NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Sunday, July 21, 2013

American Express Foundation

ObjectivesThe American Express Foundation aims to bring to life the value of good corporate citizenship by supporting communities in ways that enhance the company’s reputation in the world.
Areas of FundingThe American Express Foundation provides funding for non-profit organisations whose activities aim to preserve and sustain unique historic places for the future, or those that implement educational activities to form a new generation of international leaders, or those that work with communities to encourage community service.
Geographic Focus: Outside the United States, the Foundation provides financial help to organisations based in ArgentinaAustraliaCanadaChina, France, Germany, Hong KongIndia, Italy, Japan, MexicoNetherlands, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom
Programs or PrizesThe Foundation runs 3 main programmes:
1)      Historic Preservation funds activities targeting the preservation and sustainable development of historic sites with the aim of preserving world’s heritage for future generations. Proposed projects should clearly explain why the selected site is of importance for the community; landmarks and public spaces are both eligible. Activities could include: the restoration of the selected site to ensure public access and social interaction, the preservation of the selected site for future innovative usages, or proposal for innovative management plans that could increase visitor activities in the selected site also augmenting financial income for the community. A list of projects funded under this scheme can be found here.
2)      Community Service funds organisations that cultivate meaningful opportunities for civic engagement by American Express employees and members of the community (as volunteers, donors, voters, or patrons). Funded activities must deliver measurable outcomes that have lasting impact on communities. Activities funded under this programme could develop collaborations between American Express employees and NGOs to develop volunteering schemes, to encourage citizens to vote and participate in political life, to engage American Express employees to promote philanthropy or volunteerism. A list of projects funded under this scheme can be found here.
3)      Leadership funds projects willing to provide current and future civil society leaders with practical opportunities to learn and build leadership skills. In particular, the Foundation is looking for activities that cultivate leadership opportunities for diverse communities within the non-profit sector. Projects could develop in the fields of the arts, environment, higher education, and social services according to the main goal of the applicant organisation. Suggested activities include: supporting leadership training by an organisation to a wider group of organisations within the same field and supporting leadership development of an organisation’s local members or affiliates. A list of projects funded under this scheme can be found here.
4)      Under Initiatives there are special funding made available for disaster relief. Funds are created in response to urgent needs of the affected population and special calls are advertised accordingly.
How to Apply Information: In order to access the application forms, you have to complete the American Express Eligibility Quiz here:

If your organisation is eligible for funding, you will be sent a personal invitation and guidelines to submit your proposal.