pradesh Pragati Orphen Home, Pagati Nagar, Old Town, Tanuku- 534211 Andhra Pradesh

15.Chandigarh Apostolic Christian Assembly, Chandigarh Ministry,123/1 Sector- 55,Chandigarh

16.Bhartiya Cattle Resource Development, D-37, South Extension, Part- II, New Delhi

17.IGEP Foundation, C 3A/86C, Janakpuri, New Delhi

18.Saraswati Charitable Trust, M-109, Greater Kailash-II, New Delhi- 110048

19.Gujarat Gujarat Idar-E-Talimate Islamia, (Darul-Ulm Shahe-Alam), Jamalpur Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat- 380001

20.Jameah Rashidiyah Trust, Surat- Via-Kim At/PO Nani Naroli, Surat, Gujarat- 394110

21.Madrasa Jamiyad Ravatul-e-Hat, Porbandar Bye Pass Road, New Micro Town,District-Mongrol, Junagadh-362225, Gujarat

22.Samadhan Foundation, Chilakota Block No. 1564 D, Khadda Colony, Dahod,Gujarat-389160

23.Samast Muslim Khalifa Sunnatwal Jamat Navsari, 1/1057, Char Pul Road, Navsari, Gujarat- 396445

24.Haryana Organisation for Progress and Ecology (HOPE) H. No.1592, Sector – 15, Sonepat, Haryana- 131001

25.Jammu & Kashmir Akandar Tryst C/o Muslim Augaf Trust, MujahidManjil, Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir

26.Public Relief Trust C/o Prof Yunus-Al-Umar, Islamic Study Circle, Augaf Building, Badshah Chowk, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

27.Falah – e- Aam Trust C/o G.M. Butt, Village Lathishah, Sapore, Baramula, Jammu & Kashmir

28.J & K Muslim Conference Wazirabad, H. NO. 114, Sardar Manzil, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

29.Asian Aid Organisation Welfare Trust, No. 55, Kodandaramn Garden, 2nd Stage, Coxtown, Jeevanahalli, Bangalore, Karnataka 560005

30.Tibetan Culture & Education Foundation, C-10, Devetha Plaza, Residency Road, Bangalore, Karnataka

31.Action for people’s Participation and Environmental Care, A-62, Ashoka Marine Drive, Ernakulam, Cochin, Kerala

32.Islamiya College kuttiadi, Calicut Distt. Kerala

33.Social Action Movement of Idukki, Pulianmela- 685565 District Idukki, Kerala

34.Society for Action with the Poor, H. No. 126, Ward No. V, Manglath, Pannivizha, Adoor PO, Pathanamthitta Dt. Kerala Pin- 591523

35.Evangelical Lutheran Church in Madhya Pradesh, Luther Bhawan, Post Box No. 30, Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh-48000

36.Reach Valley View Academy, 21/B Shreeram Nagar, Indore, Madhya Pradesh

37.Iqra Education Society, Haji Gulam Nagar, Mehrun Jalgaon, Maharashtra -425135

38.Khair-e-Ummat Trust (KEUT), 51-55, B.I.T. Chawl, 2nd floor, Immamwada, Compound, Kambekar Street, Mumbai, Maharashtra- 400009

39.Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society H- 58, Old Khandala Road, Lonavla, Maharashtra–410401

40.M. A. Wahab Islamic Public School Usmanganj, Lilong, Manipur 795130

41.Adima Jati Seva Samiti (AJSS), Circular Road, Phulbani Sahi, Kandhamal, Orissa- 762002

42.Health Education Development Society, A-6, Tribeni, Sahidnagar, Bhubaneswar, Khurda, Orissa

43.Society for Development Action (SODA), Iindapahi, PB No.16, Baripada, Dt. Mayurbhanj, Orissa

44.The Association, Society for Awareness of Human Society & RuralAdvancement (SAHARA), Kalahandi, P.O. Numper Vis M. Rampur Kalahandi, Orissa- 766102

45.Vikash Parishad Gandhi Nagar, Korsput-764020 Distt. Koraput, Orissa

46.Harpawat Charitable Trust, 30 C, Madhuban, Behind Bhartiya Lok Kala Mandal, Udaipur, Rajasthan

47.Harvest Ministries, Door No. 4/56, Arul Illam 5th Cross Street, Shanthi Nagar, Palayamkottai, Thirunelveli, Tamil Nadu-627002/ Door No. 15C, Opposite to World Gymn, Ratnada Subji Mandi, Jaipur, Rajasthan-342011

48.New Life Community Development Society, Mubarak Bagh, Ajmer Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan- 302006

49.Aid India, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

50.Association Madras Church of Christ, No. 11, Shenoy Road, Nungambakkam, Madras, Tamil Nadu- 600034

51.Nadu Church of Christ Trust, Carmel Nagar, Siluvathur, Dindigul, Tamil NaduCommunity Service Society, S/83, Keelaperuvilltai, Asaripallam 629 201,

52.Nagercoil, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu

53.Development Organisation for Women (DOW), P.O. Batlagundu Distt. Dindigul, Tamil Nadu

54.Good Vision, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu

55.Mount View Academy, Madurai and Reach International Education and Social Welfare Trust, Kodimangalam, Madurai, Tamil Nadu

56.Muslim Munnetra Kazhagam (TMMK) No. 6, Vadaraikayyaar, Street, Chennai. Tamil Nadu

57.Reach in the Nilgiris, Plot No. 99, Sai Deep Apartments, VGP Saravanan Nagar, Madambakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadui-600073

58.Saccer, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu

59.Trust for Rural Uplift and Education, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu

60.Tuticorin Diocese Association, Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu

61.Heritage Foundation, Village- Badhwar, Bye pass Road, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

62.Jamai Atul Falah, Bilariganj, Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh

63.Khwaja Khushal Charitable Trust, Vill-Bihargarh, PO-Morna, Muzaffarnagar, UttarPradesh-251316

64.Maa Research Foundation, 31/10, Siddantha Colony, Arya Samaj Road, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh – 251 002

65.Dhe Chen Chokhor Kagyupa Monastery, Clement Town, Dehradun, Uttrakhand

66.Shrimati Jashoda Devi Foundation Society, Pauri Garwal, Uttrakhand

67.Calcutta Urban Service, 14/2, 1st Floor, Sudder Street, Kolkata, West Bengal-700016

68.Children’s Development Communities India, 134, S.N. Banerjee Road, Calcutta, West Bengal

69.Congregation of the Daughters of St. Anne, St. Anne Convent, Assammore, P.O. Mohit Nagar, Jalpaigiri, West Bengal- 735101


HRD sets up panel to probe allegations against Teesta NGO

The HRD Ministry has set up a committee to examine an allegation that activist Teesta Setalvad and her husband Javed Anand embezzled public money given to their NGO, Sabrang Trust, under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.

The Supreme Court last month gave the couple anticipatory bail in a separate case of alleged misappropriation of funds raised for a museum at the site of the Gulberg Society massacre during the 2002 Gujarat riots. The museum was never built, and Setalvad was accused of diverting donations worth Rs 1.5 crore.

Government sources said Human Resource Development Minister Smriti Irani cleared the setting up of the three-member committee recently. The panel is headed by Supreme Court lawyer Avijit Bhattacharjee, and also includes Syed A Bari, vice-chancellor of the Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, and Gaya Prasad, a director in the ministry.

“I am yet to receive an official communique from the ministry, but I have been told informally that I have been appointed as one of the members of the committee. I suppose we will be able to submit a report in the next two months,” Bari told The Indian Express.

Bari also heads the probe against the vice-chancellor of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), Prof M Aslam, who faces allegations of administrative irregularities and has been on leave since November.

According to sources, the inquiry against Setalvad and Anand has been instituted on the basis of a complaint by Ahmedabad-based Rais Khan Pathan, a former aide of Setalvad’s who fell out with her several years ago.

The complaint, dated May 9, 2014, reached the Ministry on June 2, 2014, soon after the new central government took charge.

According to Pathan’s complaint, Setalvad’s NGO, Sabrang Trust, had “misutilised” funds, a “serious matter” that needed “immediate inquiry”.

In response to an application filed separately by The Indian Express under the Right to Information (RTI) Act, the HRD Ministry has said that Sabrang Trust received Rs 1.39 crore over the last three years under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan — the Government of India’s flagship programme for universal elementary education — for its ‘Khoj’ project in Mumbai. Of this, Sabrang Trust returned Rs 5,91,871 to the Ministry as “unspent balance” on June 12, 2014.

The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is run by the HRD Ministry’s Department of School Education and Literacy. Other NGOs which received funds from the UPA government under the programme include organisations run by activist Binayak Sen, and former police officers Kiran Bedi and Amod Kanth.


30 out of 69 banned NGOs from foreign funding, work for minorities

New Delhi: The central government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has banned 69 NGOs from receiving foreign funds under Foreign Contributions Regulation Act (FCRA), out of those 30 NGOs work for welfare of minorities.

The government blames that these NGOs are working against the interest of the nation, based on intelligence reports.

Andhra Pradesh tops the lsit of banned NGOs with 14 in the sate. While seven of these are Christian institutions, one is an Islamic education association.

The list is followed by Tamil Nadu which has 12 banned NGOs; four are Christian organizations while one is Islamic.

Five organizations have been banned in Gujarat by Home Ministry, of which four are engaged in Muslim welfare.

Across the country, 15 organizations each engaged in Muslim and Christian welfare have been banned from receiving foreign funds. The information was shared by minister of state for homeKiren Rijiju in reply to a question in Lok Sabha on Tuesday.

Rajnath Singh’s junior in the ministry, Rijiju had earlier informed the Parliament that intelligence agencies reported adversely against NGOs such as Tuticorin Diocesan Association; East Coast Research and Development Trust, Thoothukudi; Centre for Promotion and Social Concerns, Madurai and Greenpeace India Society, Chennai.

"Based on inspections/investigations, the FCRA registration of Tuticorin Diocesan Association and Centre for Promotion and Social Concerns were suspended and their bank accounts frozen. FCRA registration of East Coast Research and Development Trust was cancelled," he had said.

The Narendra Modi government has taken on the activities of NGOs and their funding quite aggressively. Last year, a report was leaked in which Intelligence Bureau claimed a host of NGOs, including Greenpeace India, were working against the interests of the nation at the behest of foreign powers and that their activities had cost the country 2-3% of GDP.

The government recently prevented Greenpeace activist Priya Pillai from flying to London to address a gathering on environmental concerns of mining. She was to make a presentation before British MPs regarding alleged human rights violation by a British company Essar at Mahan in Madhya Pradesh.


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PM Modi does not have an email ID

RAIPUR: 'Digital India' has become the buzzword after Narendra Modi became Prime Minister, but reply to a query under Right to Information (RTI) has revealed that Modi himself does not have an official email ID.

Chhattisgarh-based India CSR Group's Rusen Kumar had filed an application with the Prime Minister's Office under the RTI Act, seeking information on the e-mail ID being used by Modi or his representatives. The PMO replied to Kumar stating that Modi does not have any official email id.

The RTI reply said that any form of information, feedback, suggestion or complaint addressed to PM and his office can be sent through the url: This link is available on the PMO's official website.

"I am surprised. The Prime Minister of the world's largest democracy does not have an email id," Kumar told TOI, adding that an email is one of the simplest means to communicate with people.

He also claimed that the link provided by the PMO is not very user friendly. "To use this url, a visitor has to first create an account. This is a lengthy process," he said.


Govt bans foreign funding for 69 NGOs, 30 of them work for minorities

NEW DELHI: The government has banned 30 NGOs, ostensibly engaged in welfare of minorities, from receiving foreign funds after adverse reports about their activities from intelligence agencies. These are part of 69 NGOs which have been prohibited by the government from receiving foreign funds under Foreign Contributions Regulation Act (FCRA).

Andhra Pradesh accounted for most of these "dubious" NGOs followed by Tamil Nadu and Gujarat. Of the 14 NGOs blacklisted by the home ministry in Andhra Pradesh, eight are engaged in minority welfare. While seven of these are Christian institutions, one is an Islamic education association.

Of the 12 NGOs banned in Tamil Nadu, four are Christian organizations while one is Islamic. In Gujarat, of the five organizations banned, all except one is engaged in Muslim welfare.

Across the country, 15 organizations each engaged in Muslim and Christian welfare have been banned from receiving foreign funds. The information was shared by minister of state for home Kiren Rijiju in reply to a question in Lok Sabha on Tuesday.

READ ALSO: Govt tightens scrutiny of accounts of foreign-funded NGOs

Home ministry regularly reviews and audits flow of funds in NGOs from abroad and issues notices to those not filing their returns properly. It also initiates action against those not following FCRA regulations while receiving foreign funds and blacklists those suspected to be working against the interests of the country. NGOs in India receive foreign donations in excess of Rs 10,000 crore annually from over 150 countries with the US and Europe being top donors apart from United Arab Emirates.

Registrations of 4,138 associations under FCRA were cancelled for non-submission of annual returns from 2006-07 to 2008-09. Among these, Tamil Nadu accounted for the maximum NGOs (794) followed by Andhra Pradesh (670) and Kerala (450).

Recently, more than 31,000 NGOs were served notices by the government for not filing annual returns on their foreign donations. In 2011-12, notices were sent to 21,493 associations which had not submitted annual returns under FCRA for the years 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09. In 2014, notices were issued to 10,343 associations which had not filed annual returns from 2009-10 to 2011-12.

Rijiju had earlier informed Parliament that adverse reports were received from intelligence agencies against NGOs such as Tuticorin Diocesan Association; East Coast Research and Development Trust, Thoothukudi; Centre for Promotion and Social Concerns, Madurai and Greenpeace India Society, Chennai.

"Based on inspections/investigations, the FCRA registration of Tuticorin Diocesan Association and Centre for Promotion and Social Concerns were suspended and their bank accounts frozen. FCRA registration of East Coast Research and Development Trust was cancelled," he had said.

The Narendra Modi regime has mounted greater scrutiny on the activities of NGOs and their funding. In a report leaked last year, Intelligence Bureau claimed a host of NGOs, including Greenpeace India, were working against the interests of the nation at the behest of foreign powers and that their activities had cost the country 2-3% of GDP.

The government recently prevented Greenpeace activist Priya Pillai from flying to London to address a gathering on environmental concerns of mining.


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Govt. blacklists 69 NGOs from receiving foreign funds

New Delhi: A total of 69 NGOs have been blacklisted by the government from receiving foreign funds, Minister of State (Home) Kiren Rijiju told Lok Sabha on Tuesday.

69 NGOs including 14 from Andhra Pradesh, 12 from Tamil Nadu, five each from Gujarat and Odisha, four each from Uttar Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Kerala and three from Delhi, have been prohibited from receiving the foreign funds, informed Rijiju.

In July last year, the new NDA government had decided to keep a tab on the flow of funds to all such NGOs against whom an adverse report has been provided by Intelligence Bureau

Greenpeace International and Climate Works Foundation were already under scanner and it was mandatory for them to take permission from home ministry before pumping any funds in India. Earlier Intelligence reports alleged that protests against development projects.

An IB report alleged that protests against development projects are propelled by certain foreign-funded NGOs that had presumptively affected India’s GDP by 2 to 3%.

Government had sought a sensitization programme to be initiated for NGOs to coax them to follow FCRA regulations.

A string of NGOs including Greenpeace India, Cordaid, Amnesty and Action Aid as those fuelling such protests through a network of local organizations such as PUCL and Narmada Bachao Andolan among others had been named by IB.

Government had sought a sensitization programme to be initiated for NGOs to coax the NGOs to follow FCRA regulations.

Indian NGOs receive over Rs 10,000 crore as foreign donations annually from over 150 countries.

“The areas of action of the foreign-funded NGOs include anti-nuclear, anti-coal and anti-GM organisms protests, “alleged the IB report

Apart from stalling mega industrial projects including those floated by Posco and Vedanta, these NGOs have also been working to the detriment of mining, dam and oil drilling projects in northeastern India, it said.


Govt bans 69 NGOs from receiving foreign funds

NEW DELHI: The government has blacklisted 69 NGOs from receiving foreign funds, junior home minister Kiren Rijiju told Lok Sabha on Tuesday.

Rijiju said among those NGOs which were prohibited from receiving the foreign funds include 14 from Andhra Pradesh, 12 from Tamil Nadu, five each from Gujarat and Odisha, four each from Uttar Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Kerala and three from Delhi.

In July 2014, the new Modi government had decided to closely scrutinize flow of funds to all such NGOs against whom an adverse report has been received from Intelligence Bureau. By then the government has already put Greenpeace International and Climate Works Foundation under scanner and made it mandatory for them to take permission from home ministry before pumping any funds in India.

READ ALSO: Govt defends its decision to put US-based NGOs on watchlist

An IB report had then alleged that protests against development projects fuelled by certain foreign-funded NGOs had caused a presumptive loss of 2 to 3 per cent to India's GDP. It had also named a string of NGOs including Greenpeace India, Cordaid, Amnesty and ActionAid as those fuelling such protests through a network of local organizations such as PUCL and Narmada Bachao Andolan among others.

Government had also asked for a sensitization programme to be initiated for NGOs to coax them to conform to FCRA regulations.

READ ALSO: Foreign-funded NGOs stalling development, IB report says

NGOs in India receive foreign donations in excess of Rs 10,000 crore annually from over 150 countries. The IB report alleged that the "areas of action" of the foreign-funded NGOs include anti-nuclear, anti-coal and anti-GM organisms protests.

Apart from stalling mega industrial projects including those floated by Posco and Vedanta, these NGOs have also been working to the detriment of mining, dam and oil drilling projects in northeastern India, it said.


Monday, March 2, 2015

India Youth Fund

Three day Capacity Building Program on "NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming & Conflict Resolution" from 17 - 19 March, 2015 at Bala Vikasa PDTC, Fathima Nagar, Warangal, Telangana, India

Bala Vikasa PDTC is extremely happy to design a three day Training Program on "NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming & Conflict Resolution" from 17-19 March, 2015 at Bala Vikasa PDTC premises exclusively to help the members of Non-Governmental Organization to understand the tools and methods on NLP to improve our relationships and resolve conflicts both at personal and organisational levels.

Course Introduction:

NLP is a powerful tool to achieve growth both at personal and community level. It works faster with lasting effect. NLP teaches us how to motivate ourselves and others to change behavior to achieve excellence in any endeavor. NLP teaches us to generate new possibilities and opportunities in life. NLP teaches us to understand our unconscious mind, the treasure house of unlimited power that could be accessed in need. NLP helps us to build lasting relationships with others in the family and community.

NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to the nervous system. Our experience of the world enters the brain via the nervous system through our five senses. We process this sensory experience and translate it into conscious and unconscious thought. Linguistic refers to language which we use to give meaning to experience. We communicate our unconscious and conscious thoughts both verbally and non-verbally. Programming indicates the ways in which we consistently think or behave. NLP can reveal the programmes we run and the results they produce. It also gives us means to change our own and other people’s programmes to produce the results we want.

Course Objectives:

· To enable the participants to discover the hidden potentials

· To enable them to understand self, others and world reality in a better way and respond to them accordingly.

· To equip participants with NLP tools and techniques to improve relationships in the community and motivate the community towards achieving the desired goals.

Course Contents:
Accessing personal strength and resources, Empowering beliefs of NLP, Creating your own personal state of excellence, Changing unwanted behaviours into positive ways and Solving problems at unconscious level, methods to understand and resolve conflicts both at personal and organisational levels.

Course Language: English

Training Methodology: The emphasis would be on participatory learning methods. The training will be imparted through lecture-cum-discussion, simulation exercises, demonstration, brain storming exercises, group discussion as well as audiovisual films.

Resource person Dr.Magimai Pragasam: He has over 30 years of experience in the field of Development communication. He is a certified Master Practitioner of NLP from Federation of NLP, Florida, USA. He is a professional journalist, film maker, trainer and researcher. He completed his communication studies at the University of Leeds, UK, Social Communication at the University of Lyon, France, Film studies at Xavier Institute of Communication, Journalism and Sociology at University of Mysore. He offers training on development and communication, produces films and engages in research in development communication and media education. He has produced several short films and written books in Communication.

Award of Certificate: The participants will be awarded a certificate of participation on conclusion of the course.

Program Cost: The total program cost is Rs.5000. But in order to encourage and support NGO’s we are providing 50% scholarship. You are requested to pay only Rs.2500 towards Registration and program fee. This fee includes food and Accommodation. This amount should be sent by DD drawn in favour of “Bala Vikasa People Development Training Centre” and dispatch the same by post / courier.

Contact : Ms. Sunitha Reddy - Program Manager :: 91-9849844868 / 9849165890 or 91-870-2453255. Please fill the attached application form and send it to, to register for this training.

For more information:
Website: Email: Facebook:

We appreciate your cooperation in this regard.Kindly disseminate the training information to other NGOs / Friends in your region or networks.

With best wishes
Mr. S. Shoury Reddy
Executive Director

India Youth Funds 2015: Youth Empowerment through Grants of upto 8 Lakhs + Other Benefits

Deadline: 14 April 2015

Are you a youth led organization working in India? Do you have an idea that promotes sustainable urban development? If yes, then India Youth Fund will provide you the platform to make an impact! The India Youth Fund, an initiative of UN-Habitat and Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation is currently seeking applications from youth led organisations in India. The Fund aims to advance youth empowerment in India through the provision of small grants of up to INR 8 Lakhs to youth-led organisations.

The India Youth Fund is part of the Global Youth Fund by the UN-Habitat Governing Council. By now, the fund has awarded grants to 67 projects led by young people from all over the world. The Global Youth Fund was created to promote the poverty reduction aims of Millennium Development Goals and the Habitat Agenda for better, more sustainable and equitable towns and cities.

Focus Areas

Projects must contribute to sustainable urban development within one of the following areas:

1. Urban Land, Legislation and Governance (Creating youth space & youth friendly cities)

2. Urban Planning and Design (Employment, job & business training)

3. Urban Economy (Training in governance & democracy)

4. Urban Basic Services (Recycling, water, sewage and IT services)

5. Access to Health Information and Facilities (Improving health status of urban youth)

6. Housing and Slum Upgrading (Lobbying for access to affordable housing, training in construction)

7. Risk Reduction and Rehabilitation (Life skills training & services for youth at Risk, drugs, alcohol & prostitution)

8. Research and Capacity Development (Training, building networks & research)


§ The annual budget available for projects and/or organisations is INR 8 Lakhs.

§ In addition, the project co-ordinators are trained in project management, financial management and monitoring, and evaluation in the Asian regional training session for the Urban Youth Fund.

Past Grantees

§ “South Asian Forum for Environment” for the Proposed Project- Vertical Greens in Urban Environments as Career Corridors for Disadvantaged Youth.

§ “YP Foundation” for the proposed project -Active Citizenship and Governance. The foundation has worked directly with 5000 young people to set up over 200 projects in India over the last 8 years, reaching out to 3,00,000 adolescents and young people between 3-28 years of age and promotes, protects and advances youth’s human rights by building feminist leadership, and strengthening youth led initiatives and movements.

§ “Youth Movement For Active Citizenship YMAC” for the Proposed Project- Building Slum Youth Leadership. The organisation is an initiative that seeks to engage the youth in social, economic and political processes so as to advocate for policy change, from local to national. The initiative is founded on the premise that the potency of research can be used to empower marginalised, urban youth.

§ “Light Innovative Organization For Rights” that aims to address the issues of the excluded and discriminated Transgender Community. The organisation received grants for its Proposed Project-Risk Empowering and Rehabilitating Transgender Youth.

Eligibility Criteria

§ Applicant organisations must be led by young people aged 15-32, and the projects must be based in cities or towns in India.

§ Applicant organisations must be legally registered for at least one (1) year by the relevant national, regional or local authority.

§ Applicant organisations must involve girls and young women in decision-making at all levels of the organisation. This includes senior management level and board.

How to Apply?

Interested applicants can apply directly through the online application system available on the website.

For more information, please visit India Youth

NGOs received over Rs 11,000cr from abroad in 2012-13

Non governmental organisations working in the country received more than Rs 11,028 crore from foreign countries in 2012-2013. Rs 3,772 crore came from different sources in the United States, which leads the list of countries from where money came to the NGOs. It is followed by Germany (Rs 1,086 crore) and United Kingdom (Rs 1,061 crore). The other countries that gave funds to the NGOs working in India include Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, Canada, Australia, France, Austria, Belgium, Sweden, UAE etc. The top 10 NGOs that received maximum funding in 2012-13 were World Vision of India (Chennai), Indian Society of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Delhi), Rural Development Trust (Ananthapur), Caruna Bal Vikas (Chennai), Action Aid (Bangalore), Compassion East (Kolkata), Plan International (Delhi), Aga Khan Foundation (Delhi), SoS Children's Village of India (Delhi) and Pratham Education Foundation (Mumbai). This information was provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs in response to an RTI filed by a social activist.

There was uproar in the country last year following an Intelligence Bureau report, identifying several-foreign funded NGOs which are negatively impacting economic development. The report revealed that a significant number of Indian NGOs, funded by foreign donors, were using people-centric issues to create an environment which often stalled development projects.

The Centre monitors the receipt and utilisation of foreign contributions received by any person, including NGOs in the country, as part of the Foreign Contribution Regulatory Act (FCRA) 2010. The Act provides for NGOs to receive funds after registration or prior permission. Every application made by the NGOs is decided after getting inputs from the concerned security agencies. The NGOs receiving foreign funds are required to submit annual returns of their accounts. These are scrutinised from time to time. As per information, registrations of as many as 4,138 associations under FCRA were cancelled as they did not file their annual returns during 2006-07 to 2008-09.

So far, as many as 24 cases have been referred to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), while 10 cases have been referred to the state police for investigation. Some of the NGOs against which CBI cases are pending are Tamil Nadu Muslim Muneetra Kazagham (Tamil Nadu), Reach (Tamil Nadu), Abdul Kalam Azad Islamic Awakening Centre (Delhi), Khwaja Khushal Charitable Trust (UP), Anjumane Hussamia Educational Association (Hyderabad), says the MHA reply to the RTI query.
