NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, March 5, 2015

PM Modi does not have an email ID

RAIPUR: 'Digital India' has become the buzzword after Narendra Modi became Prime Minister, but reply to a query under Right to Information (RTI) has revealed that Modi himself does not have an official email ID.

Chhattisgarh-based India CSR Group's Rusen Kumar had filed an application with the Prime Minister's Office under the RTI Act, seeking information on the e-mail ID being used by Modi or his representatives. The PMO replied to Kumar stating that Modi does not have any official email id.

The RTI reply said that any form of information, feedback, suggestion or complaint addressed to PM and his office can be sent through the url: This link is available on the PMO's official website.

"I am surprised. The Prime Minister of the world's largest democracy does not have an email id," Kumar told TOI, adding that an email is one of the simplest means to communicate with people.

He also claimed that the link provided by the PMO is not very user friendly. "To use this url, a visitor has to first create an account. This is a lengthy process," he said.
