NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Friday, July 26, 2013

One Day Monitoring & Evaluation Clinic at Patna on 13 August 2013

Dear Sir/Ma’am

Greetings from Sambodhi!

Sambodhi, a leading Monitoring and Evaluation solution provider in the region, is pleased to announce the first Monitoring and Evaluation Clinic in Patna, Bihar on 13th August 2013.
Established in the year 2005, with a vision of providing technical research, monitoring and evaluation, Sambodhi has over the years developed one of the largest portfolios of MLE projects and a capacity building portfolio on the subject. We were amongst the first organizations to introduce the use of quasi experimental and mixed methods in Impact Assessments and develop a large repository of work on RCT designs in the country. We worked extensively on large scale M&E assignments with agencies such as Bill Melinda Gates Foundation, DFID, World Bank and number of Government agencies. Our M& E partners include the University of Stanford, Tuffs University, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Duke University.
One of the aims of Sambodhi is to develop a wider understanding of Monitoring and Evaluation as a subject amongst development professionals. We believe this will help development professionals to effectively implement projects, commission monitoring and evaluation studies, and utilize monitoring and evaluation results. With this objective, Sambodhi has in the past been associated with forums such as the Community of Evaluators – South Asia and supporting the organization of regional level conclaves. We now propose to conduct state level monitoring and evaluation clinics to promote uptake of monitoring and evaluation concepts and techniques.

The one day Monitoring and Evaluation clinic planned in Patna will focus on:
• Providing conceptual clarity on monitoring and evaluation
• Enhancing knowledge base on designing and implementing  monitoring system
• Understanding of various evaluation designs
• Augmenting knowledge on practical aspects of impact evaluation

Kindly note that the last date for registration is 7th
 August and participation is on first-come first-serve basis. For any clarifications please feel free to write back to us or visit our website

With best regards,
Nandita Sebastian
Sambodhi Research & Communications
O-2, II Floor, Lajpat Nagar-II
New Delhi-110024
Tel.: +91 11 47593300-99