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Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Apply for International Citizen Service (ICS) In India

Change the world within and around you!

VSO India is inviting applications for the first cycle of International Citizen Service in India (May 2017 to July 2017)

Last date to apply: Friday, January 27, 2017

To know more, contact us at 011 2689 0132 or email us at

Programme Snapshot

International Citizen Service (ICS) is a development programme that brings together young people from the UK and developing countries to volunteer in some of the poorest communities in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It is a unique initiative of the government of UK which was launched by the British Prime Minister in the year 2011 designed to enhance development understanding amongst young peoplefrom the UK between the age group 18-25 through development engagement.

As part of the ICS programme, a group of 10 international volunteers from the UK will volunteer in India wherein they will be paired with 10 national volunteers. The team of 20 volunteers will live and work in a community/organisation for a period of three months. The volunteers will be placed in the communities’ where they will be engaged in work placements in thematic areas of livelihood and education.

Apply now if you are

· An Indian national in the age group of 18-25 years

· Committed and motivated

· Willing to devote three months (full time) living in a village in Bihar, Madhya Pradesh or Maharashtra.

· Can speak and understand English and Hindi languages

· Able to join the programme from May 2017 to July 2017

About VSO India

VSO India is a development organisation committed to addressing issues of poverty and exclusion. We are a part of VSO International, the world’s leading independent development organisation that works through volunteers to address poverty. VSO’s high-impact approach involves strengthening development programmes by providing the unique resource of skilled people. Since VSO began working in India in 1958, VSO India has partnered with over 100 NGOs – mostly focused on issues of health, education, livelihoods and governance, and placed over 200 international volunteers to build capacity of these partners and has placed 4,780 Indian volunteers and mobilised over 11,000 active citizens who have played an important role in creating awareness through educating approximately 320,000 poor and marginalised people on their rights.

As part of harnessing the potential, energy and commitment of young people, VSO India is currently calling in applications for the International Citizen Services (ICS) National Volunteers who will be a part of a dynamic team of 20 Volunteers from UK and India participating in development engagement in rural India.

For more information, click here

Apply here