NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, March 2, 2015

Three day Capacity Building Program on "NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming & Conflict Resolution" from 17 - 19 March, 2015 at Bala Vikasa PDTC, Fathima Nagar, Warangal, Telangana, India

Bala Vikasa PDTC is extremely happy to design a three day Training Program on "NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming & Conflict Resolution" from 17-19 March, 2015 at Bala Vikasa PDTC premises exclusively to help the members of Non-Governmental Organization to understand the tools and methods on NLP to improve our relationships and resolve conflicts both at personal and organisational levels.

Course Introduction:

NLP is a powerful tool to achieve growth both at personal and community level. It works faster with lasting effect. NLP teaches us how to motivate ourselves and others to change behavior to achieve excellence in any endeavor. NLP teaches us to generate new possibilities and opportunities in life. NLP teaches us to understand our unconscious mind, the treasure house of unlimited power that could be accessed in need. NLP helps us to build lasting relationships with others in the family and community.

NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to the nervous system. Our experience of the world enters the brain via the nervous system through our five senses. We process this sensory experience and translate it into conscious and unconscious thought. Linguistic refers to language which we use to give meaning to experience. We communicate our unconscious and conscious thoughts both verbally and non-verbally. Programming indicates the ways in which we consistently think or behave. NLP can reveal the programmes we run and the results they produce. It also gives us means to change our own and other people’s programmes to produce the results we want.

Course Objectives:

· To enable the participants to discover the hidden potentials

· To enable them to understand self, others and world reality in a better way and respond to them accordingly.

· To equip participants with NLP tools and techniques to improve relationships in the community and motivate the community towards achieving the desired goals.

Course Contents:
Accessing personal strength and resources, Empowering beliefs of NLP, Creating your own personal state of excellence, Changing unwanted behaviours into positive ways and Solving problems at unconscious level, methods to understand and resolve conflicts both at personal and organisational levels.

Course Language: English

Training Methodology: The emphasis would be on participatory learning methods. The training will be imparted through lecture-cum-discussion, simulation exercises, demonstration, brain storming exercises, group discussion as well as audiovisual films.

Resource person Dr.Magimai Pragasam: He has over 30 years of experience in the field of Development communication. He is a certified Master Practitioner of NLP from Federation of NLP, Florida, USA. He is a professional journalist, film maker, trainer and researcher. He completed his communication studies at the University of Leeds, UK, Social Communication at the University of Lyon, France, Film studies at Xavier Institute of Communication, Journalism and Sociology at University of Mysore. He offers training on development and communication, produces films and engages in research in development communication and media education. He has produced several short films and written books in Communication.

Award of Certificate: The participants will be awarded a certificate of participation on conclusion of the course.

Program Cost: The total program cost is Rs.5000. But in order to encourage and support NGO’s we are providing 50% scholarship. You are requested to pay only Rs.2500 towards Registration and program fee. This fee includes food and Accommodation. This amount should be sent by DD drawn in favour of “Bala Vikasa People Development Training Centre” and dispatch the same by post / courier.

Contact : Ms. Sunitha Reddy - Program Manager :: 91-9849844868 / 9849165890 or 91-870-2453255. Please fill the attached application form and send it to, to register for this training.

For more information:
Website: Email: Facebook:

We appreciate your cooperation in this regard.Kindly disseminate the training information to other NGOs / Friends in your region or networks.

With best wishes
Mr. S. Shoury Reddy
Executive Director