Dear Madam/Sir,
Greetings from Sambodhi!
Sambodhi Research & Management Institute is pleased to announce the training
programme on Corporate Social
Responsibility and Sustainability Training to be held
at New Delhi on 29-31 August 2013.
Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, also called - corporate
conscience, corporate citizenship, social performance, sustainable
business, or responsible business is increasingly gaining importance in
emerging business discourse; and more and more getting integrated into
business strategies. CSR policies are envisaged as built-in, self-regulating
mechanism whereby a business monitors and ensures its active compliance with
the spirit of the law, ethical standards, and international norms. The
goal of CSR is to embrace responsibility for the company's actions and
encourage a positive impact on stakeholders playing a key role in sustainable
development. Reporting of corporate contribution towards sustainable
development is therefore necessary. Developing competencies to effectively
deliver the new mandate of business is quintessential.
The course shall provide:
· 18-21 hours of
· Reading and
reference material
· Follow-on
support services through electronic media
If you are interested in the programme please send an email to obtain
the programme flyer and registration form.
Discounts on training fee are available for early and group
registrations as well as for organizations and
individuals that have
participated in any of our trainings in the past. Registrations done 15
or more days prior to the start date of the programme are eligible for
early-bird discount.
We shall be happy to answer any queries that you may have in this
With warm regards,
Mary Bachaspatimayum, Ph. D.
Sambodhi Research & Management Institute
B 23, Lajpat Nagar-II, New Delhi -110024 +91.11.47593300 (Ext.314) +91.11.41005792 www.srmi.in / www.sambodhi.co.in |
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