NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Friday, July 26, 2013

Lifting Others

Inspiring Life


STOP Human Trafficking

Every Child Counts


Under the Erasmus Mundus projects, 'Euro-Asia partnership to promote Engineering Technology Education and Research Exchanges' (TECHNO I) and 'Euro-Asia partnership to promote Medical Environmental and Engineering Technology Education and Research Exchanges II' (TECHNO II) are inviting online applications from Indian students and academics interested in a scholarship to study in Europe.

Deadline for submission of application is 15.09.13. For more details, visit the following websites:
Techno I:
Contact person: Ms Amélie Sigaudo -
Techno II:
Contact person: Ms Laura Verheyleweghen -

All the best!

One Day Monitoring & Evaluation Clinic at Patna on 13 August 2013

Dear Sir/Ma’am

Greetings from Sambodhi!

Sambodhi, a leading Monitoring and Evaluation solution provider in the region, is pleased to announce the first Monitoring and Evaluation Clinic in Patna, Bihar on 13th August 2013.
Established in the year 2005, with a vision of providing technical research, monitoring and evaluation, Sambodhi has over the years developed one of the largest portfolios of MLE projects and a capacity building portfolio on the subject. We were amongst the first organizations to introduce the use of quasi experimental and mixed methods in Impact Assessments and develop a large repository of work on RCT designs in the country. We worked extensively on large scale M&E assignments with agencies such as Bill Melinda Gates Foundation, DFID, World Bank and number of Government agencies. Our M& E partners include the University of Stanford, Tuffs University, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Duke University.
One of the aims of Sambodhi is to develop a wider understanding of Monitoring and Evaluation as a subject amongst development professionals. We believe this will help development professionals to effectively implement projects, commission monitoring and evaluation studies, and utilize monitoring and evaluation results. With this objective, Sambodhi has in the past been associated with forums such as the Community of Evaluators – South Asia and supporting the organization of regional level conclaves. We now propose to conduct state level monitoring and evaluation clinics to promote uptake of monitoring and evaluation concepts and techniques.

The one day Monitoring and Evaluation clinic planned in Patna will focus on:
• Providing conceptual clarity on monitoring and evaluation
• Enhancing knowledge base on designing and implementing  monitoring system
• Understanding of various evaluation designs
• Augmenting knowledge on practical aspects of impact evaluation

Kindly note that the last date for registration is 7th
 August and participation is on first-come first-serve basis. For any clarifications please feel free to write back to us or visit our website

With best regards,
Nandita Sebastian
Sambodhi Research & Communications
O-2, II Floor, Lajpat Nagar-II
New Delhi-110024
Tel.: +91 11 47593300-99

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Training Programme on "Early Identification of and Early Intervention on Disability"

Your last chance to register for 24th South Asian Annual International Workshop - HURRY! Register NOW

Outreach Workshop Series on FCRA 2010 and Income Tax”in Kochi on 24th August, 2013

Dear Colleagues,


We are pleased to announce the “Outreach Workshop Series on FCRA 2010 and Income Tax”in Kochi on 24th August, 2013.

As you know, in recent past the issues of FCRA and Income Tax have assumed enormous significance for the NGO Sector. There is indeed a great need to understand the implication of these two laws. Therefore, this one day workshop will be very relevant for Chief Functionaries of NGOs, Chartered Accountants, Consultants & individuals having interest in finance & legal issues of NGOs.

The Workshop kit includes one Book on “Comprehensive Commentaries on FCRA 2010” and Resource material on Income Tax.

Please find the brochure of this workshop attached herewith this broadcast. Kindly secure your seat and circulate this email widely.

Warm regards,

Sanjay Patra, FCA
Executive Director

Training Program Schedule August 2013

Dear Sir / Madam

Greetings from ACE!

We give below the August 2013 Training program Schedule

9-08-2013 - EOU Compliance & Procedures

Coverage: LOP – LUT – Private Bonded warehouse – B-17 Bond execution – DTA sales permission by DC-EPZ – Rate of duty on DTA Sale – Local procurement and import procurement both inputs and capital goods – Capital goods installation procedure – proof of export – realization of foreign exchange – re warehousing – NFE Achievement – Export obligation – scrap generation – SION procedures – Job work approval and procedures – Under valuation of DTA clearance – implications

16-08-2013 - Works contract – TNVAT/TDS/Service Tax

Coverage: TNVAT Registration – Works contract under TNVAT Act – Levy of tax on transfer of goods in works contract – Procedure for assessment – Other like charges – Payment of tax at compounded rates by works contractors – Deduction of tax at source in works contract – Income tax TDS on works contract sec 194C – Analysis of different deductions – Declared Services – Value of works contract service shall include – Exemption to works contract services

Venue: Ace Academy Private Limited, 25/30, Krishnasamy Avenue, Luz, Mylapore, Chennai - 600004
Time : 9.30 AM to 12.30 PM
Duration - 3 hours - each
Fee : Rs.1000/- per head - per program
Content: Materials only

Please reserve your seats in advance.

Thanks & Regards
Head - Business Training
Ace Academy Private Limited
31/14, Krishnasamy Avenue, Luz
Chennai - 600004

Training Programme on Basic and Advanced Data Analysis using SPSS

For more details: B-23, Lajpat Nagar-II, New Delhi-110 024
Call on: +91-11-47593300-99, +91-11-41005792
Write to:
Training Programme
"Basic and Advanced Data Analysis using SPSS"
05-07 September 2013, New Delhi
Dear Sir/Madam

Greetings from Sambodhi!

Sambodhi Research & Management Institute is pleased to announce the Training Programme on Basic and Advanced Data Analysis using SPSS to be held at New Delhi from September 05-07, 2013.
The purpose of the training programme is to augment knowledge and skills of strategic and operational level functionaries involved with data analysis. Specifically, the programme focuses at:
·  Developing better understanding of basic concepts of statistics
·  Developing requisite skills to bring-in and transform data using SPSS
·  Enhancing knowledge and develop skills for selecting and performing appropriate analysis
·  Augmenting knowledge and skills for interpretation and presentation of analysis

The course shall provide:
·  18-21 hours of tutorial
·  Reading and reference materials
·  Rigorous  hands on practice
·  Complementary advisory and troubleshooting support services through electronic media

If you are interested in the programme please send an email to obtain the programme flyer and registration form.
Discounts on training fee are available for early and group registrations as well as for organizations and individuals that have participated in any of our trainings in the past. Registrations done 15 or more days prior to the start date of the programme are eligible for early-bird discount.
We shall be happy to answer any queries that you may have in this regard.

With warm regards

Mary Bachaspatimayum, Ph. D.
Sambodhi Research and Management Institute
B 23, Lajpat Nagar-II, New Delhi -110024
+91.11.47593300-99, +91.11.41005792

Wednesday, July 24, 2013




People & Situations


Live your dreams


Risk - Care - Dream & Expect

Awnee Welfaresociety


Pria India

PRIA, New Delhi invites applications for the following positions: (1) Senior Programme Officers – Civil Society / Urban Poverty; (2) Programme Officers – Urban Poverty / Health / Water. The candidates having relevant qualifications/ experience need only send their resume by July 31, 2013 at For more details visit:

Monday, July 22, 2013

Draft National Land Reform Policy

Enclosed please find an importance file" Draft National Land Reform Policy" by Government of India. All of us can contribute to it . It is reported that this will go to all state Governments for feed back than it will be finalised. You can also download it from

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Azimpremji Foundation Fellowship Program 2013-15

The Fellowship is an opportunity for you to explore various dimensions of education, and to discover if this is your calling. It is a 2-year full-time program, where you will get to understand and experience the realities of rural Government schools. 
This rigorous 2 year program comprises of:
·         5 weeks classroom module to strengthen conceptual understanding of education and development issues
·         22 months of intense field engagement at the grass roots level in the District Institutes of the Foundation.
·         Working on a live project that has significant purpose of improving quality at practice level.
You should have 2 to 6 years of work experience, with a post-graduate or a professional degree in any discipline. We welcome people from a variety of backgrounds. What is important is your willingness to explore the social sector and the desire to contribute.

The Fellowship carries a monthly stipend of Rs. 26,000.

During the period of Fellowship you will be based in some of the most underdeveloped districts of India. The districts to which you will be assigned include :
·         Rajasthan - Sirohi, Barmer, and Tonk
·         Chhattisgarh – Dhamtari
·         Uttarakhand - Uttarkashi, Kumaon Districts and Udham Singh Nagar
·         Karnataka - North East Karnataka and Mandya

·         Puducherry
For more information please Visit:

American Express Foundation

ObjectivesThe American Express Foundation aims to bring to life the value of good corporate citizenship by supporting communities in ways that enhance the company’s reputation in the world.
Areas of FundingThe American Express Foundation provides funding for non-profit organisations whose activities aim to preserve and sustain unique historic places for the future, or those that implement educational activities to form a new generation of international leaders, or those that work with communities to encourage community service.
Geographic Focus: Outside the United States, the Foundation provides financial help to organisations based in ArgentinaAustraliaCanadaChina, France, Germany, Hong KongIndia, Italy, Japan, MexicoNetherlands, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom
Programs or PrizesThe Foundation runs 3 main programmes:
1)      Historic Preservation funds activities targeting the preservation and sustainable development of historic sites with the aim of preserving world’s heritage for future generations. Proposed projects should clearly explain why the selected site is of importance for the community; landmarks and public spaces are both eligible. Activities could include: the restoration of the selected site to ensure public access and social interaction, the preservation of the selected site for future innovative usages, or proposal for innovative management plans that could increase visitor activities in the selected site also augmenting financial income for the community. A list of projects funded under this scheme can be found here.
2)      Community Service funds organisations that cultivate meaningful opportunities for civic engagement by American Express employees and members of the community (as volunteers, donors, voters, or patrons). Funded activities must deliver measurable outcomes that have lasting impact on communities. Activities funded under this programme could develop collaborations between American Express employees and NGOs to develop volunteering schemes, to encourage citizens to vote and participate in political life, to engage American Express employees to promote philanthropy or volunteerism. A list of projects funded under this scheme can be found here.
3)      Leadership funds projects willing to provide current and future civil society leaders with practical opportunities to learn and build leadership skills. In particular, the Foundation is looking for activities that cultivate leadership opportunities for diverse communities within the non-profit sector. Projects could develop in the fields of the arts, environment, higher education, and social services according to the main goal of the applicant organisation. Suggested activities include: supporting leadership training by an organisation to a wider group of organisations within the same field and supporting leadership development of an organisation’s local members or affiliates. A list of projects funded under this scheme can be found here.
4)      Under Initiatives there are special funding made available for disaster relief. Funds are created in response to urgent needs of the affected population and special calls are advertised accordingly.
How to Apply Information: In order to access the application forms, you have to complete the American Express Eligibility Quiz here:

If your organisation is eligible for funding, you will be sent a personal invitation and guidelines to submit your proposal.

Nirnaya Women Fund (India)

Last Date: August 15, 2013

About: Nirnaya is the first women’s fund in India. The Fund was established in 1998 to financially support women’s organisation developing projects for disempowered and disadvantaged women in India. Nirnaya helps women through micro-credit schemes and also by sponsoring trainings in the most deprived areas of the country. In 2011, Nirnaya received an award for best practice in resource mobilization, transparency and accountability from the Rockefeller Foundation and The Resource Alliance. Geographical Area of Intervention: India. Themes: Nirnaya funds projects aiming to promote gender equality by improving the economic and social capacity of marginalised women. Types of Grants: The Fund administers 2 grants: The Organisational Support Grant is given to women’s organisations to develop projects whose budget is of maximum Rs. 250,000 per year. The Fellowship Grant is given to individual women who hold a leadership role in fighting for women’s human rights. The fellowship includes a monthly salary of Rs. 5,000 in addition to the expenses for the implementation of her project.

Additional resources: Capacity Building. Nirnaya believes in the importance of assisting its grantees beyond giving financial support. As such, the Fund further helps women’s associations in India by enhancing their capacity building. Whether your project develops in the fields of education, health, advocacy, human rights, skills training and organisational development you could ask to the Fund for additional support in developing successful strategies to concretely enhance women’s visibility and women’s participation in the social, economic, and political life of your community and of the country. Considering that this Fund was created by 3 women activists with a long history of working with and for women in India, you should take advantage of their knowledge, networks and technical skills to learn how your organisation can gain more visibility and, accordingly, how to become a stronger partner dedicated to the empowerment of women in India. Resource Mobilization. Nirnaya is committed to guarantee sustainability to the projects funded. As such, the Fund offers additional supports to grantees and helps them developing strategies to secure more funding in the future. The Fund assists its grantees by sharing fundraising advices and also by helping women’s organisations to find and address the right donors for future projects. Eligibility: The applicants must be from a women’s organisation whose stated objective is to enhance the roles of women in Indian social, political and economic life. Applicants should also be able to demonstrate that their organisation is led and administered by women. Preference is given to organisations working in deprived areas and with marginalised women. The proposed budget cannot exceed Rp. 250,000 and all proposed activities must be developed within 1 year. Applicants must be able to provide a track record of implemented projects and demonstrate to have engaged with networking practices in the region. How to apply: Application Forms for both the Organisational Support Grant and the Fellowship Grant are available to download here. Deadlines: No deadlines. - See more at:

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Training on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Training

For more details: B-23, Lajpat Nagar-II, New Delhi-110 024
Call on: +91-11-47593300-99, +91-11-41005792
Write to:
Training Programme
 "Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Training"
29-31 August 2013, New Delhi
Dear Madam/Sir,

Greetings from Sambodhi!

Sambodhi Research & Management Institute is pleased to announce the training programme on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Training to be held at New Delhi on 29-31 August 2013.

Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, also called - corporate conscience, corporate citizenship, social performance, sustainable business, or responsible business is increasingly gaining importance in emerging business discourse; and more and more getting integrated into business strategies. CSR policies are envisaged as built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby a business monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards, and international norms. The goal of CSR is to embrace responsibility for the company's actions and encourage a positive impact on stakeholders playing a key role in sustainable development. Reporting of corporate contribution towards sustainable development is therefore necessary. Developing competencies to effectively deliver the new mandate of business is quintessential.

The course shall provide:
·  18-21 hours of tutorials
·  Reading and reference material
·  Follow-on support services through electronic media

If you are interested in the programme please send an email to obtain the programme flyer and registration form. 

Discounts on training fee are available for early and group registrations as well as for organizations and 

individuals that have participated in any of our trainings in the past. Registrations done 15 or more days prior to the start date of the programme are eligible for early-bird discount.

We shall be happy to answer any queries that you may have in this regard.

With warm regards,

Mary Bachaspatimayum, Ph. D.

Sambodhi Research & Management Institute
B 23, Lajpat Nagar-II, New Delhi -110024
+91.11.47593300 (Ext.314) +91.11.41005792