NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Call For Proposals For Nexus Grants For Innovation 2013

Last Date: August 31, 2013

Grants for Innovation G4I encourages innovation to scale up low-carbon technologies that contribute towards the Millennium Development Goals, including innovations which enable such projects to overcome financial, social and legal barriers. Innovations are expected to:

1.have strong potential for social impact, in particular poor populations
2.have strong potential for climate change mitigation feasible for scale-up, or replication in other areas or countries built on a robust business model

Applications are invited from NGOs, social enterprises and other development-focused organizations. The Grant is US$60,000 per project; G4I will award up to two Grants in 2013.

G4I is administered by Nexus-Carbon for Development, a non-profit cooperative of development organizations that support vulnerable communities by scaling up successful climate-friendly projects. Nexus Members are award-winning development organizations, including social enterprises and NGOs, recognized for their significant impact in their fields.
For more information please visit: