NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, March 19, 2015

National Outreach Initiative FCRA Renewal through FCRA Clinics

Dear Colleagues,

With great pleasure, we announce the launch of “National Outreach Initiative FCRA Renewal through FCRA Clinics” . This is a very unique initiative in joint collaboration of various national level organisations. At the first phase, we are targeting 17 cities, the schedule of which is provided in the enclosed brochure. We have a panel of very eminent resource persons and experts on FCRA Law to respond to the questions/clarifications that you may have.

You can register by writing an email to my colleague Ms. Akrita Bharos ( Please mention your contact details and also the city for which you would be registering. If you have specific question, come prepared with relevant documents. We will have time to answer specific questions at individual level as well.

The specific brochures for Delhi and Bangalore are out. You can click on the link on Delhi & Bangalore to download the brochures. All the other city specific brochures are getting ready and they will be released in due course. Please circulate this widely among your network.

With warm regards

Sanjay Patra
Executive Director

Brochures: Delhi at:

Brochures: Bangalore at:

For more information please visit: