NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, March 2, 2015

India Youth Funds 2015: Youth Empowerment through Grants of upto 8 Lakhs + Other Benefits

Deadline: 14 April 2015

Are you a youth led organization working in India? Do you have an idea that promotes sustainable urban development? If yes, then India Youth Fund will provide you the platform to make an impact! The India Youth Fund, an initiative of UN-Habitat and Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation is currently seeking applications from youth led organisations in India. The Fund aims to advance youth empowerment in India through the provision of small grants of up to INR 8 Lakhs to youth-led organisations.

The India Youth Fund is part of the Global Youth Fund by the UN-Habitat Governing Council. By now, the fund has awarded grants to 67 projects led by young people from all over the world. The Global Youth Fund was created to promote the poverty reduction aims of Millennium Development Goals and the Habitat Agenda for better, more sustainable and equitable towns and cities.

Focus Areas

Projects must contribute to sustainable urban development within one of the following areas:

1. Urban Land, Legislation and Governance (Creating youth space & youth friendly cities)

2. Urban Planning and Design (Employment, job & business training)

3. Urban Economy (Training in governance & democracy)

4. Urban Basic Services (Recycling, water, sewage and IT services)

5. Access to Health Information and Facilities (Improving health status of urban youth)

6. Housing and Slum Upgrading (Lobbying for access to affordable housing, training in construction)

7. Risk Reduction and Rehabilitation (Life skills training & services for youth at Risk, drugs, alcohol & prostitution)

8. Research and Capacity Development (Training, building networks & research)


§ The annual budget available for projects and/or organisations is INR 8 Lakhs.

§ In addition, the project co-ordinators are trained in project management, financial management and monitoring, and evaluation in the Asian regional training session for the Urban Youth Fund.

Past Grantees

§ “South Asian Forum for Environment” for the Proposed Project- Vertical Greens in Urban Environments as Career Corridors for Disadvantaged Youth.

§ “YP Foundation” for the proposed project -Active Citizenship and Governance. The foundation has worked directly with 5000 young people to set up over 200 projects in India over the last 8 years, reaching out to 3,00,000 adolescents and young people between 3-28 years of age and promotes, protects and advances youth’s human rights by building feminist leadership, and strengthening youth led initiatives and movements.

§ “Youth Movement For Active Citizenship YMAC” for the Proposed Project- Building Slum Youth Leadership. The organisation is an initiative that seeks to engage the youth in social, economic and political processes so as to advocate for policy change, from local to national. The initiative is founded on the premise that the potency of research can be used to empower marginalised, urban youth.

§ “Light Innovative Organization For Rights” that aims to address the issues of the excluded and discriminated Transgender Community. The organisation received grants for its Proposed Project-Risk Empowering and Rehabilitating Transgender Youth.

Eligibility Criteria

§ Applicant organisations must be led by young people aged 15-32, and the projects must be based in cities or towns in India.

§ Applicant organisations must be legally registered for at least one (1) year by the relevant national, regional or local authority.

§ Applicant organisations must involve girls and young women in decision-making at all levels of the organisation. This includes senior management level and board.

How to Apply?

Interested applicants can apply directly through the online application system available on the website.

For more information, please visit India Youth